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Everything posted by Zaz

  1. I actually quite liked the island part of the show. The little girl wanting to know how Ana Lucia is, I found quite hilarious. And whoever comes up with all of Sawyer's nicknames is a genius.
  2. Zaz


    When was the last time England won the World Cup? Or New Zealand for that matter?
  3. It goes without saying that the EPL is leagues ahead of the A-League, it's a crazy comparison but people keep making it. It's like comparing the NRL to the French national league, really. But compared to lost season, this year was a huge improvement, and I'd imagine that will only improve now that Perth and New Zealand have new owners.
  4. Zaz


    It's simply cause Hussey is a shit captain and the selectors are shit selectors. New Zealand have always been my second favourite team, but not anymore Krazy. I hope you (and England) don't make it past the group stages
  5. Wasn't so long ago that Brisbane beat Canterbury 38-12 in a grand final. Thrashings happen. And if your sports management class thought it was a shit match, I get the idea that maybe they didn't watch it. Because despite the scoreline, it had some very good passages of play and had a great feel about it.
  6. 6-0 in the grand final IS a bad thing. All the people in my sports management class were talking about it being a shit match. Doesn't do much for the sport if the grand final is so one-sided.
  7. Yeah, shows how great the A-League is >_>
  8. Zaz


    South Africa chased down over 400 against us last year to win. The losses are more due to the fact we are trying out players before the World Cup. And Clarke and Johnson.
  9. Zaz

    It is, isn't it?

  10. He's right, you know. Keep this up and you're going to be Hot Fuzz'd.
  11. Zaz


    My Australian squad: Gilchrist (who will miss first few weeks) Hayden Ponting Clarke Hodge Hussey Symonds Lee Bracken Johnson McGrath White can be 12th man and just come on to field For the other three I'd have Haddin, Tait and either Watson or Hogg.
  12. Zaz

    The Ashes

    You guys played well, but we got fucked by the rain. Our innings was reduced by 17 overs, yet only 60 runs were taken off the total! Someone explain that one to me. So from having to go at about four an over to win, it got pushed out to over six. We never stood a chance.
  13. Eva Longoria is very hot, but Teri Hatcher has this weird cross-eyed thing going which, apart from her general ugliness, is very off-putting.
  14. TEVOL, admit I have the best country ever.
  15. We watched two hours of it a day when we were on Schoolies. True story.
  16. Zaz

    My avatar is much, much better.

  17. Eh, Juliette's flashback didn't interest me much. The only thing about it that did interest me was that we're beginning to find out how they all started and what they're about. Her flashback just seemed too rushed. The island stuff was cool though.
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