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Everything posted by Ace

  1. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    Know that feeling Jericode. My freebie was Heyman. That said I got my first Survivor Superstar yesterday thanks to a KOTR. And five minutes ago I pulled this. WOOOOOOOO!!!!
  2. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    Also - KOTR Update. I finished 3rd. Swept my Quarter Finals opponent. Came into the Semi Finals to face a guy with a team so strong, even stamina drained they whooped me during our regular matchups. Fully expected to find myself swept out. Only he's swapped his team for Commons. I'M GOING TO THE FINALS!!! YEEEEEAAAHHHH!!!!
  3. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    The new PCC is actually pretty sweet. Every reward rank is a new Taker match. Taker VS Wyatt - Survivor Taker VS HBK - Legendary Taker VS Lesnar - Epic Taker VS Edge - UR Taker Vs Henry - SR Taker VS Batista - Rare and even the Support cards are awesome. You either get Bearer or Heyman
  4. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    Leg++ means a new Leg pull every 200 board resets. Your best bet for more Legendary cards is KOTR.
  5. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    Know that feeling. It feels like I'm only a few turns away from a Survivor wrestler card (my freebie was a Heyman) and I'm getting more excited with every turn. My 2nd Survivor KOTR is going well. I'm third and Finals bound. At worst I get a Legendary Pull. I'm hoping I can make the Semis though.
  6. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    I got 97 points into Bray. Next time that Survivor is mine....
  7. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    Yeah I made the Quarters. Just. I think I got in by like 1 game. I'm now storing picks to use on my Exhibition Survivor board instead of the Leg++ one in RTG. Because at least then I'm getting the board resets to count towards my first Survivor pick up (post-Heyman that is)
  8. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    Finished my first Survivor level KOTR today. Made the finals by the skin of my teeth. And Pulled a Legendary Dean Ambrose. That'll be my second Legendary Pro
  9. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    Annnnnnnd I now have Legendary Pro Lesnar. YAY!!!
  10. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    I'm 20 points into Wyatt doing +1s. I think I can....I think I can....
  11. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    Yep. Pretty much. When I swap in Common Swagger I go to Leg ++. When I swap Swagger for UR Savage I go to Leg+
  12. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    Alright guys. I need help. These are my two decks. Can anyone explain to me what the frick is going on?
  13. I remember when I was 14, a friend told me all about Small Gods, and challenged me to find the reason Vorbis gets mad. I read it, loved it, and when he explained it, I loved it even more. Since then I've been a huge Discworld fan. I've read through most of the series, and Death is by far my favourite. Vimes is great too. So is Mort. And Rincewind. And Vetinari. And DeWorde. And the witches. And Cut-Me-Own-Throat. And Susan. And.....this list could go on a long while. The simple truth is, the man built an entire world, and he put in so much detail that you could picture yourself there. His stories were always fantastic. I can never remember reading a bad Pratchett story. Ever. I'm going to miss him. But I'm glad he is finally not in pain any more, and I am ever so thankful that he managed to write so many Discworld Novels before he passed. And also, that twitter update undid me. I'm going to go and curl under a blanket and start a Discworld Marathon
  14. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    I got my Legendary Fusion. It was Brie. My Divas are now Brie, Epic Pro Natalya, Legendary Nikki, Epic Naomi. And so far I've dropped a single point - SR Eva Maria lost one. I don't foresee me coming close to losing again before Legendary Tier.
  15. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    ......youch. Yeah I'll struggle lol. Lesnar is enough for me this time. Also, I found this on the 2K Forums which gives a better idea of how far you can go:
  16. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    Bubble. Burst. I'm hoping to pull an Epic or UR Diva today before RTG starts. Add in my Legendary Fusion (Due to finish 8 hours after RTG starts) and my squad becomes pretty strong. Epic Fusion Pro Randy Orton Epic Pro Hulk Hogan Epic Pro John Cena Epic Pro Rey Mysterio Epic Pro Brock Lesnar Epic Pro Dolph Ziggler Legendary Bruno Sammartino Legendary Dean Ambrose Legendary Brock Lesnar (This will be my first Legendary Pro ) Epic Fusion Pro The Miz Legendary Ryback Epic Fusion Big Show Epic Fusion Jimmy Uso Epic Ric Flair UR The Miz UR Dean Ambrose Epic Pro Natalya Legendary Nikki Bella Epic Naomi SR Eva Maria Only the URs are not maxed. What do you think Bleh. Do I have an outside shot at Wyatt?
  17. Ace


    You mean, besides Bangladesh?
  18. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    My aim is Wyatt. I got Legendary last time so I'm going big this time. Mind you when I get Lesnar he'll become my first Legendary Pro.
  19. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    I ended up around 17000. Got two Epic Hogans and a UR Taunt. I'm not sure Epic Pro Hogan cracks my exhibiton lineup, but he'll be a nice hand for my KOTR and RTG teams. Also created a new account last night. Managed to get him upto 88000 by deadline, so he's a newbie woth a pair of UR Ortons. Me likey.
  20. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    I just got my first Survivor card. It was Heyman. I am okay with this.
  21. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    I now have Epic Fusion Pro Randy Orton. For those curious - Yes, An Epic Fusion Pro is enough to knock you into Survivor Tier. Orton's at lvl 34 now and I'm half an inch from joining Survivor Tier. Decided to leave it for now til I get my next Legendary as I've spent over a week on Exhibition/PCC building towards earning one and I have to be close now. Right?
  22. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    Got Ambrose. Just. Now have Lesnar/Rey/Cena/Ziggler Epic Pros, and Bruno/Ryback/Lesnar/Ambrose/Nikki Legendary's. Also just got told a new PCC starts this week. Stardust VS Goldust.
  23. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    I get two Cena's. Wasnt quite enough to get an Epic Second Wind though.
  24. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    I was limping along and only winning 50% of my matches at Legendary+. Then I got Legendary Nikki, maxed her, went to Legendary++ and am now winning 80% and around 15000. Cena's are mine
  25. Ace


    Game officially cancelled. Both teams take a point.
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