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Posts posted by Zaz

  1. Nice to see China cheated but still came 3rd to Nastian Liukin and Shawn Johnson, two Americans - China's biggest rivals.

    Maybe the Chinese are young, and maybe the judging is slightly biased - and I hope it is in our favour come 2012 <_< - but maybe, just maybe, its not as bad as you all want to try and make out?

    With that said; GO CHINA.

    If only for the fact that there's events they have barely ever won a medal at, and 7 years ago when they got the Olympics they decided to change it, and here they are winning for fun. And all this bullshit about them being pushed so hard and horribly, they seem to be enjoying it and making sure they win for China. Which is the Eastern mentality, win for the team - as opposed to the selfish Western mentality of doing it for yourself.


    There was just a clip on the news of a gymnastics academy where they take kids from ages of about 4 and just train them for years, and they're only able to see their parents a few times a year. They're not as naturally talented as other countries (in most cases), they just vigorously train them. Imagine if Great Britain or Australia decided to do something like that, there'd be a huge public outrage and the idea would be shut down as soon as it's mentioned. And of course they'd be happy, but I haven't seen any difference from Chinese celebrations to any other country's. Why is it Libby Trickett had tears of joy after winning silver? If she was doing it for herself she'd be disappointed she didn't win gold.

    And the Eastern mentality is win or you'll be taken out back and shot :shifty:

    Also, the 'kid from every minority' thing in the Opening Ceremony was also faked-

    "Organizers of the Games acknowledged on Friday that children dressed in ethnic costumes from around China who carried the Chinese flag at the ceremony were not actually from those ethnic groups, some of whom have tense relations with the government."

  2. Nice to see China cheated but still came 3rd to Nastian Liukin and Shawn Johnson, two Americans - China's biggest rivals.

    Maybe the Chinese are young, and maybe the judging is slightly biased - and I hope it is in our favour come 2012 <_< - but maybe, just maybe, its not as bad as you all want to try and make out?

    With that said; GO CHINA.

    If only for the fact that there's events they have barely ever won a medal at, and 7 years ago when they got the Olympics they decided to change it, and here they are winning for fun. And all this bullshit about them being pushed so hard and horribly, they seem to be enjoying it and making sure they win for China. Which is the Eastern mentality, win for the team - as opposed to the selfish Western mentality of doing it for yourself.


    There was just a clip on the news of a gymnastics academy where they take kids from ages of about 4 and just train them for years, and they're only able to see their parents a few times a year. They're not as naturally talented as other countries (in most cases), they just vigorously train them. Imagine if Great Britain or Australia decided to do something like that, there'd be a huge public outrage and the idea would be shut down as soon as it's mentioned. And of course they'd be happy, but I haven't seen any difference from Chinese celebrations to any other country's. Why is it Libby Trickett cried during the national anthem after winning silver? If she was doing it for herself she'd be disappointed she didn't win gold.

    And the Eastern mentality is win or you'll be taken out back and shot :shifty:

    Also, the 'kid from every minority' thing in the Opening Ceremony was also faked-

    "Organizers of the Games acknowledged on Friday that children dressed in ethnic costumes from around China who carried the Chinese flag at the ceremony were not actually from those ethnic groups, some of whom have tense relations with the government."

  3. We have the gymnastics on now, and her first two scores seem ok. The beam (I think, the first one anyway) a bit low maybe, but apparently she had a lower degree of difficulty for it anyway.

    Edit: Only had it on in the background, but Liukin's scores seemed justified throughout. Didn't see any of the Chinese girls routines (except the floor which she got a 15.000 for, which again was what she deserved). Anyway, all's well, America won -_-

  4. Thought you were saying if she'd lost it to Johnson there would've been a 'huge conspiracy' and from what I'd read Johnson had been going good as well, my bad. But crap like that has been going on in diving and gymnastics for ages and always will be as long as there are judges involved. And IMO, it wouldn't have eclipsed the controversy of the age of the Chinese gymnasts. That story would be pretty huge (if they are proven to be underage), mainly because China's the host and it'd lead to people wondering what else they could be cheating in.

    "According to a list of competitors in a 2007 provincial competition, Yan Yilin (August 1993), He Kexin (January 1994), and Jiang Yuyuan (October 1993) are all more than a year under the age limit. Yan is 14 years old! Their passports, however, issued recently by the Chinese government, say they all barely make the age requirement so no action will be taken."

    It'd also be interesting to see the test results 8 years from now when they can test for things they can't test for now (not for the gymnasts obviously, but all events).

  5. I'll take a Miyamoto current-obsession video game over pretty much anything these days. People can call his stuff gimmicky, but at least it's original and fun. Originality seems to have been lost in recent years during pitch meetings that I think go like this:

    "I got a great idea for a game. It's a post-apocalyptic world full of concrete and metal, and the world has been overrun by aliens/robots/robotic aliens, and the only person who can stop it are these motherfuckin' badass space marines!"

    "Let's make it a trilogy!"

    I was going to submit that idea to THQ :(

  6. Womens 200m breaststroke spoilers

    :o Liesel Jones didn't win. Quick, drug test that American woman >_>

    Womens 100m freestyle spoilers

    And Trickett led the entire race but just got beaten on the touch at the wall :( Man, we've just been beaten in so many races so far and we've had quite a few 4ths and 5ths so far. Oh well, people could always end up getting disqualified in 8 years time with the frozen urine tests >_> (unless they're Chinese :ph34r: ). Great efforts from all the swimmers so far! We've had someone thereabouts in the finals of the majority of races so far, which is great to see.
  7. Medal tables in the UK are always counted as number of golds as the most important. If that's a draw then it goes to number of silvers. If that's a draw, number of bronzes.

    If you have two golds it's far better than winning three bronzes.

    What about if one country wins just the one gold and another wins no gold but 30 silvers? >_>

    But yeah, I think that's how they're actually counted.

  8. Womens 4x100m and Mens Tennis Doubles spoilers

    You fuckin' ripper, great swim by the Aussie girls to win the 4x100m. Brings our total medal haul to 16 (3rd highest so far) and 5th in the tally. Also, Hewitt and Guccione managed to beat Nadal and Robredo, which is a great result considering Nadal beat Hewitt earlier in the singles.
  9. You'd surely need another striker apart from Arshavin if Berbatov goes? From what I've seen Arshavin isn't an out-and-out striker, he's a playmaker who will chip in with important goals. Having Bent as the only genuine striker wouldn't be likely, would it?


    IN: Bentley, Modric, Gomes, dos Santos, Bostock (£44m)

    OUT: Malbranque, Keane, Tainio, Chimbonda, Robinson (£33m)

    TOTAL: £11m

    I think this one's more accurate for Spurs:


    Heurelho Gomes - 7m

    (Cesar Sanchez - 200k - TBC)

    John Bostock - 1.3m

    Luka Modric - 16.5m

    David Bentley - 17m

    Giovani dos Santos - 8.6m

    TOTAL - £50.6m


    Radek Cerny - contract expired

    Paul Robinson - 3.5m

    Anthony Gardner - loan

    Younes Kaboul - 6m

    [Pascal Chimbonda |

    Teemu Tainio |

    Steed Malbranque] - 17m

    Robbie Keane - 20.3m

    TOTAL - £46.8m

    NET SPEND - £3.8m

    Also, I wouldn't mind Bent playing the lone striker role this year.

    A formation of:


    Dos Santos - Modric - Bentley

    Jenas/Huddlestone - Zokora

    Bale - King - Woodgate - Hutton


    Would be pretty awesome IMO. If we sign Arshavin he can just go into the attacking mid line with either Modric dropping back to Jenas' position or Dos Santos back to the bench. All we need is a good, young striker who can come off the bench and fill in when need be, I reckon. And Corluka >_>

  10. Some of the judging in the diving was laughable. Sometimes there were scores ranging from 4.5 to 9 for the one dive. Big differences like that would have to be looked at. They probably deserved to win the gymnastics (though, depends how old they actually are), but I preferred the US to be honest. One girl did fall over twice, but I think a Chinese girl fell as well. First time the Chinese have won the team comp (they've won both).

    I think you're missing the fact that there are two sets of scores in synchronized diving being shown on the same screen. The first set (I think it was the first 4 scores) is for the execution of the dive, and the second set (the rest) is for synchronization. It's possible to get a 4 or 5 in executing a dive, but also picking up a 9 in synchro if both people miss the dive in the same way. Or you can end up getting a 9 in execution and a 4 in synchro if people hit the dive properly but land at different times. I don't remember which country it was that over-rotated a dive in the same fashion and made a huge splash, which prompted the announcer here (Cynthia Potter) to say they would get an unusual score because the dive was muffed, but they both missed it in the same exact way and they ended up getting a score that had 4's and 8's IIRC.

    And the Chinese girls won the gymnastics because they did more difficult routines. It was mentioned before the competition began that their starting difficulty was 2.1 points better than ours. Sacramone's extra fall cost us another .8 and that was roughly the margin between gold and silver. Again, there hasn't been anything shady if you're paying attention to the commentary and understand how the scoring works.

    I know that, I was talking about variances in execution scores and synchronisation scores. For example, there was one (Russia, maybe? I forget) that had some execution scores of 4.5, 5, 8, 9.5, or something ridiculous like that. There were a couple of others too, towards the end mainly, which had huge differences.

    And I had no qualms with the results of the gymnastics, but I probably preferred the US, mainly because I can't get behind a team who look like they've done nothing but gymnastics their entire life <_<

  11. Gymnastics, diving spoilers

    Shock, horror, China is winning all the judging-based competitions (diving, gymnastics).

    They're winning all of those because they're doing the hardest routines and not screwing up nearly as much as their opponents are, if at all. There hasn't been any shady judging that I've seen.

    Some of the judging in the diving was laughable. Sometimes there were scores ranging from 4.5 to 9 for the one dive. Big differences like that would have to be looked at. They probably deserved to win the gymnastics (though, depends how old they actually are), but I preferred the US to be honest. One girl did fall over twice, but I think a Chinese girl fell as well. First time the Chinese have won the team comp (they've won both).
  12. Mens' 4x200 freestyle relay

    Now that was a good race. Phelps put on a ridiculous performance, and there was a legitimate 5-way fight for the other two medals, including Hayden's leg that got Canada right back into the thick of things.

    Fixed <_<

    Womens 400m? Individual Medley spoilers

    Rice wins her second gold with a great freestyle 100m. She was a bit behind the Zimbabwean Coventry after the first three but she stormed back to win it by the smallest of margins.

    And SKA, Nikki Webster is hoooot now:


    And agree with punky, I know they generally look younger but they definitely only look about 12.

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