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Everything posted by Zaz

  1. When you ripped off our 'Thank God You're Here', you could've at least called it something different
  2. hmm... how young are we talking here?

  3. I hear you like gay porn.

  4. Top 5 Try Assists 5 Johnathan Thurston 5 Matt Orford 5 Michael Monaghan 4 Greg Inglis 4 Michael Dobson
  5. O...K...

    Just when one says they'll take a leave of absence, it usually means they won't be here, which you still are. Do you honestly have nothing else to do with your life?

  6. Shouldn't you not be here?

  7. I dunno about you guys, but I found that episode hilarious. Also, seeing Shannon, Boone, Ethan, Arzt etc. was very awesome.
  8. I might be doing work experience with Cronulla Got a meeting with their Junior Development Officer on Friday.
  9. When teams remember that Michael Witt is shithouse in defence, you might start leaking a few points.
  10. I hope Ballin has an awesome game. He really should have debuted last year. In fact, I hope he plays so well, that he relegates Monaghan to the bench.
  11. Whenever the Dogs get beat, I just laugh at Luke Patten. Fuck, I hate that man :@
  12. Zaz

    I have a dilemma. I want to get rid of 'Zaz is a fag...' but I can't without getting rid of fetus knee :@

  13. Zaz

    So you visited Zan's, Sean's, Be's and my profile all in the same MINUTE :o

  14. Locke was on fire~ tonight. The interaction between him and Ben was awesome. Also, next week
  15. For a team who used to be renowned for their backs, Penrith's sure have been ordinary in the last couple of years.
  16. He's out experiencing the infamous Newcastle drug culture.
  17. SEA EAGLES NRL TEAM: Brett Stewart, Michael Robertson, Steve Bell, Jamie Lyon, Chris Hicks, Travis Burns, Matt Orford ©, Jason King, Michael Monaghan, Brent Kite, Anthony Watmough, Glenn Stewart, Luke Williamson Interchange: Clint Halden, Matt Ballin, George Rose, Mark Bryant, Glenn Hall (1 player to be omitted) Ballin has been named! Woo! Woo! Halden is just there to cover for Orford in case he drops out, most likely.
  18. Guess who's on top of the table, boys!
  19. AH, I'm already in a VRL league and we'd only have about 4 people willing to sign-up for it, unfortunately. Good thing Melbourne is devoid of all League coverage, so I could get back to Sydney and watch the replay today on Fox. Orford's a legend with Glen Stewart the next best on field. Also, we'd have to go close to the best hairdo's in the comp- King, Kite and Matai bald, Bell naturally balding, Williamson a mullet, and Glen Stewart and Hicks with full-blown beards. We are the sex
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