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Everything posted by Ace

  1. Oblivion pretty much is like that, until you reach the cities.
  2. I'd imagine (haven't joined either yet) that joining the Imperials will stop you from being able to join the Stormcloaks, and vice versa. Not sure about the other guilds though.
  3. They didn't really add much, but what they've added definitely makes it worthy of a play. From modifying almost everything, upgrades you can purchase, and, of course, being able to Strut right down a street in Stillwater, its all amazing Big Spoiler below though.
  4. I couldn't find the path either. I ended up just jumping up and walking along the mountain until I reached them.
  5. Yeah, TKz, each dragon seems weaker to different spells. My fire spells barely affected the last Dragon, but I froze him and his health went down real quick. And yes, the Spiders freaking suck. I won't be sleeping again tonight
  6. Have I mentioned I this game
  7. As an arachnophobic, this game has already caused me a change of pants. Well well worth it.
  8. I seriously went through and tried to make a Ric Flair guy. Had him slicked up in a business suit and all. Then went to Suits, saw Stagmata, and went 'Fuck it. I love that costume.'
  9. Restarted the game today, and realised the man in front of you in Line A, as you go to walk into Arkham City, is Deadshot. Its the little things like that, which keep me playing this again and again
  10. If you do the AR training, your first upgrade is a grapnel boost. So when your gliding around the city, instead of grappling something and stopping, you have the option of just propelling yourself higher into the air.
  11. Thats only the story. Still got all the Riddles, Side Missions, Catwoman Missions, and Predator Challenges to go through.
  12. OK so, finished the game. Spoilers ahoy.
  13. Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep :(

    1. Plubby


      No sleep! Giggy is in net as we speak!

  14. I hate you all, right now. How did you guys get it early? I thought it was being released on the 18th?
  15. Just thought I'd say, that may be the most awesome sig Ever.

  16. Boy Meets World Season 1 So, Jess tells me I might like this show. I doubt it, but Boob Power forces me to watch one episode with her. I proceed to fall in love. This show is simply amazing, from the dynamic within the Matthews Family, to the very slight early signs of a Cory/Tatoonga relationship. Gotta say though, Feeny and Morgan are probably my favourite parts of the show so far.
  17. Arkham City and Skyrim are Release-Day purchases. WWE 12 and AC: Revelations, I'll probably end up getting as well.
  18. 1. Shinji Mimura 2. Hiroki Sugimara 3. Mitsuko Souma 4. Shogo Kawada 5. Kazuo Kiriyama
  19. I upped my hacking too. right after I tried to go through TYM, and came to a level which had a patrolling robot AND a camera that continually spotted me. I figured it would be better to hack the damn things, rather then fight them more.
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