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Everything posted by Ace

  1. You hit it back at the guy so he gets comfortable/used to it being hit at him, so you can catch him off-guard when you hit one the other way.
  2. PS3 Mass Effect 3 (I own it, I just refuse to play it until I play through 1 & 2 on my PS3 first) Assassin Creed 3 (Couldn't get into it.) Saints Row 3 Far Cry 3 Max Payne 3 Skyrim (I'm Level 30, But I still gotta finish the Main Quest. Which I'll get back around to.....eventually....) .....I'm starting to sense a pattern here There's probably a few others as well, but My Girl decided to pack away my games in preparation of my move, so I can't remember what else I need to finish.
  3. So, it's been asked on another board I'm on. I'll ask it here. Could they do a sequel for this?
  4. Summer takes ages to get through. Once you've finished Summer (which, you almost are), Fall/Winter/Spring go through pretty quickly.
  5. Ace

    NBA 2K13

    I mostly played Key Games. At some points during the season I start playing every game though.
  6. Ace

    NBA 2K13

    I'm really hoping they revise the contract system this year. Getting 500 Credits for your Rookie Contract, and then getting 800 Credit MAX for your Next contract is silly. Made worse by the fact I was a 2x MVP at that point >_>
  7. Did he also fart in your general direction?
  8. I was so digging Ish's side story too. Was really happy to see he made it to the surface Just finished this today. Absolutely amazing game. Totally worth owning a PS3 for.
  9. I brought it new, traded it in a few weeks later and have since brought it dirt cheap repeatedly, only to trade it back in a few weeks later. Amazing amazing game though, Its why I keep re-getting it.
  10. Ace

    WWE 2K14

    My favourite part of the video was the Fireman's Carry -> Sweet Chin Music. Really hope your able to do that in-game. As for how the rest of the game pans out, I guess thats going to have to wait until we see some game play announcements.
  11. Ace

    WWE 2K14

    Proceed to the initial marking out stage.
  12. Just watched the Season Finale of Elementary. Sticking to amazing.
  13. UFC Undisputed 3 Prototype 2 Sleeping Dogs Borderlands 2 Dishonored WWE 13 - (If Only for the Attitude Mode) Hitman Absolution Far Cry 3 I'm a Playstation Owner, so Halo 4 was taken off my list be default, but thats the games I would play.
  14. Just started watching Elementary. Amazing.
  15. It was probably two Humans, maybe more. They were the Knights attacking the Winnebago at the end of season 5, right before Glory got Dawn.
  16. Buffy's final kill total was 142 Vampires, 74 Demons, and 2 Humans. Faith got significantly less then that. Not sure about the rest.
  17. Roy has been officially announced. He's Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!
  18. So, got back into my local library recently. Picked up Carte Blanche because I saw it was a 007 novel. Raced through it within a day. Past week I've read The Sleeping Doll and Roadside Crosses. Deaver is amazing.
  19. No Sequel. Team Bondi closed its doors about 6 months after LA Noire released. LA Noire was a great game, but it wasn't very replayable, and that hurt its sales I think.
  20. Oh what the hell. Vitor Belfort.
  21. The mind-blowing bit for me was realising he was around 40 when he started as Spike. But yeah, when I watched through Smallville late last year/early this year, my girl got annoyed at me cheering on Lex. And also my continual 'Oh man up you wimp' comments aimed at Clark almost got me banished from the house. Of course, Wimpy Clark from Smallville is nothing compared to incompetent Superman from The Justice League: Animated Series.
  22. I think the worst thing about the early Smallville Seasons is actually Lana Lang. Every time her and Clark share the screen, I found myself wanting to headbutt something hard. Once Lana is gone, the show was great, but yeah, the Lana/Clark stuff really killed it for me early on. Really, the sole reason for watching the first five seasons is to cheer on Lex Luthor. And how scary a thought is that?
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