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Everything posted by Ace

  1. 1. Elementary 2. Arrow 3. The Mentalist 4. Big Bang Theory 5. Agents of SHIELD 6. Poirot 7. Person Of Interest 8. Supernatural 9. How I Met Your Mother 10. Justified 11. Once Upon a Time 12. The Michael J. Fox Show 13. Sons Of Anarchy 14. The Vampire Diaries 15. The Originals
  2. 1. The Last of Us 2. GTA V 3. Batman: Arkham Origins 4. Bioshock Infinite 5. GTA Online 6. Injustice 7. Splinter Cell: Blacklist 8. Civ V: Brave New World 9. Saints Row IV 10. Wrestling Spirit 3 - Just because I can.
  3. I loved Fast and Furious, but I also just loved seeing his smile in any film he was in. Was one of my favourite actors, and every report I heard about him, had him being mentioned as a genuinely nice guy. RIP Paul. Taken way too soon.
  4. 1. The Dark Knight 2. The Avengers 3. The Amazing Spider-Man (Andrew Garfield) 4. Iron Man 5. Thor 6. Dark Knight Rises 7.Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 8. Captain America: The First Avenger 9. Spider-Man 2 (Tobey Maguire) 10. Batman and Robin - I liked it. Stop glaring at me dammit.
  5. I cant tell if its just my net is shit, or if GTA still needs fixing, but dammit. A session with Cloudy/Lint/PM and I didn't even make it past 'Selfies in front of car' before the damn thing kicked everyone out. A few minutes later its me/Lint/PM robbing a store and Lint pops me from behind. Bastard.
  6. I'm sorry Nerfie! I had to put my boy to sleep I'll be right back!
  7. I'll be back soon PS3 fellas As a sidenote, I'm fast learning Don't try and shoot ANY actual person yet. Took pot shots at a guy with my pistol. Next thing I know I'm being mowed down by an uzi. Shiiiiiiiiit.
  8. Saw 'Now You See Me' yesterday. Absolutely loved it. My girl is typically the barometer for if a swerve works or seems forced. Since she didn't see the swerve coming, I'd say it worked
  9. I've got Trevor with the Mullet and the HUGE beard. Genuinely looks insanely crazy now. Its awesome
  10. I did that. They pulled their guns, but I was Michael. One Special Ability Freeze Frame later, they were dead, and Michael walked away happy.
  11. Its because EB Games Australia are stingy bastards. They won't even give the local EB enough of a Wage budget to hire a senior staffer outside of the Christmas Period. From working there last year, I've really come to hate the EB Games Management. But, since its the only game store in Gero, it still gets my money Also, I vaguely recall my Manager claiming that its against the law in WA to do midnight launches.
  12. I got KH yesterday. I'm going to regret this
  13. LL Tours: Now featuring more Ruki-Killing then EVER before.
  14. I got told Battle Chess, but it didn't look right. Like this one had mini-games where your pieces (based on what they were) could move around the screen and strike using different sorts of powers. Found it. Thanks to my sister in law of all people. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archon:_The_Light_and_the_Dark
  15. So, EWB, I think I need your help and this seemed the best place to ask. As a kid I use to watch my friends play a chess game on the PC. (This would be about 97 - 99). It wasnt like other chess games though, because if you landed on/tried to take your opponents piece, rather then just straight away getting it, you'd have another mini battle, and the winning piece survived. Each piece had its own powers and the like. Anyone remember what it was called by any chance?
  16. Watching my role die on West Wing, and still thinking 'It's Sousa's Fault!'

    1. Sousa


      I'm still in awe that I managed to win that game despite knowing nothing about West Wing.

  17. Solace wasn't too bad. And I surprisingly enjoyed the new Goldeneye. But this game was just an utter mess. "You need to hack the console! Press Triangle to cycle your gadgets!" ".....my gadgets aren't cycling." -ten minutes of furious button mashing passes- "Oh. So you mean I have to pull my phone out THEN cycle." --2 minutes later-- "You need to match the icons to hack faster" ".....okay, so how do I match the icons?" -ten minutes of furious button mashing passes- "Oh, L2 and R2 huh? Coulda said that or shown something." This was the point I turned the PS3 off. I can't imagine it gets WORSE from here, but it's a long hope that it would get better.
  18. EWB, I gotta repent. I.....I.... I played 007 Legends Why :'( Who oh god why would ANYONE allow this game to be a part of the 007 Liscence. It's...I..... My only saving grace is at least I didn't buy it. I just rented it.
  19. Ace

    WWE 2K14

    Technically 31 Arenas >_>
  20. Liu Kang. Quickest fighter there is, and his combos are a cinch. The game is pretty damn good. Part of me wants another one, just to follow on from the story mode, but then I wonder how else they could make it different, and I start to wonder if it really would be worth re-doing again.
  21. Ace

    WWE 2K14

    Sold. Yes, they did it recently with Legends of Mania, but Attitude Era was fantastic. Having the same sort of mode but with Mania Matches? Awesome
  22. RIP Cory My girl just came and told me. She's a massive Glee fan so it was a big shock to her.
  23. Have you got a 360 as well, or is this your only console?
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