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Everything posted by Ace

  1. Well, there is the whole... thing. And Dean being pissed at Sam for doing exactly what they always promised they'd do was hilarious to me. Looking forward to seeing Castiel back this week too
  2. And I think you should all unbunch your panties, and get over it. Baddar allowed Kou to play before. Everyone was okay with that. Now Plubby is doing the same thing for MPH, and your all whining about it. No double standards. it doesn't matter who it is now, if the rules allowed Kou to play, then the example is set, and MPH can play as well. The only reason your all kicking up a stink is because its MPH and lol, MPH. Oh, and Lineker. This IS a Baddar-ran game. So if you have a problem with Baddar-ran games, you really shouldn't have signed up.
  3. We should set up an EWB PS3 Trophy League
  4. RIP Michael. One of my favourite actors, and it saddens me no end to see him die so damn young.
  5. Ace

    Gamescom 2012

    Anders touched me in my Happy Place
  6. Ace

    Gamescom 2012

    If you go in expecting no similarities between 1 & 2, you'll be fine. DA2 was a decent game, but whereas DA1 was open world and would let you do be who you wanted, and do what you wanted, DA2 you have to be human, and it forces you through the same story with very little creativity allowed. Also, Anders is a bitch. One wrong comment when your trying to be nice to him, and the next thing you know, your face-first in a pillow. I enjoy seeing Same-Sex options for romances. I don't like that in DA2 if you wanted Hetero Romance, you had to jump through a million hurdles.
  7. ACII pretty much fills you in. Has a fun little clip at the start purely for that purpose actually.
  8. Arkham Asylum is the one game I've finished at 100% more then once. About 5 - 6 times actually. Play it. Also, JC2 and MUA2. LA Noire is good, but only for being beaten once. And if at all possible, skip Assassins Creed I and go straight to II.
  9. So, while looking up HM3, and trying to find Data for it, I came across the 'Unofficial HM Forums' and an announcement has been made that the guy is working on HM4. The thing I really love about this, is he's going to add TV show productions to the list of things you can do in HM4 I can see myself buying this already. It sounds awesome, and I got a lot of fun from HM3.
  10. Ace

    NHL 13

    hahaha I'll happily stay as Peg Y2J-approved!
  11. Ace

    NHL 13

    Pez, I'm getting this for PS3. And since I assume you'd wanna be Colorado, I'll call Winnipeg. I'm going to lose anyway, may as well be as my 2nd favourite team
  12. Bruce Willis? Jamie Foxx? Kane and Lynch???? Alright, I might have to see this.

  13. Bruce Willis? Jamie Foxx? Kane and Lynch???? Alright, I might have to see this.

  14. Supergrass! Long time no see :D

  15. 1. Kaley Cuoco 2. Jessica Biel 3. Miranda Kerr 4. Scarlett Johannson 5. AJ Lee 6. Kristen Bell 7. Cobie Smulders 8. Hayden Pannetierre 9. Elizabeth Banks 10. Emma Watson
  16. I actually asked a Cleveland friend that same question Bolleje, and his response was, that it wasn't that LeBron DID leave. It was HOW he left. Apparently, right before going on stage to announce his signing for Miami, LeBron sent out a tweet that stated he'd be staying in Cleveland. Because of all the drama surrounding his departure, that was considering one kick to much.
  17. I wish Europe would get the original Spyros already I loved those games.
  18. Ace

    Use your Force, Qui-Gon Perry

  19. All this discussion of Fantasy without the lengthy setup, and no-one mentions Eddings? EWB, for shame Both Belegriad/Mallorean and Elenium/Tamuli may be similar in a lot of ways, but their still all great series'. And if you want just a one-off book, read The Redemption of Althalus. Absolutely brilliant.
  20. Yeah I'm 100 in smithing now, and iron Daggers aren't the way to go any more. My main choice now was to spam Glass Battleaxes and make whatever else I could besides that with whatever Ingots I could get. Now I'm hunting the countryside looking for Dragons. I'm gonna get Dragon Scale Armor, and I don't care how long it takes
  21. I'm actually intrigued. Although it seems less Green Arrow, more Bruce Wayne as an Archer.
  22. I actually have that quest. Might do it next. I just did the quest with the talking dog, which was fun. My next aim is to be Thane of all the provinces, which didn't seem too hard, until Solitude told me I needed to buy a house 25000 Gold. Welp, I'll be Thane of everywhere BUT Solitude then Also, will spamming Iron Daggers or Iron Armor be easier to up my Smithing?
  23. Yeah Jouzy, open the claw up in your inventory and you'll see a button saying 'Examine'. Do that, spin the claw around, and you'll see the animals on the palm. I got it quick, cause it was in one of the demo videos XD
  24. So, just read that their axing CSI: Miami and renewing CSI and CSI: New York. Not that I'm a major CSI fan or anything, but Miami was the best of the trio. Why axe that, but keep the dull-as-dishwater New York on?
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