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Everything posted by Zaz

  1. I find it funny we're getting all the games live over here and you guys aren't >_>
  2. Those photo's were only uploaded onto the flickr page three days ago, and on that she claims she's Anastasia Koskova from Moscow (whatever that has to do with anything). No way is she 38 though.
  3. Hamilton made me go for McLaren this year after seeing him in Melbourne (I was a Schumacher/Ferrari man before that). Alonso's a daft cunt though.
  4. I think he's thinking of Goblet of Fire.
  5. The bitch is back!

  6. Since when is Jussi Jaaskelainen good enough to STOP 4 penalties out of 5? Complete and utter arse.
  7. I like to read, but I'm currently restricted to the same 4 or 5 authors. So yeah, sign me up, Scotty!
  8. In my most recent one, I had 4 kids and none of them ended up moving out by the time I died due to a heart attack at 67. They were 46, 45, 44, 42 with 3 of them getting married and having multiple kids. Is this typical of Malaysia? >_>
  9. OK, let's see. Called Aja Mihir and born in India. Ahaha, mother's job is domestic chores. This game is so realistic. And then I aged a year and my mother got a job =/ And she just 'developed' OCD >_> I'm 4 and my family are all going to die (father- hookworm, mother- OCD >_>, sister- tuberculosis, goiter, me- food poisoning). My sister died at age 9 This poor Indian boy wanted to go out with me but I was all 'No, you're too poor'. Then I met this other guy a couple of years later. His endurance was only 17 so I was unsure if he could properly satisfy a woman, but his health was 83 so there's a good chance he has no STD's. HE REJECTED ME :@ Then I met this other guy with 100 health, 81 appearance and 90 athletic ability. Talk about a dream boy! We got together, but we ended up breaking up after a while Finally got married at 27 after several year-long relationships. I moved out with the husband and we had a daughter call Kama A year later a boy called Dilip. And now another girl called Meena. Gees, I'm gonna go bankrupt soon. lol, my son's wife got caught in a fire >_> Both my husband and daughter died in same year Security forces arrested me (at 73 no less) for anti-government stuff. I didn't confess so they let me go I ended up dying at 91 (lasting 23 more years then that idiot husband of mine) which must be some sort of record for an Indian >_> At least i ended up really happy with a really high wisdom and conscience.
  10. Harry was probably my least favourite. Dunno why, maybe it's just cause I dislike Daniel Radcliffe >_> Everyone else was pretty cool though, Kreacher especially. I would've also put Snape up there if there had been some big climax with his character, where he kicks some ass and takes some names, but unfortunately it wasn't to be.
  11. Ok, maybe not running away, but there's a fair number of players in the modern game who back away from an attacker.
  12. Spoiler: Click here to view And what about Headwig? The owl had been in the entire series! It dies early on and Harry's like....Oh crap, my owl is dead, and nothing more was mentioned about it. This may insignificant, but I think not considering the fact that he cried like a pussy over the grave of a dead elf. Spoiler: Click here to viewlol, true. The beginning of every book Hedwig was mentioned as his link to the wizarding world and a great friend, then all it was was 'Hedwig - NO!'. It seemed as if Rowling just wanted Hedwig out of the way ASAP. I didn't mind Hedwig being killed off early on, just that it was almost ignored.
  13. Spoiler: Click here to viewAlso, it looked like Ron and Hermione watched a bit of Lost after they got married >_>
  14. Spoiler: Click here to view And what about Headwig? The owl had been in the entire series! It dies early on and Harry's like....Oh crap, my owl is dead, and nothing more was mentioned about it. This may insignificant, but I think not considering the fact that he cried like a pussy over the grave of a dead elf.
  15. Spoiler: Click here to view The epilogue there was just a huge wankfest for the fanboys and girls. 'Harry married Ginny! Ron married Hermione! WANK WANK WANK'. Couldn't she at least gone into a little more detail about the immediate aftermath rather than just the one throwaway line? I mean, the whole 7 books have been working to this point (of Harry vanquishing Voldemort) and she spends arse-all time saying what happened after. Also, Rowling. Short sentences create tension! This only happened like once, with 'THE MINISTRY HAS FALLEN. SCRIMGEOUR IS DEAD. THEY ARE COMING.' One of the best things I've ever read in a book, but then every other sentence has like 3 commas and a hyphen or two in it. Quite a few of the sentences were poorly structured and I seem to remember a couple of typo's, so maybe they rushed it to get it ready for the July release? That could also explain why there was nothing about the immediate aftermath. Also, she should learn how to write character's deaths and make it more epic (this goes for everything else too). Dobby's was okay, but everyone elses was just 'Oh, look, Lupin/Tonks/whoever is dead' and then a page or two later 'Harry's heart ached for Lupin/Tonks/whoever'. Again, short sentences. The same could be said for the Hermione/Ron kiss. It's been hyped up for ages and then it's just 'lol, they kissed. WANK WANK WANK'. She seemed satisfied with just name dropping old characters and tying up loose ends in a couple of lines. For fucks sake, Rowling, people have been waiting for the ending of the series for ages and you make it as anti-climatic as possible. Overall, yeah, it was pretty good, but it could've been so much better.
  16. Fuck Everton, it's an official tournament, they can do whatever the hell they want to
  17. Who does Cahill need to shag to even start? Or was it Arnold's plan to keep him fresh for the finals and just put him in late for the first three games?
  18. I hope he carks it. I'll pay good money to see Daniel Radcliffe die on the big screen
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