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Everything posted by Ace

  1. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    Nope. Doesn't do that. I have 1 Diva left in my S1 cards. I do vaguely recall getting some kind of a pop-up after I went to train away one of my Divas, but I skipped past it too fast. I no longer have S1 KOTR or Exhibition though. That might be a sign.
  2. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    "So, Travis, when Season 2 opens, what are you /not/ going to do?" "Waste all my Season 1 cards just to get a decent start." "Atta Boy." My Current Deck? Fully Leveled Pro UR Bret Hart Fully Leveled Pro SR Chris Jericho UR Seth Rollins UR Stardust UR Paige C Summer Rae Still got maybe a dozen S1 cards left though
  3. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    The more I read about it, the more interested I find myself. They've taken away 3MBing from KOTR entirely. You can have Diva Tag Matches. And I'm not even that upset at having to build my deck again. I guess my final judgement will come on whether my S1 Exhibition cards can earn Season 2 cards.
  4. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    Oh. And the update will be in the next 48 hours. And its PCC this weekend, not RTG. Part of me feels pissed. I /just/ got my deck good enough to go for WM. But on the flipside, I can use my cards in Exhibition. So I'll still earn cards quickly. Happy for that.
  5. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    Annnnnnd Season 2 Supercard has been announced. If you can make it load - https://www.wwesupercardgame.com/s2/
  6. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    Ah. Then maybe a majority of SV Pros, and an SV Fusion Pro/WM Pro or two will get you to Mania Tier.
  7. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    Depends. Are you talking Ring Domination or Road to Glory? My own RTG deck only hit Wrestlemania tier after it was over half full with SV Pros and Bret Hart WM Pro. It takes a /lot/ to hit WM status in RTG
  8. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    Actually, gap between SV release and WM release is longer then the gap between WM and now.
  9. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    I got Taker. And I got him with plenty of time to spare too, which made me uber happy. Their also teasing something new for the game today/tomorrow. Whether thats a new tier or a new game mode, no-one seems to know yet. Supercard has already stated a few times there won't be a Supercard V2.
  10. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    I got King Booker. Working through Taker. XD For RD or Exhibition? I have 3 Survivor Fusion Pros and if this next one is a Daniel Bryan I'll have 4 Shiiiit. My only SV Fusion Pros are Reigns and Nikki. My deck has Pro Bret and Brock RTG cards and a Cena WM Pro though. Hoping I can start getting a few more WM Pros, if I could ever pull a damn WM card off the board.
  11. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    WOOHOO!!! Pro RoD Taker! Here I come!
  12. Ace


    Michael Clarke has announced he's retiring after the Ashes. Damn. I'm going to miss Pup It felt like he was just going through a lean phase, but someone needs to fall on the sword for this, and Clarke's the one taking the hit.
  13. I am in love. Yes Deadpool. I think we will all be touching ourselves tonight.
  14. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    Woke up during the night to play Taker some more. Made it easy for when I woke up to finish it off. I gots Taker. WOOOT!!!
  15. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    SV Pro Tamina was my main diva for a couple of months there. Was winning about 60/40 with her. And so pissed at Freebie Austin this month. Since after having an SV Austin for 4 months, I used him last week to pro Brock faster. Also, close to getting Taker but it could be a timing/picks thing. Going to be close. I've got 9 pieces left to get.
  16. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    Niiiiiiiiiiiice. Just finished RVD in RoD. Two cards to go.
  17. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    Combined SV Fusion Pro Nikki will see you into Mania. Bret Hart WM Pro got me into Mania, and he only has a few hundred on her. I just double checked, Using my own SV Pro Rock and Rude + SV Fusion Cena and Reigns + SV Fusion Pro Nikki, I'm into WM. Considering Wyatt and Ziggler would have a few hundred each on Reigns/Cena you should make it comfortably.
  18. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    I have many SV pros. I have Reigns and Nikki Bella SV Fusion pros. However I just threw my last Legendary Fusion Pro Ziggler into the Fusion Chmaber. Why do you ask?
  19. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    Next event will be another RoD
  20. Just started The Blacklist. Loving it so far and only upto the fourth episode. Everything I've heard, it just gets better. Right?
  21. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    *raises arms triumphantly* Lesnar #2 was mine with 45 minutes to go.
  22. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    I got the first Lesnar. I'm still winning +3s and the occasional +5. I'm waiting for the wall to drop, but have been lucky so far
  23. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    Annnnnnnnd Cena is mine
  24. FUCK. YES. That looks brilliant
  25. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    No. When you go up a tier, the resets start over. Its why I held off on going up tiers occasionally. Checking out my RTG deck's improvements since last time. My weakest card was a Fully Leveled SV. Now its Leg Fusion Pro Ziggler. Oh, and Lesnar's a pipe dream for me, but if I can get Cena thats my second Mania Pro
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