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Everything posted by Ace

  1. I watched Yogi 3D last night with the missus. Was a little plodding occasionally, but still a good family movie, and worth a few laughs.. Loved seeing Dan Cavannagh again. I'd say about 7/10
  2. Get your partner to drive you everywhere.
  3. :/ I can't even access the games now. I go to the Welcome Back screen, and it only lets me access PS+ Features.
  4. I'm fairly sure that if they took all the porn off the Internet, there'd only be 1 website left, and it would be called Bring Back The Porn.

    1. TEOL


      2006 called, they want their joke back.

    2. Ace


      Don't blame me, blame Ego. He's been posting Scrubs quotes on my profile.

    3. TEOL


      I didn't say 2006 necessarily called you.


    1. The Brian J

      The Brian J

      You can always tell when Jeph has been going through his archives for something....Raven and Pizza Girl return to the comic within a week of each other.

  6. http://e3.gamespot.com/video/6316267/ Catwoman will be playable in Arkham City. Multiplayer perhaps?
  7. Arkham Asylum is the one game, I've beaten through 4 times already, and still enjoy redoing it again. I still haven't finished all the Predator Challenges, and I haven't finished the game on hard either (I'm upto the fight with Joker). But Asylum was just an amazing game, and I honestly can't wait for City to come out just to see if they truly could follow up AA.
  8. OK, I now need new pants. Holtz is in LA Noire. Frick yeah.
  9. HIMYM was on a definite decline since Season 2, with the occasional awesome moment here and there (IE: Slapsgivng 2) BBT would still be awesome, but it became too centered around Sheldon. Season One was a shared effort between Penny/Leonard/Sheldon. Season 2 started to see Sheldon dominate the story lines, and Season 3 revolved around how Sheldon coped with Penny/Leonards relationship and Sheldon VS Wil Wheaton (Which was admittedly awesome). I've barely seen Season 4. Is it any better?
  10. The difference between the two, is whether you have evidence to prove their lying, or whether your calling them a liar based on their reaction/gut feeling. Admittedly, I fuck that up a lot too, by either selecting the wrong clue, or not realising I have the evidence to prove their lying.
  11. Black Dahlia spoilers...
  12. Golden Butterfly Spoilers
  13. I love the newspaper side story. Also... I freaking love this game. It not only embraces how corrupt the LAPD used to be, it shows you good damn reasons for being just as corrupt
  14. My one grievance would be the driving so far. I seem to have people stopping dead set in the middle of an intersection, just as I reach it, and then I get in trouble for slamming into them. Something tells me I'm suppose to drive like a good lil boy, but thats no fun
  15. I fucked up with the Fallen Idol case as well. I think because its the first time you really have to try and guage their facial expressions, rather then just going with your instincts. Half way through it now though.
  16. Being a Gamer and an Arachnophobic, any time I see Spiders in games, I jump. I then start spinnign around with my sword/gun/boot to kill the motherfuckers. Dragon Age II got me, Doom got me, even Oblivion got me. Basically any game where a Spider tries to attack, will force me to jump.
  17. I've just restarted through Saints Row 2 on my PS3. Spent the majority of my time raiding the streets, and putting as many good cars in my garage as I can. Also, Insurance Fraud be awesome
  18. Cuddy won't be back for the 8th Season of House. She's refused a pay cut, and has decided to walk away instead. Foreman and Wilson both agreed to take Pay Cuts, so they'll be back.
  19. I have to keep reminding myself not to click the spoiler boxes. Two More Days dammit
  20. The more I read reviews and posts on other sites, the more I'm glad of EWB. Also, thats a great move by Sony. They needed to do something big to get their fans back, and this could be it.
  21. Ace

    Mortal Kombat

    I hate you both right now.
  22. Lie To Me was cancelled? God dammit Stupid freaking American Networks
  23. Ace

    Happy 7th Birthday naiwf :)

  24. I'd go with Bioshock. I haven't played PoP, or Ghostbusters, but Prototype is very hit/miss and nigh on impossible to get to the ending of. I was about half-way through, when I just ended up giving up myself. Bioshock on the other hand has a bad-ass story to it, which needs to be finished This week (roughly anyway) I beat Portal 2, Won the NAB Cup on AFL Live, and am playing through SAW now. And add me to those who are getting LA Noire the day it comes out. That game just seems so awesome
  25. Yeah, I read another article which said free month of PS+. Considering I'm getting Portal 2 free for my PC (the video store left the coupon in the case on the shelf), and I also won AFL Live, that makes this past 3 weeks a very good set of a whole lot of free stuff
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