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Everything posted by Toe

  1. Saw 2 This movie sucked monkey balls. The first was good because it was original, but this one just felt tired. It was boring, and a lot of the "traps" or "games" the people were forced to play were idiotic or really obvious. The whole thing itself, when you think about, is way too complex to happen in real life, and that ruined it. As soon as I realized those facts, the movie just became a huge turd. I felt no connection to any of the characters, and would have left if it wasnt so cold outside! I give Saw 2 2/10, and recommend that anyone who wants to see it save there money. Club Dread I bought it at Wal-Mart for cheap, and really enjoyed it. It was a great parody of the slasher film genre, and a very funny comedy as well. A lot of the people I talked to about this movie were split on it. Half of them didn't like it, saying it "wasn't as funny as Super Troopers" while the other half just loved it. I think that most people will love this movie, as long as they go in expecting something DIFFERENT then Super Troopers. I give Club Dread 8/10, and recommend it.
  2. I mention this movie alot on this site. Sleepaway Camp. Made to cash in on the slasher boom in the 80's, it's still original in parts, has some cool kills and is really cheesy. The dialogue is pure comedy, even though it isn't meant to be. Oh, and a girl with a penis is in it.
  3. Go Gamecube. It's really cheap right now, and has alot of awesome and cool looking games like Resident Evil 4 and Battalion Wars. I don't own a Gamecube, but if I ever was going to buy another console, it would be a Gamecube.
  4. I consider Tom Green's opus "Freddy Got Fingered" to be an art film that nobody understood. Or I just like it for no real reason.
  5. I only really got to play this game until 1930 at my friends house, but I really like this game. It's just awesome. I really want it, but can't get it since it is on my Christmas list.
  6. I'd respect the people if it was Civ 4. Now thats a game worth dying over.
  7. Jarhead Going into the theatre, I thought this movie would be one of two things. Either A), it was going to be an American flag waver, or B), a Full Metal Jacket rip off. The first 5 minutes made it seem like choice B) but the movie ended up being an entertaining and original look at a group of Marines during the first Gulf War. There is hardly any gunfire in the movie, and it is more of a look at the psychological impact of marine training, waiting for conflict to start, and how war can change or affect ones mental health. I give Jarhead 8/10, as it was very entertaining. Gyllenhal is great in the leading role, and Foxx puts in a good performance as well. All of the acting is great.
  8. Seeing that Spezza goal again was awesome. Highlight of the Year candidate for me.
  9. I just had Matt Hughes knock Shonie Carter out with a left hook in about 15 seconds of round one. I also had Akebono own Tank Abbott until the end of round 3, when Tank knocked him out finally.
  10. Toe

    XBox 360

    The person that I know that works at Future Shop says that in one day, for one in store display, they have gone through 4 X-Box 360's. Thats a sample of how unreliable the first run could be, because he said two of them didn't work the moment they were installed, before any kids or people had a chance to test it out.
  11. Toe

    The First Five

    From your Day One review, I think I may go out a rent Gun for myself and give it a whirl. And Clawson.....get Civ4.
  12. Halo 2, to me, was not nearly as good as the first. The first game was a surprise, and it was just a great game. Except for visuals, the second game was roughly the same as the first, and all the hype surrounding the game made it feel like a letdown. GTA: Vice City is the best in the series, in my opinion. Better story, great city design, good controls and it had the one thing that easily seperates it from the others - atmosphere. It made me feel like I was in the 80's, it was just an amazing experience.
  13. I don't remember seeing FOX advertise the show too much. I remember seeing a few commercials for the season 2 DVD, but not for the actual show. I only found out it was on Mondays at 8 after my friend called me and sayed he was flipping through channels and saw it on. When it was on Sundays, I only caught the last half of the season for the same reason. I didn't even know that the season had started! I only saw the last three episodes of the first season, and that was the only reason why I became a fan - those three episodes made me buy the DVD. I am really sad that Arrested Development is going to be gone from TV. Hopefully, I will be able to watch the last couple of episodes.
  14. I loved Arrested Development. I own Season 1 and 2 on DVD. And this blows huge chunks. I don't see why more people didn't watch this show, as to me, it is the funniest show on TV at the moment.
  15. No matter who wins the Calder this season, I don't think anyone doubts that both Crosby and Ovechkin will be impact players in the NHL for years to come.
  16. I doesn't matter who would have won the fight. Lewis is done now, and Vitali is done now. The Heavyweight Division is shit. Hell, Butterbean would be better then John Ruiz as Champ, at least Butterbean throws power punches for the 3 rounds he can fight in before fainting.
  17. I saw Doom starring The Rock on the weekend, and for an action film, it was great. It may not have a lot of character development or depth, but it still held my interest and was really enjoyable. It gets 7/10, which is good. I also saw Batman Begins last night. It is way better then the last three Batman films. I loved it. 8/10
  18. Toe


    I hate this show. I just don't think it's a very good premise, and I can't for the life of me think of why it's on TV. Oh, wait. I remembered. It's FOX.
  19. I feel bad for the Chicago Blackhawks. They spent a huge amount of money to bring in Khabibulin, who has been a complete waste of cap room. And now they have lost Ruutu to injury. The Lightning have to be laughing at everyone who said it was a huge mistake to let Khabibulin go, though! The Leafs losing 5 - 4 to the Capitals has shut up all my friends who have been saying that Belfour is done and that Tellqvist is #1. Idiots they are! Pat Quinn has been a broken record this season. After almost every game, even some of the wins, he has complained about his teams lack of effort and his dissatisfaction with there play. After this many games, the blame falls on Quinn for not motivating the players and not moving the line-ups more to find what works. But thats my opinion.
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