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Posts posted by Zaz

  1. and I'm glad Australians get another four years to realise that before the hype engine makes them care again.

    I don't care for the game of Union(and that goes for any level of the game, including internationals and even if we won the world cup I still wouldn't care) but I have to disagree with this. Super 14 is pretty big over here.

  2. Anyone else think that Sara is actually dead? They didn't show the face of the corpse at the morgue, and maybe Lincoln saw she'd been shot in the head or something and saw it best not to show any sort of relationship with her (cause he could then be treated as a suspect and the like).

  3. Each of Tottenham's strikers each had a 1-on-1 they should've scored so Jol really can't take the blame for that. We looked a bit disorganised in defence at some stages though, and Jenas can feel free to leave whenever he wants too.

    I'd love to see an Arsenal match where they all stay on their feet for the full 90 minutes as they can be very entertaining but it's shit seeing them take dives.

  4. Can't wait for Lyon to run them ragged and hopefully shut up some of these Parra fans. Honestly, they think he's worse than Hitler.

    Are you implying that you can't wait for it, because it will never happen? Lyon hasn't run anyone ragged this year. He's the most overrated player in the NRL right now.

  5. So, it all begins again in four days, apparently. I'm not look forward to it as much as I was just before Season 2 because this Sona (I think it was) thing sounds silly. Anyone else feel it should've just been two seasons of kick ass? The first season was awesome and the second started great but, IMO, it went downhill after Kellerman turned (which was my favourite moment in the entire series).

    At the moment, if I remember correctly, Michael's in the Sona prison (where Bellick might be), T-Bag is also in gaol, Lincoln is running after Sara and Sucre is trying to find his missus. Let's hope this season delivers.

    Also, please put all 'future spoilers' (ie. stuff that hasn't aired yet not from trailers) in spoiler tags, cause I don't wanna be reading that stuff.

  6. My latest one where I was fucked over was against Liverpool. I was up 1-0 after a 30 yarder from Huddlestone when they equalised thanks to Bale heading the ball straight to Crouch in the box who put it in. In the next minute some Robbie Keane magic got me level at 1-1 before about 10 minutes later they clear it, Robbo comes out to get it and then passes STRAIGHT TO GERRARD who shoots from some distance out to score. It wasn't even a long or difficult pass he had to make :@

  7. Finished 9th with Tottenham in my first season (had a shocker first half to the year due to no cohesiveness with the team as, adding on to the already new people, I bought all the people Tottenham got in real life for the 07/08 season (sans Kaboul)). Got into the EURO Vase and through that I qualified for the UEFA Cup in the 07/08 season. I sold Malbranque for 5m pounds and I tried to get Gordon to replace Robinson (as he was SHIT for me last year) but he went to Everton instead <_< So I ended up getting Dudek on a free as a back-up to Robinson and terminated Cerny's loan.

    I signed Martin Petrov for about 7.5m pounds and made Taarabt's loan permanent for 2.4m pounds. I also got Matty Ritchie from Portsmouth for 675k, Carlos Monti for 550k and Jonathan Franks for 1.3m to strengthen my Under 18's team.

    Bale and Petrov are gonna rip it up down the left-hand side for me this year.

    Edit: And just sold Chimbonda for 6m to Roma and got Anthony Vanden Borre as a replacement (for 4.9m).

  8. Mourinho:

    "I think I have a naive team," he said. "They are clean, we don't have divers, we don't have violent people, we don't have nasty tackles, we don't have people diving into the swimming pool. It is a pure team.

    "Overall, I think Mr Styles had a positive game. So many times you are unfortunate, especially in this stadium. It is a difficult game for the referee, not every player on the pitch is trying to help the referee.

    "If the referee sees a foul it is immediately a penalty. So when Malouda opens the legs to let the ball go to Didier Drogba and is kicked from behind, I think it is a penalty."

  9. Man, this is shit. Playing with Blackburn, I scored 19 goals in 7 pre-season friendlies (I played Villa (scored 3), PSV (3), Livorno (3), Ajax (1) so it's not like all my opposition was shit) . Now that the actual season has begun I haven't scored ONE in four matches. Shit shit shit.

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