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Posts posted by Zaz

  1. The Stand is great for the first 98% of the book. But then the Stephen King Syndrome hits and the ending is :bang:

    So I've almost finished the first book of the Wheel of Time, and I'm a tad divided in my opinion at the moment.

    On the one hand, the story is great, and the characters are mostly extremely well described and developed (even though my favourite has already been killed off, or so it seems...). One or two are standing on the thin line between Annoying Heel and X-Pac (I'm looking at YOU, Nynaeve!), but I haven't met a character that I actually groan a little when they appear yet (like in most other books. I'm looking at YOU, Lugo).

    On the other hand, the writing does get a bit tedious sometimes (if he uses the word 'placid' to describe Moiraine ONE MORE FUCKING TIME, I will... not do anything, since he's already dead. But still...), and some of the names are just terrible. Still, I'm loving it so far, over all.

    Yeah, agree about the writing. It's a bit... amateurish at times and left me going 'Huh?' at a couple of points. It also seems a bit too 'typical' fantasy, especially the first book (I've only read the first two so far, so I'm not sure where it goes after that).

  2. What is this game trying to do to me!?

    I (Preston!!!) absolutely dominated Arsenal for 90 odd minutes, we were deservedly 1-0 up for most of the game until Eduardo equalises due to some lax marking in the 86th, then in the 6th minute of stoppage time (only 4 were added on originally :|) Silva pops up to win it for the poxy Gunners. I wouldnt mind, but it isnt even the first time this season. >_<

    Yeah, I seemed to have quite a few late goals scored against me when I was Preston as well. Maybe they generally lack in concentration or something?

  3. Hamilton had nothing to do with Coulthard's accident, his rear suspension broke and made him lose control of the back end.

    The problem is Hamilton is still only 22 and I think his youth works against him and he can sometimes get overexcited and be reckless, mind you, early on in their careers, so were Schumacher, Senna, Prost, Mansell...

    Ah, my bad. I was only half paying attention and it looked as if he'd gotten tapped from behind. So instead it was just yet another problem for Red Bull <_<

  4. Agreed, the penalty against Bourdais was pretty ridiculous and was probably just so that Massa could get closer to Hamilton in the Championship. But really, Hamilton's driving at the first corner was extremely stupid and dangerous, he probably should have got a bigger penalty than just a drive through for that, as it buggered up the entire field and ended Coulthard's race immediately and I think, as a result, Glock's as well. I used to be a fan of Hamilton's from when he debuted at Australia last year, but my opinion has completely changed of him since, with the Webber incident at Monza being the straw that broke the camel's back. There's a chance he'll cause a really big accident one day with the way he's currently driving.

    Having said that, I'm not a Massa fan either so I really hope Kubica comes and snatches it from them both.

    But if we're talking about bias, the British commentators probably take the cake :P

  5. Was your brother the lead profile Zaz? In most EA Sports games you have to be the lead profile to unlock the achievement.

    Bah, that could've been it, though I swear we've unlocked achievements in the same game before.

    Some of them you can unlock without being the lead profile, it's a bit weird really. For example there's a co-op achievement of scoring from a cross that another human player supplies for you. Obviously you don't have to be the lead profile to get that one.

    Yeah, my brother got that one, even though we were playing against each other >_>

    So I think it's a bit screwed up :P

  6. Was your brother the lead profile Zaz? In most EA Sports games you have to be the lead profile to unlock the achievement.

    Bah, that could've been it, though I swear we've unlocked achievements in the same game before.

  7. Was trying to get the 'Giant Killer' achievement...beat Chelsea 3-0 with Shrewsbury and didnt get it. I checked the star ratings of both teams, and they fit the criteria for the achievement. What gives?

    Maybe sometimes it doesn't recognise the achievements. I saved a penalty in a game against my bro, no achievement. Ten minutes later in the same game my brother saves a penalty and he gets it :/

  8. Got the game just before I went to Europe and getting back into it now. I'm a Warrior born under the sign of the Knight or whatever, as I don't believe in all that magic crap. Though this did make it impossible killing this ghost in one of the earlier dungeons >_>

  9. Just went through the entire Chronicles of the Black Company by Glen Cook. The first three books were a fun read, but were nothing special. However, I think the series really shines when it comes to the books of the south, where Cook actually gets around to developing most of the characters, and he does a really good job of creating a sense of camaraderie amongst them. Recommended for anyone looking for a fantasy series that isn't another copy of LOTR.

    Would you recommend it to someone who isn't really into spells and sorcerers and magic shit but more into medieval-style fantasy (eg. A Song of Ice and Fire)? I've Wiki'd it and it mentions this kind of stuff (without wanting to spoil it for people), but is it overbearing in any way?

    Consider A Wheel of Time is borderline for me (mainly let down by poor writing than content :shifty:).

  10. So, Manager Mode with Tottenham, things start brilliantly with wins over Portsmouth (4-0), Hull (3-2) and Boro (2-1) before Bent, who was on fire with 5 goals in those 3, gets injured for 2-3 games and things go tits up. We lose 1-0 to the Arse, 3-1 to EXETER in the League Cup (B-ish side to be fair) and 2-1 to a 10-man West Ham (was leading 1-0 with ten to go as well) before a 0-0 draw with Everton. Spose it's better than Spurs in real life, but that Exeter performance was rubbish <_<

  11. Mark Wahlberg.

    My mates give me crap about my apparent 'man-love' for him. But dammit, he was awesome in The Departed!

    Will Smith. This guy can do it all.

    This. He made I Am Legend damn entertaining for the first hour and a half, only went downhill when the other characters were introduced. And movies like Independence Day, MIB, iRobot etc. are hella entertaining, mainly because of him.

    Also, Jason Statham is badass too.

  12. One scene that literally gives me goosebumps is the charge of the Rohirrim in The Return of the King (watchy

    ). The music really adds a lot to it and in the context of the trilogy it's a huge moment - it marks the culmination of both Eowyn's and Theoden's character arcs and you can basically sum up the movies' message in this one scene: even though all hope is lost, they decide fuck it, we're Middle Earth's only hope so we'll charge into battle anyway.

    I could watch that scene all day.

  13. Hoorah, my ticket for the Spurs vs. Wigan match arrived today! But for anyone who's bought tickets for a Tottenham home game before (I'd thought I'd ask here first cos the club will probably just send me a stock standard reply anyway), on the bottom of the ticket is says 'Membership card required', even though:

    1. As far as I can tell, all seats are general admission, they just have varying prices

    2. I only bought the ticket after they went on general sale

    Is this just some standard thing on the bottom of the ticket or would I now need to buy a membership for whatever reason? Or does it mean the second ticket that came attached to the first one with my details on it?

    Not really a good answer, but I'd go with contacting the club for details.

    Just got a reply then (they were obviously busy typing up Corluka's contract, even in the ticket office >_>), and the dude didn't really know why it would say that so I gotta go to the ticket office on the day and get it reprinted.

  14. I dunno, I'd think I'd rather support a team of local lads and club heroes who have a real sense of a team rather than a team who just buys every flavour of the month with each player there for the cash and nothing more, even if they aren't as successful. It's why I have a soft spot for quite a few mid range teams, such as Villa, Fulham (best central mid combo ever with Bullard and Murphy! :wub:) etc.

    Also, it'd have to affect the potential for future England players, who may not get a chance to prove themselves with all the big names in the club. Look at O'Hara, just before he debuted he was on loan at a League One side, but when he got his chance he took it with both hands and is now a permanent member of the team.

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