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Posts posted by Zaz

  1. Playing in the A-League is a bit of a challenge, especially when you're not of the top 2 teams as for the most part the players have really crappy stats (especially if they're actually Australian. I know the A-League isn't exactly a quality competition, but deadset, you'd think some of these players were playing for Dag and Red reserves or something. Also, I'm not sure why some of the mental and physical stats should differ so much from say, the EPL. I'd daresay A-League players would be equal or better in such stats as determination, bravery, aggression, influence, quite a few of the physical stats etc.. Oh well).

    Anyway, in the top 4 after about 8 games with Queensland Roar, with 2 wins, 5 draws and a loss. Playing a 5-1-2-1-1 (if that makes sense >_>, basically a 5-4-1 but with a DM (who pushes forward) and an AMC) as my keepers are really shite and I have a few decent central defenders, most notably Craig Moore. And because I turned off transfer budgets for the first window and couldn't get a better one on loan, I have to wait until the next transfer window to try and buy a better one.

    Sounds spot on to me.

    He has fairly decent stats for the A-League in this, probably just cos he's got heaps of caps :P

  2. Playing in the A-League is a bit of a challenge, especially when you're not of the top 2 teams as for the most part the players have really crappy stats (especially if they're actually Australian. I know the A-League isn't exactly a quality competition, but deadset, you'd think some of these players were playing for Dag and Red reserves or something. Also, I'm not sure why some of the mental and physical stats should differ so much from say, the EPL. I'd daresay A-League players would be equal or better in such stats as determination, bravery, aggression, influence, quite a few of the physical stats etc.. Oh well).

    Anyway, in the top 4 after about 8 games with Queensland Roar, with 2 wins, 5 draws and a loss. Playing a 5-1-2-1-1 (if that makes sense >_>, basically a 5-4-1 but with a DM (who pushes forward) and an AMC) as my keepers are really shite and I have a few decent central defenders, most notably Craig Moore. And because I turned off transfer budgets for the first window and couldn't get a better one on loan, I have to wait until the next transfer window to try and buy a better one.

  3. Yeah, VDV was always crappy at AMC for me, mainly because he just loved to shoot from long distances even though I had long shots at rare and tried to limit his creative freedom. Dumped him and brought in Anderson from Man Utd who was awesome, played just the role I wanted him to.

  4. With teammates disliking each other, most the time for me it's a youth and a senior player who didn't get on due to their tutoring not going too well, so mostly I just let the youth player go if he was no good or loaned him out. On one occasion I sold the senior player (Sergio Mota), but that's because he was always bitching about something anyway.

    Twice John Fleck has gone on to dislike Huntelaar, the first time they resolved it after Fleck set up a goal for Huntelaar (don't know if the two were related but they stopped hating after that match >_>) and the second time they just eventually patched things up, I think.

  5. Is it just me or are Man Utd weighted to perform really shoddily? I mean I could understand that they would be making less and less money with the huge debts but by 2012 they spent until January in the relegation zone before scraping 16th place. Everyone good had either Retired or left and it was no surprise in the transfer market right afterwards Cristiano Ronaldo left Man Utd for Barcelona (OMFG SWERVE!!~!!)

    Really? Man Utd have been going great in my game, and I'm in about 2015. Consistently been in the top 4/5, and have won it the last two years.

  6. Five strikers of that quality is MORE than enough. I got through last year with a rotation of Saivet, Huntelaar and James Vaughan, with a past-his-peak Berbatov, Terry Dixon and a 3-4 star regen filling in if someone got injured. And I ended up averaging more than two goals a match (for some reason Terry Dixon, 3 stars, was sex whenever he filled in, averaging a goal a match, most of them off the bench. Probably gonna sell him after next year though, just so he can get some consistent first team football in).

    And stoker, in eight years, got into the Champions League twice, quarters one year and first knock out round the other, every other time it's been about quarters/semis in the UEFA Cup. I'll post back here the exact results when I load up FM later.

    Edit: haha, every year EXCEPT the year I won the UEFA Cup I got knocked out in the quarters (so five times). Twice in the Champions League, first time knocked out in the First Knockout Round, second time in the Quarter Final.

  7. These European club rankings HAVE to be bent heavily in favour of your team. After eight years of Tottenham, although I've done well, all I've won is the UEFA Cup once, the Super Cup once, got to two FA Cup Final's and my highest position in the EPL has been third, yet somehow I'm the second best team in Europe =/

  8. Ugh, fuck this shit. In the quarters of the League Cup versus Villa, doing it easy at 2-0 with 10 to go so I decide to put everyone on defensive with high time-wasting and then they score two goals in two minutes, before winning the bloody thing on penalties. Ugh, if I'd stayed on my default tactics the scoreline probably wouldn't have changed, but because I put it on defensive for three minutes they score two goals in that time. Yeah, whatever.

  9. Man, in the last three years of the third round of the FA Cup, I've drawn Chelsea twice and just got Man Utd. And I've also drawn Man Utd twice and Chelsea once in the third round of the League Cup in the past seven years. Getting a bit annoying <_<

  10. I see that a few people are online, how do I join in?

    Give us your gamertag and we'll invite you.

    Or just message one of us.

    I just want to add how much I enjoy when AwesomeBot drives the cop car.

    haha, that was epic.

    Ruki and I made the best team though. How awesome was it when we took off in the helicopter and the RPG went right below us?

  11. Either my mic is shit or you guys just can't understand Aussie speak >_>

    I think something gets lost in translation between Americans and Aussies, it's rather odd.

    Also, Kryptonite teleports everywhere, Jouzy, you should know this by now. And we were playing till like 5am, just jump on!

    Oh, and me and Ellis are the Tag Team racing champions, for we are able to complete a race in our original cars, unlike some :angry:

    It's unfair you get to win on alphabetical order when we tie :angry:

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