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Everything posted by Toe

  1. Enter Blue Guy's got it! THE MIGHTY DUCKS! I watched the second movie so many times, I even enjoy it today. "It's Knuckle Puck Time!"
  2. The more expensive deal actually makes more sense to get.....but I think I will just use my PC for games until the price becomes more reasonable or my parents buy me the system. They always buy me these systems when they first come out, and there are always flaws in them. I hate owning a system when it first is released.
  3. I just beat the Vikings 38-29. Quincy tied a NFL record that is held by a Manning... Eli Manning. Quincy threw 6 interceptions and had a 0.0 QB Rating. He's gone for good, traded him to the Dolphins for a 3rd round pick. The only reason I won was that I picked off Culpepper 3 times, and each one I ran for a TD.
  4. Talk about what team you are, who you signed, who beat etc., right here! I chose to try and lead the New Orleans Saints to some sort of title. I had my team set with no big deals to speak of. First preseason game of the season...WHAM! Deuce Macallister, who I had planned to carry the offense, was out for the whole season with a shattered hip. Oh well, I still have Aaron Brooks to carry the offense. WHAM! Aaron Brooks suffers a broken vertebrae and he is also out of the season! I hired Quincy Carter because he would fit into my offense decently (ie, he could run) and went onto the season. Game one, against the Panthers, I lose 48-14, with Quincy throwing 3 interceptions and Bouman, my backup QB throwing three as well. Antwain Smith, my running back, was shut down for 50 yards and 1 TD. I just finished game two, beating the NY Giants 38 - 7. I threw alot of shorter passes, and Quincy ended the game with two passing TD's and 1 rushing TD to his credit. I shut Eli Manning down, sacking him 5 times and hitting him at least 15 times. After that game, the future looks bright for the Saints! Hopefully, my lack of a real starting HB and QB won't bite me in the ass.
  5. Toe

    Madden 2006

    Oh, I want to hear the results of this epic encounter! I just hope that someone....makes it out.....ALIVE.
  6. Is there any free hockey simulator?
  7. Toe

    Madden 2006

    Sports titles are usually not accepted in those deals, and you usually get crap when you trade those games in.
  8. Toe

    Madden 2006

    I think the pre-season trainings keep whatever bonuses you have for the whole season, and the ones during the season boost your stats for the upcoming game. Here's something I can never figure out. The computer shifts it's players around before the snap... but I have no idea when I should be doing that stuff. Any sites I could visit to help teach me this crap? ←
  9. Toe

    Madden 2006

    The training camps can give you a temporary stat boost or a temporary stat decline. If you sim, it's usually the latter. But, it's like you lose one point from your overall, so whatever. I don't know if the preseason games matter either.
  10. Madden 06' looks good for the DS, and has franchise mode. I wonder if the PSP one will too. I don't really like either of the systems. They are both too large and uncomfortable for my liking, and I prefer playing my games at home anyway.
  11. Toe

    Madden 2006

    UPDATE! The starting HB was injured for nine weeks, so the first 8 of the season are all mine. I don't know why, but my stats went up to 84 overall, and this is not just the bonus from practice. The Lions are 4-0 with two really close games against the Bears and the Ravens. I've ran for two 100-yard plus games so far, and the other two were really crappy. Harrington and Garcia have combined for more then 20 interceptions in 4 games. HARSH. I'm playing on All-Pro.
  12. Toe

    NHL 06

    I heard NHL 2k6 doesn't have the new Salary Cap in it though, so ...... NHL 2k6 - LOSER.
  13. I haven't played it because the commercials make it seem cheesy and dumb, but maybe I should rent it. Wait, no. I just bought Madden, and that means 3 months of my life are committed to that.
  14. Toe

    Madden 2006

    I am a 82 rated HB, drafted by the Lions. 2nd round baby! I was the second stringer, but the starting HB got injured, so I get to start the first nine games of the season! YEAH boy! I'm going to go out and guarantee victory in every game I play in, then complain as soon as the other HB comes back!
  15. Toe

    Madden 2006

    Since I am picking this game up tomorrow (because that's when it is released in Canada), I want to know who is getting or already has the game, what they think of it and I want to hear about your character in Superstar Mode.
  16. Might be too late, but oh well.... As the number of players dwindles, don't be afraid to start betting more and more on weaker hands. With only two players in with you, a pocket pair above 7 is pretty good.
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