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Everything posted by Ace

  1. Ace


    Ho. Ly. Shit.
  2. Yeah also they've already announced next season is going to have Feeny in it for a couple of episodes as well as Eric returning. It started off slow, but its really finding its way now. Starting to love it
  3. 1. Girl Meets World - Because I can, alright? 2. Flash 3. Arrow 4. Brooklyn Nine-Nine 5. Supernatural - Almost solely for the 200th 6. The Mentalist 7. Gotham 8. Agents of SHIELD 9. Jonathan Creek 10. Elementary 11. The Newsroom 12. 24: Live Another Day 13. Fargo 14. The League 15. Suits
  4. ....people thought the PS3 controller was horrible? Is that even possible?
  5. Got my PS4 two days ago after my PS3's Blu Ray Drive died, and because my wife is amazing and let me. Can get one game tomorrow. Was considering NBA 2K15 but that would make my PS4 games list FIFA - NFS - NBA, and I kind of want a decent RPG to play instead. Any recommendations EWB? Also gamertag is AceV13. Though I likely wont be playing online for a few months yet
  6. Ace

    NBA 2k15

    Anyone else got MyNBA 2K15 Mobile? It looks familiar
  7. For those missing Rabbitman, he's currently off in the orbit celebrating. He may be gone a while.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Noah


      I've been rumbled! :o

    3. Benjamin


      Fuuuuuuuck Perfect Strangers. Leave the memories alove, Ego :'(

    4. Noah
  8. 1. Skyrim 2. Heavy Rain 3. Mass Effect 2 4. Fallout New Vegas 5. Batman: Arkham City 6. Sleeping Dogs 7. Mirrors Edge 8. The Last Of Us 9. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (Tough between this and IV, but I just enjoyed Brotherhood that little bit more) 10. Red Dead Redemption 11. Far Cry 3 12. Hitman: Absolution 13. Tomb Raider 14. GTA V 15. Don Bradman's Cricket 14 16. Max Payne 3 17. Deus Ex: Human Revolution 18. Dishonored 19. Portal 2 20. Tokyo Jungle I'll more then likely edit this over the next few days as I remember other games I loved XD
  9. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    I found this last night. Within 24 hours I now have a 136 - 38 Record. SR - Daniel Bryan SR - Edge SR - Zack Ryder R - Jimmy Uso UC - Natalya My upside is Edge, Uso, and Ryder are perfect Partners for D-Bry, So use Edge for my solos, DB and Zack/Uso for my Tag. Keep getting my butt kicked as Natalya though
  10. Having just finished To The Moon (That Plubby bought for me months ago) I wish to state I fucking hate Plubby right now. Gameplay was basic, but the story was excellent and so damn sad If you haven't played it, you need to. Now.
  11. Everything I've read says James Dolan was hesitant to offer Kerr the 5 years. That combined with Kerr wanting to be closer to his family was what saw him take the GSW deal, and good on him for it. Fisher should be good, we can hope anyway
  12. I Believe in Plubby

  13. Ace

    Watch Dogs

    I upgraded to be able to bring the bollards up and down. That's hours of fun flipping cars as they're passing over them. I've got that upgrade as well. I might spend tomorrow doing that XD I've already upgraded my ATM Hacking as well, and now have $35000+ in my account
  14. Ace

    Watch Dogs

    I've got PS3 version and love it Spent 90% of my time so far just hacking people and driving over the bridge and pulling it up behind me. Best bit was parking 3 blocks away, walking off, and hacking a phone conversation of 'You'll never believe it, the bridge just went up! While there were still cars on it!'
  15. I like that its a nice touchback to the original theme as well, with the paper plane Looking forward to this
  16. C'MON TAMPA!!! I don't want you to win too much, TB. Just enough so I can mock Be endlessly.
  17. SitCom Mafia Season Two Signups - Now in the Mafia Cube!

  18. Elementary, HIMYM, and Big Bang are all shows I really enjoy. Although 90% of my BBT enjoyment is just staring at Cuoco so.... Haven't seen Archer. Refuse to watch South Park. Was funny when I was 12. Now that I'm now 27 and its still going is just mind-blowing.
  19. Have you found the hidden room in Arkham Asylum yet? >_>
  20. LUCKY BASTARD!!! I'd love to be there to watch Mitchy bowling bouncers on the fastest pitch. England think they've faced bad before. They're in for a whole new hell at the WACA.
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