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Everything posted by Toe

  1. I bet they arent done with all the character models. At least, I hope they arent....
  2. I hate the Triple Threat and Quad Cage matches. So hard! Really, even using the tactics above, it takes a long time usually and its so easy for the computer to win (like one guy going up, they other two still going for me!). However....playing as JBL I managed to beat one it roughly ten minutes. I had my special, and after watching Undy Last Ride Big Show, I just used the Clothesline from Hell on Taker and then same to Kurt. Went up and I was done.
  3. I like "Mother" by Danzig. What an awesome song!
  4. Damn. That is awesome! If I played the game, The Senator would be my character of choice!
  5. KOTOR II is awesome. Some really exciting moments. Also, the game is really different when played light or dark. A recommended buy for anyone who enjoys RPGs. KOTOR was one of the few RPG's I actually managed to beat before I got bored with it! KOTOR II is going the same way.
  6. WWF Royal Rumble. May not be the best, but fun to play and features RIC FLAIR! YEAH! Too bad the WCW game for SNES kinda sucked. Personally, I enjoyed all the Final Fight games other then the first. Playing with a friend was awesome. Same with Spider Man: Seperation Anxiety and Double Dragon.
  7. This show gets huge ratings, yet a smart and hilarious show like Arrested Development almost didn't even get a second season. I don't like it when making 50k an episode (times 13 or however long the season is) to do work for less then half the year is "too little". Many won't make that much money in there lives! These actors and actress want us to pity them and feel sorry for them when the paparazzi stalks them, but complaining about making too little money never helps your image.
  8. At least you can get a laugh out of William Hung. Listening to Ashlee Simpson sing is like being involved in a 30 car pile-up where you are on the bottom.
  9. Just responding to the people who find the Caged Triple Threat hard: Yes it is! But, I somehow beat one in like 10 minutes using JBL! It was JBL vs Big Show vs Taker. Taker hit Show with the Last Ride, then I jumped in, hit Taker with the Last Ride. Then I climbed and barely made it out.
  10. Toe

    Fight Night

    The new one is suposed to be deeper, as you can change weight classes and go for different titles, and the training is going to be your choice so you can make a slow bruiser type or a speedy hit-and-run fighter.
  11. Also, hitting Y drives to the lane, and doing that and then doing the turbo and shoot thing will usually lead to a dunk. Backing down a defender almost never gets you a dunk unless you become open, because you need to shoot around or over that defender. Using the crossover then hitting Y, I dunk every time with Emeka Okafor on the Bobcats. Just be careful and hitting Y when not driving to the hole will lead to a travelling call.
  12. I am a person who doesn't want to pay to get XBox Live or the hardrive for the PS2 to play it online. I don't see the point. For me, if I want a game to play online, I will use my PC. The consoles are always for just me to sit and play by myself or with one friend. I have had really horrible problems with my PS2 and Xbox. The Xbox won't read brand new discs sometimes and the only game that doesnt freeze on the system is Halo2 (thank god!). The PS2, I got the day it came out, and it was dead the day after. My 2nd one lasted 6 months, then it died. Thank god for warranties, because I am on #4 with the PS2, and the one I have now is taking longer and longer to read discs and may just go soon. I won't be getting another. I haven't heard any big problems with reliability on the Gamecube, and alot of the games look pretty cool (like all the Mario games).
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