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Everything posted by Ace

  1. Awesome I tried to PM you to talk West Wing and it told me your inbox was full
  2. I dont wanna keep watching West Wing Also, just in case he does see this, Stokerino, clean out your inbox
  3. Saw Homeward Bound I and II a lot this weekend, as we got both last week and my boy loves them both. Still amazing to watch. Fox can make ANYTHING watchable. Also, still going through West Wing. Still amazing. Can not have enough love for this show.
  4. I've been backing Pens all year. I'm an Avs fan primarily, but Pens are my 2nd favourite team. Plubby would know why.
  5. As soon as I get my net Plubby, I'm getting this, and you and me shall be going to war
  6. Someone keeps telling me they've been hearing a lot of bad reviews on this game. I want to find these bad reviewers and slap them. Hard. This game was so utterly brilliant that its appalling to me, to hear people don't like it.
  7. Amazing. I struggled at first, since I spoiled myself before the game, but I still didn't see the final twist coming. Gotta play this again in 1999 mode.
  8. So, your issue is less 'Why is Grabovski on the 4th line?' and more 'Why is Orr and McLaren playing at all?'
  9. Let Bartlet Be Bartlet. That is officially the moment I decided 'Fuck It. I'm not watching anything else til I've seen this entire damn series.' I was on the couch actually cheering for Bartlet and Leo
  10. Started watching The West Wing a few days ago. So freaking amazing. So far, too many great quotes but I absolutely love this one.
  11. Ace

    NBA 2K13

    Whenever you get a new payday. Its roughly fortnightly if memory serves.
  12. Ace

    NBA 2K13

    LL, one of the biggest glitches in the game, when you finish a season, make sure you've done all your drills. I swept the Heat out of the NBA finals in my rookie year, and I had to replay the final game 4 times because it kept freezing after the final buzzer.
  13. The best thing about the OHMSS theme is the video clip having a montage of all of Connery's Bond films. They haven't done that with a Bond since.
  14. He'd count. Just list him as 'The Boss' like Saints Row do.
  15. Just found a mistake. WWF Tag Champions at the start of August 96 were The Smoking Gunns. Not the Bodydonnas.
  16. 1. John Marston (Red Dead Redemption) 2. Spyro (Spyro the Dragon) 3. Ezio Auditore da Firenze (Assassin's Creed) 4. Sora (Kingdom Hearts) 5. Cloud (FF7) 6. Faith (Mirrors Edge) 7. Guybrush Threepwood (Monkey Island) 8. Commander Shepard (Mass Effect) 9. Ethan Mars (Heavy Rain) 10. Cole McManus (inFamous) EDIT: Forgot Ezio.
  17. Clark from the first few seasons of Smallville. Just so many times I wanted to punch Superman in the face. Insufferable twat. Lana was bad as well, but dear lord, Clark was just that much worse.
  18. Clearly I should have just not posted my opinion on it. Or better yet, not Spoiler Tag it, and let it ruin the film for people. Whatever was I thinking. I'm sorry Prince, I'll try and do better next time.
  19. Watched Red Dawn last night with the Fiancee. Decent film, and Hemsworth continues to be awesome in everything I see him in. Josh Hutchinson was great too.
  20. 1. The Dark Knight Rises 2. The Avengers 3. Skyfall 4. The Amazing Spider-man 5. Taken 2 6. The Hunger Games 7. Men In Black 3 8. Red Dawn 9. Ted 10. Looper
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