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Everything posted by Ace

  1. I've had it just a little over 48 hours now, and been enjoying every moment of it. I also just finally had my Champion VS Champion match, and am now the Middleweight Champion. I've got 100% camp loyalty, more cred then I can waste, and am now just wondering when/if the game is going to force me to retire again. Been a great run so far though
  2. I have a life thankyou very much. I'm a father, a student, a lover, and have a decent enough social life. Shame on you for leaping to a conclusion, when you had no information about it beforehand.
  3. I've won 2 Grand Prix's. 2 x and Current Welterweight Champion. 42 - 3 Record. HoF'r. 15 fight Winning Streak. And my favourite achievement is still subbing both GSP and Anderson Silva.
  4. I'm an MMA fighter aka I wanted to just be an allround guy. I'll be starting as a MW Striker next.
  5. Servers worked fine for me on PS3
  6. Alright, everyone wanting in on PS3 Camp add my GamerTag - AceV13. I'll start the camp tonight/tomorrow morning. And yes Benji, 3 > 1 in every way. Still will be familiar over time, but also a lot more unlockables, and I actually got an online fight earlier, which was awesome (I won as Lesnar via TKO over JDS).
  7. NORRO! Whats your GamerTag! We can be the 2 Man EWB PS3 Camp. It worked for Battle Royale II
  8. Dammit. 12 Win Streak. Pride Welterweight Grand Prix Champion. KO'd GSP and Shields. And I get caught G&Ping Thiago, and he armbars me. Dammit.
  9. I beat Shields in 3 rounds to win the Welterweight Title. We get fight of the night, Fight of the Year, and I got Fighter of the Year as well. That must have been a very good week
  10. Anyone else got this on PS3? And I got revenge against Hardy, then lost to Swick in the exact same way. Just how the frick are you suppose to get away from the ground position, while blocking the punches from the guy above you, without getting called for TKO?
  11. Bad cal ref Just lost my first UFC fight, because Hardy got a lucky shot in, put me down, and because I was blocking the rest of his shots, ref calls it for a TKO Just like the real UFC. Way too early for that call
  12. Also, in regards to the 'easy' Advanced difficulty, its because this year they have 5 ranks of difficulty, not 4. Beginner, Experienced, Advanced, Elite, Ultimate I'm not 100% that its called Elite, but thats the basics anyway.
  13. I just had my first fight in Exhibition. Kenny Florian VS Sean Sherk. KenFlo wins at 3:39 of Round 1 via Rear Naked Choke. Oh Undisputed 3. We're going to get along so well
  14. You all suck, and I hate you Mainly I hate my local Video store for their tease today. "Sure, we have UFC 3 in. Come get it in an hour." *walks in an hour later* "Sorry, we can't release it til tomorrow."
  15. I would pay to see this. Many many times over.
  16. I'll be on PS3, and will be the Middleweight getting his ass repeatedly handed to him by GSP. In 2010, I think I went something like 3 - 3 with GSP, and made him tap once, after elbowing the shit outta him from sidecontrol til he was woozy, then going for the sub and getting it. Really REALLY looking forward to this
  17. I'm realising that now. Also, the Rams are entirely too easy for me. I'm having more problems avoiding the suiciders and the Thugs.
  18. I've spent the better half of a week switching between Dead Island and International Cricket 2010. Got a 5-for with David Hussey in a Twenty20 match, which was my high point for Cricket. On Dead Island, I've only just found guns, and am really enjoying shooting Zombies in the freaking face. About Level 24, and I agree its getting very repetitive. Still should be fun though. And next week, my girl buys me UFC Undisputed 3 as a Valentines Day present. Because nothing says love, more then elbowing Anderson Silva's nose to the other side of his face.
  19. I've been a Daddy for a Year today!!! That was one fast year.

  20. Gervais' one funny moment was 'Have you watched The Tourist yet?' Other then that, I loved Rogen's first line, followed by Beckinsale being almost too embarrassed to actually speak. And Macy/Huffman singing was pretty good too.
  21. OK, is it just me, or is Castle made purely to showcase Nathan Fillion's awesomeness? I've acquired the first 3 seasons, and I'm upto episode 6 of Season 2. The entire 'Space Cowboy' bit followed by 'You haven't worn that costume in 5 years' was hilarious.
  22. Ace


    GO WARNER GO! Seriously, what the hell happened to India? I sem to remember England taking #1 Test Nation off them at the start of last year, now David Warner's treating their bowlers like its a Twenty20.
  23. Ace


    Pup would have got the 401 too, if he hadn't declared. Good move though, gives the bowlers 2 and a bit days to bowl them out.
  24. Ever wanted to kill Ace? Well you can do it if you sign up for SDM's NHL Mafia!

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