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Everything posted by Toe

  1. Toe


    I'm giving in, now that I have some money, and am going to buy a Slayer CD. Can anyone recommend me which one to get?
  2. BEST OF - CKY 1. 96 Quite Bitter Beings 2. Rio Bravo 3. Disengage The Simulator 4. Escape From Hellview 5. Flesh Into Gear 6. Fat Fuck 7. Attached At The Hip 8. Shippensburg 9. Sara's Mask 10. Suddenly Tragic 11. Inhuman Creation Station 12. Lost In A Contraption 13. Promiscous Daughter 14. Sara's Mask 15. To All Of You For CKY, it's hard to mix and match like this. Each CD has a unique sound, and if you ask me, each one is amazing as is. But, if someone wanted to know which songs to listen to if they wanted to hear CKY, those would be it. Listen to CKY.
  3. I don't know, Uwe Boll might have something to say about that one!
  4. Earthbound Two would make me explode with joy - as long as it still kept a lot of the strangeness from the first game.
  5. I'm going to stop watching hockey, because every game I watch becomes really depressing, like Toronto's huge loss to Ottawa on Saturday.
  6. It's too easy to burn Clay Aiken like that. For shame.
  7. You shoudn't have a problem with Kane in this film, because Kane's character in the film is - KANE.
  8. Remember, Goulet may have been able to get up, but if that fight hadn't been stopped right away, Goulet was in a position where we would have eaten 4 or 5 big bombs before he could even turn. Oh, and Royce Gracie vs. Matt Hughes sounds good. I don't think it's amazing and ground-breaking. I haven't seem Gracie fight since I rented UFC 2, so I am not sure if his style even translates into the way they fight now. Still, it's Royce Gracie.
  9. I did go to a Misfits show, with Jerry Only, Dez Cadena, and Marky Ramone (I think it was Marky). The show rocked, but it was because of the atmosphere. Everyone was just so into the show, no one was standing still, and strangers were shoulder to shoulder singing along to the songs.
  10. I really don't like Only's singing voice, and I think the only reason the live shows are so praised are his stage presence, he really can milk the crowd.
  11. Toe

    HDTV Questions

    I want your TV...
  12. That UFC 58 card is looking stacked. I would so want to see that one! It's going to be bloody, as Franklin is going up against an expert with the elbows. And I didn't know there was a UFC Ultimate Fight Night coming up on Monday!
  13. Hostel 0/10 Wow. I would rather wish my friends slam there heads off of concrete then watch this horrible movie. It's just bad. Horrible plot (which just ignores common sense), bad acting and a huge broken promise makes me hate this. The poster at the theatre said "The Scariest American Film In A Decade", and while the extremely timid might squirm a little, the movie isn't scary at all. You don't feel for the characters at all that get killed and tortured, except for one who would have been a better character to focus on then the one they did. I laughed, alot throughout this film. It's just bad. The gore factor is overstated, if you want to see a "Scary Movie", even Ya-Ya Sisterhood is a better choice. Rarely do I see a movie and want my money back. In fact, I love a lot of bad movies. But this movie is just not worth the time or money to see. Even spending $4 to rent it is paying too high. Even bending over to pick up a free copy laying on the ground is too much effort. This movie is the worst movie I have ever seen in my life, as (except for one scene that I laughed at near the end) I was not entertained - at all. Oh, and a quick note on some of the trailers too. I saw a film, and I don't remember the name, but I yelled at the screen when I saw the focus of the trailer was the classic scene from "Black Christmas" where the girl is told the killer is calling from inside the house. The scene in the trailer had the SAME wording to the police's statement, and the same background, it was the same! It was horrible, it's really bad plagarism. I know that movies now are alot of the same stuff, but the EXACT same scene, with the EXACT same dialogue? That's awful. And a remake of "The Hills Have Eyes"? Is that even needed? Ughhh.
  14. For my, it was Alladin, followed quickly by Die Hard.
  15. Toe

    Bloodrayne bombs

    I saw the commercial for Bloodrayne and was convinced that is was not worth my money to go see it.
  16. Oh yeah, like how they handed them the last four wins. No, wait, that was Calgary, who got a free pass for all the hooking and holding they did. I mean, really. They hold the stick so often that Paris Hilton is getting jealous.
  17. Oh. It's not technically a movie, but Band of Brothers is something else I can throw on and watch whenever. The fact that its several hour long episodes may even make it more rewatchable for me.
  18. Toe

    Hostel movie

    Boobies? I'm there.
  19. I hated 1950, but when I saw the band live in Toronto in 2003, Only's vocals were awesome. His stage presence was amazing. If it wasn't for one of the opening acts performing acts of self-mutilation and then jumping into the pit, it would have been the greatest show ever.
  20. Platoon and Starship Troopers.
  21. Meh, I thought it was pretty lame. But then again, I find World Of Warcraft lame too, I got bored of it after 2 weeks.
  22. Everyone is going to start listening to Motley Crue......for no reason.
  23. I like both, but I prefer the older Danzig stuff. It's more catchy, and it's unique. Nothing sounds exactly like the Misfits, and nothing captures that same emotional essence either. The later stuff is still good, but if it was by another group, no one would have heard it. And I hate Project 1950. I think it is one of the worst CD's I have ever heard. I dislike the vocals, and I just don't think the songs on the CD are very good.
  24. That happens in my game too. I hate it, because I have a great record but end up near the bottom in revenue, which for some teams is a goal.
  25. I have like the cheapest bass guitar you can buy. It kind of sucks, but I have a good amp and I am learning. Your bass guitar looks way better then mine.
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