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Everything posted by Toe

  1. Earthbound was my first RPG, and the first game that ever managed to create a true emotional response out of me besides laughter. I loved that game, and I want it now. Thanks, assholes. Again, agreeing with EBG, Saturday Night Slam Masters. Just a great beat 'em up wrestling game that my brother and I could play forever. I would add WWF Royal Rumble in too, as it was awesome fun. Low blowing people with Flair is something you can't beat. Also, the Spider-Man games on the SNES, Maximum Carnage and Seperation Anxiety. Seperation Anxiety especially wasn't hyped or anything, but it was just great fun. Venom and Spidey vs Carnage and some insane symbiotes.
  2. Toe

    The Overrated

    I truly think Halo was an amazing game. Smooth framerate and controls, and it's just fun to play. Really fun. You can play through the campaign several times, with friends or without, and have fun each time. The multiplayer brought back memories of Goldeneye for me. Halo 2, on the other hand, is overrated to me. Not nearly as engrossing, I think because the designer's bought the hype, and tried to make it an epic. The first is an epic, but doesn't feel forced like Halo 2. Goldeneye, I can't agree. When it was first released, the controls felt smooth, and it was just an amazing experience. I played the game over and over, by myself, because it was just awesome. If I play it now, it does feel awkward and the graphics are bad, but thats after games like Red Faction and Halo and Killzone changed what a console FPS should be like.
  3. Arrested Development is on there list. I guess they are offended by humour.
  4. Toe

    NHL 2006

    I've never had a goalie do well until I put the difficulty to difficult and changed some of the sliders. I put poke effectiveness to almost full, goalie cover to near full and stuff like that. I'm playing as Washington, and Kolzig is doing great.
  5. Anyone see Tucker's goal in the Carolina game? I wonder why the Carolina defender slipped like that....
  6. I got season 2, and it is really awesome. I recommend everyone get it. Also, after baseball, on November 7th, Arrested Development Season 3 continues! Monday at 8, I hope everyone watches!
  7. But is it like the earlier Blitz games, with people flying around the field after hits and 100-yard passes, or is it at least a little bit realistic.
  8. I would if it was on in Canada. Stupid Canada.
  9. I want to know if the game is really arcadey or not.
  10. It could have been worse. Havlat could have used the blade!
  11. Toe

    Madden 2006

    Personally, I like the basic default sliders.
  12. I'm wondering how skewed this game will be towards arcade. I'm definitly doing to rent it.
  13. Listening to the game on the radio was fun, because everytime to Montreal fans would boo, I had to tell everyone to shut up so I could hear what happened.
  14. Yeah, I love the rivalry games, and if the new scheduling can create more rivalries where currently there are not, then it's even better.
  15. Now I really wish I had been able to see this game. So much controversy, must have been fun to watch.
  16. I'm happy that nobody got hurt in the game, and am pissed that I can't watch tonights game. Habs vs. Leafs, Round 2! Again, I am forced to choose between my two favorite teams.....oh my.
  17. A perfect example of overblowing. Tucker was driving the net of his own power. Sutton grabbed him on the goalline. Watch the replay again. I won't argue that it's not an ATI. It is. He deserves a suspension. But it's not like this is the kind of thing that has gone unsuspended before. And the fact that you can say "I didn't see it, I don't care" is pretty atypical of Leaf fans. Any Make-be-leafs player goes down, instantly the whole nation of Ontario wants to have the opposing coach, the other teams goons, and the other teams owner extradited so they can be publically executed. Bob Hartly has a history of this? Give an example. I heard Tie Domi say it (for all the weight that holds) but between them Beyak and Kouleas had no examples of such conduct. Neither could back up the assertion that Hartly is a "bush league coach". I'm sure that this morning we will get a ton of journalists bailing you out but when two pro guys can't come up with an example on the air after the incident, it tells me more then that a bunch of Leaf marks who happen to write for newspapers will come up with an excuse to bail out their hotheaded enforcer and enforcer-coach. And speaking of being typical, look at you being a typical Leafs apologist. Overblowing things and just generally being a fanboi painting his team with no bad words. Yeah, Domi lost it a bit? We're talking about the same guy who jumped off the bench (illegally) and started trying to pick fights after one of his teammates got an accidental puck to the face. The same guy who beat the shit out of a fan at a game in Philly. The same guy who threatened to kill a reporter for comments about his wife. This is a certifiable idiot with a liscense to punch, but because he wears the blue and white, it's "his job" and it's "fine by you". If you ever want to be anything more then a sterotypical, one dimensional GTA homer, let me know. Until then your opinion on hockey is really pretty much irrelevant.
  18. I might give your sliders a try too, maybe that will change my opinion of the game.
  19. I'm a happy man after that game. I have McCabe, Lindros, Tucker and O'Neill on my Fantasy team, along with Belfour. Now, I can't say anything about the Thrashers - Leafs game "cheap shots" and all that, because I don't have Leafs TV and only read about the game. It's funny that John Ferguson got into an argument with Thrasher's coach Hartley though.
  20. Toe

    Madden 2006

    I haven't messed with the sliders at all, and after playing for awhile I throw only 1 or 2 INTs tops, unless I play really bad. You just need to read the defense and understand when they drop into zone or man-to-man. After awhile, it's easy.
  21. wait, you're a hockey fan you said? find your mistake in that quote. by the way, word on the street is that is that Sean Avery made some reference to George Laraque's race, and I'm betting it wasn't about the french part. Laraque apparently wasn't a Sean Avery fan to begin with, and this likely isn't going to help anything. as a card carrying klu klux klan member, however, I am now picking sean avery for the hart trophy.
  22. Toe


    I think that Tupac is alive, in a recording studio is South America. That's why there are all those Tupac CD's with "unreleased" material that have been released. Him and Notorious B.I.G are sitting in Colombia laughing there asses off, rolling in large piles of money.
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