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Everything posted by Zaz

  1. I hear 'voodoo economics' from Radiohead's Electioneering as 'brutal economics' =/
  2. Ringy, when I said T-Bag I clearly meant Haywire
  3. Zaz


    I did Back in Black on that song tapper site, and it was the first thing they suggested. Although, that's an easy one >_>
  4. Victoria Bitter Ad- probably only Australians and Pommies will find that funny though. Carlton Draught 'Big Ad' Hahn Premium Light Ad Cougar Bourbon Ad #1 Cougar Bourbon Ad #2 Cougar Bourbon Ad #3 If you can't be arsed to watch all those, just go for the last one.
  5. Zaz

    It's like Zan but with more arky.

  6. In the Similou's 'All this love', I heard "rainbow styling" as "rainbow salad". And from Cream's 'Tales of Brave Ulysses', I originally thought "Her name is Aphrodite and she rides a crimson shell," was "Her name is Aphrodite and she rides a pimpin shell,".
  7. Sean, I'll be your wingman anytime.

  8. Two songs: 1. X-Japan's "Art of Life". It's like 28 minutes long but is quite good if you don't count the boring bits >_> 2. This song.
  9. That's months old, old man! Get with the times! But yes, it does looks awesome. Coming out April I believe? My friend said March, but IMDb says April 13.
  10. 'Don't Dream It's Over' was performed at our graduation, so I'll probably always have a soft spot for them, even if they do come from across the Tasman.
  11. Erm, didn't they blow Sucre's plane up?
  12. Ah, yeah, Sho is one of the most awesome characters in the book, and his death is awesome. Would have been great to see it in the film.
  13. The evil guys are turning good, which is completely awesome, and is great writing. Kellerman and Mahone fucking shit up is a joy to watch.
  14. I went for Hiroki. Shinji and Shogo (I find him cooler in the movie, though) are both awesome, but the whole trekking across the island trying to find the girls he loves whilst kicking ass with a stick just reeks of coolness.
  15. Prison Break returns tonight! Woo! Kellerman is the best character ever, woo!
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