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Posts posted by Zaz

  1. Has anybody ever got Rafael Van Der Vaart to actually play well?

    He was fucking awful when I bought him. £20m for three seasons of 6.6 average ratings, frequent injuries, 2 goals and about 8 assists in total. So I shipped him off to Espanyol for £12m in the end.

    Andres D'Alessandro however, now that's a different (and far, far cheaper) story.

  2. Why the hell do we always arse it up in cup games? Beating Sunderland comfortably at 1-0 (comfortably meaning we're dominating and they haven't looked like scoring) before they score off a corner with a minute to go and then win in extra time. Bloody annoying.

  3. Anyone else think one of the two that died was Claire, and possibly killed by Jack (accidentally, of course, or he made a wrong decision or something which led to her being killed)? I wouldn't think Claire would willingly part with Aaron, and Kate said 'I know why you don't want to see the baby, Jack. But until you do, until you want to, there's no me and you' meaning Jack may not want to see the baby because of what he did to Claire.

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