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Everything posted by Zaz

  1. Zaz


    True, but he really, really needs to stand up wherever it is we're touring next. His batting was abject at times during the ODI tri-series and Test series against India. Relieving him of the captaincy at least might allow him to focus on improving his batting form.
  2. Berbatov two in two minutes off Huddlestone free kicks
  3. Something about being the same character in almost every movie he's in kinda bugs me.
  4. Will Smith is awesome, and is one of a few actors I'll go watch a movie for just because he's in it (well, of course, the plot has to interest me slightly, but you get my point).
  5. Why the hell do we always arse it up in cup games? Beating Sunderland comfortably at 1-0 (comfortably meaning we're dominating and they haven't looked like scoring) before they score off a corner with a minute to go and then win in extra time. Bloody annoying.
  6. So I saw this Lost video game for the 360 at EB yesterday. Apparently it's set between season 2 and season 3. Anyone know if it's any good?
  7. Anyone else think one of the two that died was Claire, and possibly killed by Jack (accidentally, of course, or he made a wrong decision or something which led to her being killed)? I wouldn't think Claire would willingly part with Aaron, and Kate said 'I know why you don't want to see the baby, Jack. But until you do, until you want to, there's no me and you' meaning Jack may not want to see the baby because of what he did to Claire.
  8. Woohoo! Up the mighty Spurs!
  9. Robinson! Another great save!
  10. Dammit Woodgate, don't scare us like that. Get rid of the bear hugs!
  11. C'mon Spurs, just 15 minutes. It'd give me bragging rights over my brother (a filthy Chelsea fan) for like forever if you just hold on!
  12. Robinson made a good save And I hope to God I just didn't jinx him >_>
  13. I literally started beating my fists on the ground Great run, crappy finish.
  15. YES! Whoever takes this better not fucking miss.
  16. Drogba goes down easier than Slogger's mum.
  17. Jenas will equalise in the first fifteen minutes of the second half before Keane or Berbatov score the winner in the final ten. I can only hope
  18. Gees, I thought we'd scored in the first 30 seconds there. I was already celebrating >_>
  19. King! Robinson could well win or lose this game for us. Please don't fuck up
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