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Everything posted by Zaz

  1. Let's play now! I know at least Fizzy and LL are on the 360 in some way and Ruki said he'd be on soon. Plus I have nothing to do for a while >_>
  2. My brother woke me up with his shouts during penalties this morning. I heard one last 'NOOOO' and things getting whacked before falling back to sleep, so I presumed Man Utd had won >_>
  3. I think something gets lost in translation between Americans and Aussies, it's rather odd. Also, Kryptonite teleports everywhere, Jouzy, you should know this by now. And we were playing till like 5am, just jump on! Oh, and me and Ellis are the Tag Team racing champions, for we are able to complete a race in our original cars, unlike some It's unfair you get to win on alphabetical order when we tie
  4. Goof Troop was one of the best games ever on the SNES. Played through it the other month with my bro actually >_>
  5. They probably thought you would've teleported there like you usually do >_>
  6. That was pretty cool, but how about we don't play 'Let's all get into a vehicle and leave Zaz behind' next time, yeah?
  7. Either my mic is shit or you guys just can't understand Aussie speak >_>
  8. Anyone else tried playing with all the assists off? Or is there anyone who does that anyway? Been playing with no assists against my brother the last couple of days and although it's harder, especially passing and close range shooting, it's a lot funner and can lead to more awesome plays when everything clicks. Although, it does seem a lot easier to score long range goals now.
  9. Wireless headset question, it appears people can't actually hear me when I talk in game, but when I send voice messages it's fine. Games I've tried in are GTA IV and FIFA, which I don't think have buttons you have to push to talk. Any known problems with it?
  10. Well, better Man Utd than Chelsea IMO. Let's hope they get the double now so I have bragging rights over my brother with the Carling Cup >_>
  11. FULHAM! And fuck Liverpool, up 2-0 now
  12. Hoping for a Man Utd victory, mainly cos then I won't have to put up the Chelsea fanatic that is my brother for the next forever if Chelsea manage to win the league.
  13. That red card could bugger up Man City's chances of getting into the UEFA Cup through the fair play system.
  14. Anyone up for a game within the next two hours? Gamertag is ZazDownie if I haven't already added you (added a bunch just then).
  15. Seems to be a pretty mediocre manager. Good coach though.
  16. I won my first cup, yay! It took seven years, but that means it's even more rewarding. Won the UEFA Cup with Tottenham with a 2-1 victory over Fiorentina. Ended up third in the EPL after dominating until January where half my squad got wiped out with injury. Pretty much came down to me vs. Arsenal in the second last match to see who'll finish second and unfortunately they won Saivet still got third best EPL player and finished with the highest rating of 7.90 after only playing 21 matches or something before breaking his leg. Had a bit of financial trouble in the second part of the year (although, a lot of teams seem to be having financial difficulty now) so I might have to let some of the older players go (King, Diogo are off). And Robbie Keane retired after being let go and is now a chairman. I'm just waiting for a consortium led by Keane to buy us out now >_>
  17. Hostile Negotiation spoilers: Spoiler: Click here to viewSo I'd rescued Roman and all and we were driving out of the warehouse yard back to the safehouse. But then I must've run over a gas cylinder or something cause we just blew up :@ So I have to do that one all again now.
  18. Go through in a cop car and you don't have to pay squat.
  19. I had one similar one, where he did the floating thing until he could float no more and just fell >_>
  20. He's also not very good at confronting people. Every time he has a 'message' to deliver to someone, he announces it to them and gives them enough time to run away and go on a stupid cross-city chase
  21. haha, I was gonna come in here to post that. A bit annoying at first but you get used to it. Also, I find most of the radio stations pretty rubbish. I miss RadioX and WCTR
  22. 'Shadow' mission spoilers Spoiler: Click here to viewSo I'm following the drug dealer all quiet like when my phone rings. It's Roman, wanting to play pool, and the dude hears the phone ringing and scampers off. Not sure if that actually happens anyway, but it was still kinda cool.
  23. I stole a car, and the bloke there didn't like it, so he grabbed onto the back door handle as I took off, and managed to hang on for about a hundred metres as I dragged him along. Also, the physics of it when you get hit by a car is pretty damn cool.
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