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Everything posted by Ace

  1. Ace

    The Flash

    Mine too. So good. Can't see where it's going at all. And I love that.
  2. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    160/165 on D-Bry. Dammit. You escape me this time Beardface!
  3. Ace

    Fallout 4

    Trust me, Lukie. Stick to the Raiders. Had a mate over tonight, and in the span of thirty minutes he managed to come across an Alpha Deathclaw, a Legendary Brahmin, and a tribe of Super Mutants. Finally he decided to go the other way, only to walk across Swan's Pond. I could do little but laugh after that.
  4. Ace

    Fallout 4

    I left mine in Sanctuary. If you wear them too long the battery dies. Hence why its best not to over-use them. Loving this game so far, and it barely even feels like I've started. Listening to 'Hi Honey' was a heart crusher. Stumbled across a Super Mart and managed to survive being pounced on by a bunch of Feral Ghouls. Love that there's no real warning for them in this one. Just that they are laying dead one minute and the next three or four are charging me.
  5. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    that might work. I've got the cards to max Bray and Reigns the moment I've got them both. But on the flip side I don't think an Epic Pro and 2 Legendaries would be enough for me to reach Leg Tier. Also! Next update! Team PCC!!
  6. Ace

    Fallout 4

    Oh rub it in Perth Boy! .......wait, No. Wouldn't that be 8 hours for a Midnight Launch for Perth? I get mine 8AM tomorrow. 16 hours from now TOO LONG A WAIT!
  7. Ace

    Fallout 4

    The other option is white text but if you use Orangeness, we're screwed.
  8. Finisher: Jack Hammer Signature 1: Spear 2 Signature 2: Samoan Driver No. I didn't have anyone in mind when I created my guy, why would you ask? I've changed Finishers and Signatures a dozen times or more. Pop Up Powerbomb. Superman Punch. Ricola Bomb. All have been used. I like the Jack Hammer now because it is a good one to use for Pins to follow. And no-one has countered it yet either.
  9. @kliq - Yeah you can download CAWs and then import them to MyCareer. @Baddar - I /think/ its 20/day and 100 or 150 total.
  10. Ace

    Fallout 4

    Thats why @SeanDMan! [spoilers]See![/spoilers] See! <-- This is with [*spoiler] tags btw
  11. Ace

    Fallout 4

    Sean Nailed it. Though I haven't been able to do spoiler boxes for a week now.
  12. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    Got Ziggler My first Legendary. Total tally of the weekend: I now have Pro UR's of Booker and Orton, Leg Ziggler, Epic Sheamus and Epic Natalya. Thats Three Epic Divas now XD Closing in on 4000 games. Trying to decide whether to play through now and get an Epic, or hold off and try to get a Freebie Legendary.
  13. Ace

    Fallout 4

    For the past few months, I've been assuming Fallout came out on a Thursday. I was talking to @Slogger last night about WWE2K16, and he mentioned being '3 sleeps' until Fallout 4. Thats when I realised it came out on Tuesday. I might have squealed a little
  14. Yeah, if you try to jump the rankings, you'll be destroyed. I did it twice against Luke Harper (IC Champ) and both times Harper just destroyed me. Then after he dropped the belt, he became my WM Feud, and I beat him on the Grandest Stage of Them All in an epic match. A month later I had my IC belt as the #1 Contender, and the title match was a /lot/ easier.
  15. Your winner and NEEEEEEEEEEEW Intercontinental Champion!!! MyCareer is a lot of a grind. It took me a year to get the IC belt. In saying that, its also interesting. I can't imagine how much harder it would be as a Face though. The Authority SP bonus helps out my heel a bit.
  16. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    UR - Orton Epic - Sheamus Legendary - Ziggler. I think. SR is Kofi. Or so I've heard.
  17. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    Got the UR already. I'm liking my chances of getting the Legendary :D
  18. Ace

    The Flash

    No more Spoiler Boxes???
  19. Yeah, its not based on Finishers or Specials or anything like that. It gives you a little time for a brawl, but will end after a big move. For instance, I've taken to using Sting's entrance for my CAW so he enters with a baseball bat. Goldust just jumped me, but I got the advantage. Cue 20 seconds of me playing 'whack a golden mole' until I dropped the bat and speared Goldust. That was enough to end the attack. Also, I figured out why Harper was insanely hard for me. He's the IC Champ, and the game is punishing me for attempting to jump the rankings XD
  20. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    I think you'd still be doing the SR. So if you want to jump up, you'll need to have leveled into Epic before the start of RD.
  21. Had an epic brawl yesterday with Luke Harper in career mode. Every time I tried to do my Spear, he reversed it. EVERY. TIME. He kept going for his signature. I'd reverse it, but couldn't get my stamina up enough to hit him back. After a dozen or so pinfalls and me kicking out at 2.99999999 he put me in a Single Leg Crab and made me tap. Was an awesome match and looking forward to the rematch.
  22. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    Finally! So glad to be on Epic Tier This might be the first RD of 2.0 I actually try and finish.
  23. I've actually gotten a lot better at submissions today. The main thing is, Submissions are mostly based on Stamina. If you got Purple Stamina, you're screwed. I also don't try and chase the bars any more. Just know whatever direction you pull the analog stick, the bar will go that way. And the golden orbs are pretty crucial too. Managed to beat DDP with a Tongan Death Grip. Proudest moment of my day XD
  24. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    Pulled an Epic Henry, but didn't get to UR Rusev. All good though. That Epic Reigns will be my first Epic Pro :D
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