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Everything posted by Ace

  1. I think I stealthed like two missions, the first Shanghai one, and the one in Singapore. The rest I just walked through and mowed down anything that moved Also, fuck Bots. Bastards take AGES to kill, unless you have an EMP.
  2. You can fight like a Krogan, Run like a Leopard, but you'll never be better then Commander Sheperd!

  3. OK, got this out as a rental yesterday. Thoroughly enjoying it so far. Surprised more of EWB isn't raving over this, TBH :/
  4. I'm coming to Perth for a visit soon, we'll play then. Hell, give me a date and I'll come down for a (board) gaming day with Lukie too
  5. Demon Lord of Karandia - David Eddings
  6. RIP Amy Winehouse

  7. Cross - 1/10 Seriously, someone give me that 2 hours of my life back. I have no idea what they were going for, but the directing just came off so amateurish, and the entire film was so horrible. The plot was slightly interesting, but the foreshadowed so much that it became predictable at the end. Hell, I didn't even realise there was 2 blondes on the good guys side until the very end. The one upside was Jake Busey, who was a welcome comedic break. Absolutely horrible.
  8. OK, now I need EWB's help. Years ago, I remember reading a walkthrough of a game, for what I'm 90% certain was exclusive to the N64. In the game, You are a young woman, who returns home to her Grandfathers Mansion, after he dies. The game goes all around the world, from Rome to the deserts of South Africa, and essnetially is told through many peoples POVs. You choose one monster, and the evil also chooses a monster, and they go through the world killing almost every one of the people you're seeing things through. It eventually comes back to the mansion, where your Grandfather hid something within the walls, and then you fight the monster one-on-one, and get help from all the people who've been killed by it. I know its vague, but its also bugging the hell out of me. I keep thinking Castlevania, but its not any Castlevania I know. Someone help me, please? And to keep things on track, I've been playing through ME2 again, still playing FallOut 3: GotY Edition, and have only beaten Anchorage and haven't touched any other Expansions, and I got Magic last night, which is a pretty fun game.
  9. I'm a Racist! the Hundred Meters, the Mile, the Marathon, I've run them all!

  10. Top Spin 4 - Managed to win my first Masters tournament, by going through Nadal in the Quarters, Djokovic in the Semis, and then Roddick in the final. There may have been fist pumping. Fallout 3: GOTY Edition - I got this, to play all the add ons I missed. I have instead spent the past week/2 weeks just going around and doing a whole bunch of side-missions. Also, Gauss Rifle > *
  11. Add me Baddar! I'm pretty much free whenever, so I'll be up for some Multiplayer Gaming. My PSN is AceV13
  12. So, I'm renting a game out for 3 nights today. Do I choose Duke Nukem Forever, or Infamous 2?
  13. I'm speechless. Whoops, misspelt dude. Yeah, that's the issue. This might make you more speechless... Ellis looks like Jericho. ....are you high, by any chance?
  14. So, Boondock Saints is going to get a sequel, but its going to be a TV Show on HBO/AMC. Anyone else excited for this, or just me? Also, watching Castle Season 2 now, and loving it. Next on my To Watch list is Leverage Seasons 2/3.
  15. Is EWB celebrating International Talk Like Randy Savage day tomorrow?

    1. Sousa


      Are the people who came up with International Talk Like Randy Savage Day celebrating it? Yeah, I think we are.

  16. ....are you shitting me? The guy gets suspended because they think he might have been bribed. Now, he resigns, so suddenly they drop their investigation into the bribes, and allow the prick to go into retirment with the money he was bribed with?? Seriously, fuck FIFA.
  17. Wait, people actually use the Report a Post feature? I'll be damned.



      I like to use it for idle conversation!

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