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Everything posted by Toe

  1. I just picked up Left 4 Dead 2 again...anyone want to play?
  2. Anyone want to play some CoD MW3 with me tonight?

  3. I actually consider Attack of the Clones to be worse then Phantom Menace. It's probably nostalgia that makes me like Menace, but I can rewatch it and still enjoy it despite some of the terrible acting and plot holes. The "romantic" stuff between Anakin and Padme in Clones just ruins it for me. It's all just awful. The only thing I really enjoy about Clones is Count Dooku (because Lee is fantastic) and I kind of like stuff between Obi-Wann and Jango Fett. Are they going to continue the 3D re-releases? It was a lot of fun to see Phantom Menace in the theatre again, and I would like to see the original trilogy again too.
  4. I've lost interest in this lockout stuff. Fuck both sides if the Winter Classic is killed.
  5. I totally forgot that Jay and Silent Bob make a cameo in Scream 3.
  6. I can't get into the novels, but I like the Lord of the Rings films. One movie that gets praise that I dislike was mentioned above - Scarface. I just don't like it.
  7. 360, I assume? I'd give it a go using Terrelle Pryor from Oakland.
  8. The Lakers, with Nash dishing to Gasol and with Howard bruising inside, should be good. I just hope Kobe takes a small step back - he doesn't need all the touches for this team to succeed.
  9. I liked Predators. Especially following AvP and AvP Requiem, it was great to get a movie that actually captured a bit of the atmosphere from the original film.
  10. The plot being similar doesn't bother me. I actually liked parts of the new Friday the 13th and that series is my favourite slasher film series. Zero said it better then I did, and you can see it in the Friday the 13th series. There are exceptions, of course. I actually thought Freddy Vs. Jason was fun, and enjoy watching it still.
  11. ...what does that even mean? I can't really explain what he means exactly, but I get it. Take a slasher from the 80s and one from today. They could do everything the same, but the way movies are made today make things seem less gritty, less realistic, and less sincere (if that makes any sense). Slasher films today all look and feel the exact same. Movies from the 80s and 90s all had similar plots and stuff, but they all had a unique look and feel to them.
  12. Paranormal Activity 2 was pretty good. I liked the first more because it was more intimate and a little claustraphobic. The bigger house in the second one did lead into some great moments, but it hurt the atmosphere a little. Also, since it follows the formula from the first, you kind of expect stuff to happen. Mega Shark Versus Crocosaurus - the first 20 minutes are "so bad its good". Then it crosses the line for the remaining 60 minutes. It's just too stupid. It actually gave me a headache. Bride of Re-Animator was fun. I really enjoyed Re-Animator, so seeing more of Herbert West was great.
  13. I actually just watched Paranormal Activity 1 and 2 for the first time. The first one was legitimately creepy at moments with tons of suspense, and the second one was pretty good too. The original Halloween has some very good moments that I think are scary, and the original Nightmare on Elm Street and Wes Craven's A New Nightmare are also very good. I hate that I had to preface those with "original".
  14. I think, if you get satellites into the air and have good fighter coverage, you could probably spend some time grinding before doing the main story missions.
  15. I'm on Xbox and I've had no issues. My brother, who is using an older model Xbox, is also having no issues. Are you on PC or console? I remember one year I bought a NHL game for 360, and I got a faulty disk that did similar things.
  16. Has anyone tried the multiplayer?
  17. The update. Wow. So, the menus in GM Connected are better. The gameplay? I now hate this game. I don't know what they did, and its not like I am getting beaten or anything. I just feel like I have no control. I am going to give it one more shot tomorrow. If I still feel this way, I am out.
  18. I still like the game a lot, but I am really losing interest in GM Connected right now.
  19. I didn't mind Farrell, but a few of the things that went on this season had me doubting whether he was a good fit here. Still, I don't want him to fail or anything. Just lose to the Jays every time they play.
  20. What combo of troops does everyone use. I like to take one sniper, two heavies, one assault, and two support holding the medpacks.
  21. I hate Mutons and Chrysalids. The zombies seem to kill with one hit always, while the Mutons always seem to appear when my team is bunched together - last time, it was when my entire team was also near a gas station.
  22. I lost an entire team assaulting an alien base. Luckily, a few of my skilled team members were healing up and weren't their to get massacred. Nevermind. I tried again, and the rest of my team got murdered. I now only have 3 soldiers to respond to an abduction with while my new recruits arrive. Naming them after wrestlers isn't working, so now my team in McNulty, Greggs, and Bunk Moreland.
  23. Do you get more engineers from missions?
  24. I really am enjoying this game. Its thoroughly entertaining.
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