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Everything posted by Ace

  1. Ace

    Fallout 4

    GameStop Italy apparently has their release date as 23/10/2015. Probably unremarkable, except apparently they've leaked release dates before (GTAV?)
  2. Ace

    Fallout 4

    New Vegas is a whole new game. Was made by Obsidian, not Bethesda.
  3. Ace

    Fallout 4

    For what its worth, EB Games just sent out an email claiming its coming in 2015. I know to take it with a pinch of salt until E3 and all, but its a good sign at least.
  4. Ace

    Fallout 4

    Come on Niner. Summ will be going through a Divorce. Why add to his misery?
  5. Ace

    Fallout 4

    Yep. Sold. Take my bottlecaps. I'm going into hibernation until this releases. Also looks like it'll be Next-Gen exclusive, which is awesome
  6. So am I. But last I heard any /official/ word was they wouldn't be announcing Fallout 4 at E3. I really hope they do. And I have all my appendages crossed that they don't let it be a freaking Xbox Exclusive.
  7. Okay EWB. I've been hearing the rumors, so I thought I'd ask here. What's the chances we get Fallout 4 announced at E3?
  8. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    Got Bo. Almost felt underwhelming. Also, two RTG's now of storing my picks and using them on WM Boards, and no new WM card. Not happy :-/
  9. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    I just got another SV Drop. It was a Stop Sign. THIS. GAME. HATES. ME.
  10. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    I've had 3 WM drops. Two Support and a Paige Also, next RTG is this weekend and its Neville. On a aide-note, just auto-filled my RTG deck. I'm now SV++. Awwwww Yeeeeeah
  11. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    So excited for the next RTG. Pulled SV Booker off the board this morning. Hoping to have Rock/HBK/Booker fully levelled by next RTG. That will make 8 SV Pros.
  12. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    And do you want to point out the flaw in that plan, Hitman? If you change your deck to uncommon's, you can, at best, earn Super Rares instead of whatever deck you're actually at,
  13. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    I was winning +5s right up til 150+ in SV. Got HBK and now can barely win 1s. I'm okay with that though just gives me time to spam to level up HBK and Rock
  14. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    I'm still doing okay as a 3MB. Mind you that 3MB is WM Pro Bret Hart SV Fusion Pro Roman Reigns and SV Pro Tamina so.....
  15. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    I do the same thing Buddy And I just pulled SV Rock off a KOTR Runner Up. So that means, if I make HBK he'll be my 6th SV Pro
  16. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    I'm halfway through HHH now, and on the cusp of SV++. I think I can get HBK if my internet holds
  17. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    WM drop rate is insane. I've been in WM for 6 weeks Roughly. During that time I've gotten 3 WMs. One Lana as my freebie. Then Paige. And then Fuji. I'm hoping to get another WM drop this weekend and have it be an actual superstar.
  18. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    Got my 4th SV Fusion yesterday Its Roman Reigns. I've had 4 SV Fusions. 3 have been Reigns.
  19. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    http://imgur.com/t3GH8dp Okay wow. I have ages to go yet before I get to be challenging for WM cards XD
  20. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    Franklin, can you upload the pic of your deck on imgur? I can't see it on EWB as I'm not a Donator
  21. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    Very VERY happy with my current RTG deck. Still winning/making the Semi's of KOTR as well, so hoping to get a couple more SV Pros by next RTG. I've also got an SV in Fusion now, and the cards for another SV Fusion before the next RTG
  22. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    Enters the KOTR Quarter Finals seeded 8th. Proceeds to eliminate the #1 Seed 2 - 0 THATS HOW I ROLL!
  23. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    I'm still yet to find out how their stopping 3MB. Going to try a 3MB again next KOTR and see how it goes. I'll report back here with progress
  24. I'd say its more Veronica is less-mobile and less suited to a long-term battle, like the one against Ultron. Hulkbuster was made exclusively for fighting Hulk, and as such focuses more on just straight up strength.
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