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Posts posted by Zaz

  1. I've only been closing following the Premier League for a few years now, but I'm gonna guess one of the reasons why Man Utd was so popular during the 90's was the core group of talent in Beckham, Giggs, Scholes, the Nevilles etc. that they brought through the youth system and went onto become club legends? Nowadays, you bring in an established player or a recognised future superstar for tens of millions, play them for a couple of years until someone better comes along and then ship them out again. You may bring in more casual fans but surely it'd probably be harder to maintain the diehard supporters, the ones who buy season tickets and attend all the games.

    Someone on the Football365 forum said that there was more enjoyment watching Man City during their lower league times as there was a real club feeling and you could really get behind them. Now you're trying to support basically a new team each year. Look at Tottenham, for example. Bale, King, Zokora, O'Hara, Bent and Jenas are basically the only ones who were here at the start of last year. And the year before that there was no Bale or Bent, and the year before that no Zokora or Jenas.

  2. IMO, Season One was the best. They had a clear plan and seemed to stick with it, and it was one of the most entertaining shows on TV. Then for Season 2 they appeared to go 'Oh look guys, people really like this show. Let's try really hard to make it even more awesome!' and they did go a bit over-the-top with some things, especially towards the end of the season (the saving grace from this season was Kellerman, who was awesome). When Season 3 started they seemed to realise they had messed it up with Season 2 and tried to go back to what made it work in the first place, and steadily got the show back on track in terms of quality.

    Still not up to Season One IMO, and I don't think it ever will be, but it did improve. It'll be interesting to see where they go with Season 4.

  3. Is it me or is it damn near impossible to keep a clean sheet on 8.0.2?

    Who are you playing as?

    Yeah, it is, it doesn't really matter who you play as. Original patch, no one closed down so it was goals galore, then on 8.0.1 you couldn't score for love nor money and 8.0.2 its swung the other way again, especially with long shots.

    Hmmm, I had no problems keeping 3 clean sheets in a row the other day as Pompey, with one of those being a 0-0 draw at Anfield.

    Just saying. :shifty:

    Yeah, I only conceded 3 goals in 7 games with Australia in the Asian World cup qualifiers (with 2 of those in the one game), so I've really had no problem. And this is with a very old Schwarzer and then Federici in goal >_>

  4. Too lazy to see if it's been linked in pages 17 or 18 but apparently Hull have laid down a seven million pound bid for Fraizer Campbell.

    Hopefully that's enough to lure him back to the club he belongs at.*

    *Because honestly subbing on Dean Windass isn't boding well for our future.

    Rumour that Campbell could be used as part of the deal to get Berbatov to Man Utd (so something like 20m and Campbell, I'm presuming). Wouldn't mind Campbell at Tottenham, could be a good back up off the bench.

  5. Finally saw the entirety of Click tonight, had only ever seen the second half before. I found it to be a pretty damn good film, funny for the first three quarters and then a dramatic, emotional ending. Good flick.

  6. I thought you could have 3 players over the age of 23 in your Under 23 squad, and when I've put in 3 it won't allow me to put any more, but then it says the three I put in are too old when I go to confirm the squad =/

    Or is it only for the actual Olympics that you can do this (this is only for an Olympic qualifier match)?

  7. Hoorah, my ticket for the Spurs vs. Wigan match arrived today! But for anyone who's bought tickets for a Tottenham home game before (I'd thought I'd ask here first cos the club will probably just send me a stock standard reply anyway), on the bottom of the ticket is says 'Membership card required', even though:

    1. As far as I can tell, all seats are general admission, they just have varying prices

    2. I only bought the ticket after they went on general sale

    Is this just some standard thing on the bottom of the ticket or would I now need to buy a membership for whatever reason? Or does it mean the second ticket that came attached to the first one with my details on it?

  8. I hope Rudd decides to put a lot of money into funding Olympic sports just so we can try and beat you on your home soil >_>

    Anyway, great Olympics from Australia's point of view as well. We might not have beaten the Brits, but they've been pumping money in to build up for when they host it in 2012 (as we did for Sydney in 2000). My favourite moments probably had to be the German weightlifter, Jamaica in the sprinting, Steve Hooker winning the pole vault, Australia's performances in the team events, Sally McLellan getting silver in the hurdles and, in general, just watching the Aussies compete.

    Bring on the Commonwealth games :pervert:

  9. I could see it happening, i'd say the Americans are better players, but doesn't always mean they'll win. I can imagine alot of them are prima donnas, and that the Spain would probably be more cohesive.


    Im sorry but I had to argue that point

    I'm capped atm so the page won't load, but as one of our commentators was saying (Andrew Gaze, I think), they have done a lot off the court to 'redeem' their image (such as attending all the womens matches, having signing sessions with fans etc.), but on the court they were the same old, eg. a US player barges over an Aussie, gives away a foul and doesn't even bother helping the bloke up (even when they were 30 up), just put his hands on his hips and looked away. They still let themselves down on the court quite a bit, I think all the redeeming stuff was organised by the officials if anything (if you could post the article here that'd be great).


    Aussie Matthew Mitcham breaks the Chinese dominance by winning gold with a final dive scoring 112 (the max. mark for the dive is 114), meaning the Chinese only got to win 7 of the 8 diving medals on offer :shifty:
  10. Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion.

    I played a bit of this today to see if it was worth it. Ended up trying to beat the king/emperor to death in the first minute before having his guards go to town on me. Then decided this was the worst game ever and I'd avoid it like the plague (in the face customisation, the beard looks nothing like a beard! It looks like he's just bruised around the mouth)

  11. King Ellis' Top 10

    10. Barbie's Horse Adventure

    9. Mary Kate and Ashley Olson go Dildo shopping

    8. Ms. Donkey Kong

    7. Bra Shopping with Margaret Thatcher

    6. Bra Shopping with Margaret Thatcher II: Double Clasp Edition

    5. Britney Spears or Used Mop?

    4. One Night in Angela Lansbury the Game

    3. Golden Girls III: Mammogram Mamas

    2. Cooking Mama

    1. The Gayest Thing since Gay came to Gaytown.

    I've got that, probably only makes my Top 20 though.

  12. Mens pole vault

    Holy crap :o

    We win our first field medal in 40 years with Steve Hooker beating out this Russian bloke with a vault of 5.90m. I think I let out my biggest cheer this entire Olympics when he cleared it (it was his third and final attempt, and the Russian had 3 as well, meaning if he missed it would be a jump-off). Woo!

    And then he goes on to take the Olympic record as well with a vault of 5.96m.

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