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Everything posted by Toe

  1. I don't really care about Bomberman - I haven't enjoyed a Bomberman game since Super Bomberman 2 on the SNES.
  2. Stuntman and all the Driver games were horrible in my mind, but I remember the hype was huge.
  3. South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut
  4. Another dissapointing game was Gran Turismo 4. I just couldn't get into, for some reason I couldn't drive with any skill.
  5. I like Guns N' Roses version of "Live And Let Die". Death From Above 1979 has a whole CD of remixes of there own stuff that is a mix between rock and dance music, and it rocks.
  6. I still liked the original MK over all. But maybe it was so awesomely bloody in it's day, and my mom didn't like me playing it. But I did anyway.
  7. I was dissapointed by Blitz: The League. There isn't much depth at all in the story mode, and it just was the same old Blitz with flashy new graphics. State Of Emergency blew chunks. Conflict: Vietnam looked pretty cool, but I found the gameplay nearly unplayable.
  8. So sad to see Team Canada lose, but I really think we had it coming. I know that veterans can have a huge impact on the game, but leaving 2 of the top scorers in the league (Spezza and Staal) off the team, especially with hindsight, seems like a moronic move.
  9. Don Knotts is one of the reasons that "The Andy Griffith" show is still funny to watch today. It sucks to see him gone. Rest in peace.
  10. You don't need Horn anyways, he is old. You got Stallworth, he is the man!
  11. This decade, because this decade brought us happy people Infiltrate.Destroy.Rebuild and An Answer Can Be Found from CKY.
  12. I have to trade in games to get new ones, so my list is short. XBOX - Fight Night: Round 3 - NHL 2K6 - Blitz: The League - Madden 06 - Ghost Recon 2 - Call Of Duty: Big Red One PC - Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 Gold - Civilization 3 - Call Of Duty 2 - Call Of Duty - Rome: Total War
  13. I really don't see how they screwed up with RCT3. I got it, and am loving it! I used to stay away from theming my park in RCT1 and 2, but I love doing all the scenery and theming now that its in 3D. The only problem I can see with RCT3 is that lower end computers that can play the first would explode attempting to play this, and that sometimes when building an underground rollercoaster the view is difficult to work with.
  14. Chopping Mall I rented this because I enjoy slasher films, and love to sit with friends as pick them apart as they go, while still enjoying all the trashy aspects of the genre - the nudity, bad acting, strange plots, and most importantly, the killings. This movie is pretty good, based upon those 4 things. A group of teens stay overnight at a furniture store in a mall for some "partying" (SEX). At the same time, the mall implements a new security system involving robots that can disable any robber with no lasting harm and no collateral damage. As the mall closes, lightning fries the new robot's computer core, turning the three security robots into deadly "Killbots" (that was the original name of the film, by the way). Blah Blah Blah, girl gets her head exploded by robot cutting laser, blah blah blah, blood and guts. Really, I can't remember the character names, but you can just call them by the sterotype they represent. California Jock gets his throat slit, bubbly valley girl gets head blown off...so on and so on. It's a fun movie to watch with some friends. The acting is, at best, harmless, while the script is pretty useless. Just watch for the laughs and for the head explosion. 6/10 EDIT - I apologize for the huge movie poster, but looking at it, it kind of misrepresents the movie. No one gets chopped up and put into a bag!
  15. Toe


    The TV spots for UltraViolet are giving off some horrible vibes. It has an Aeon Flux kind of feeling, which is not good. I don't really like stylized action movies too much, as the attempts at artistic shots and stuff detract from the most important feature of a action movie - the action. Also, the movie's commercials make me think of Kill Bill, but not in a good way.
  16. If only there was something that could give you information about a movie over the internet....... hmm.... Hmm.... http://www.imdb.com/ Hmm..... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donnie_Darko hmm..... :google:
  17. I loved the book, Casino Royale. But I don't think they are going to keep the movie even remotely close to the book. Bond doesn't kill thousands of minions in the book, and even gets captured and tortured! I like the whole James Bond series. It's always been a cool, cheeky series, and I hope that they keep making Bond films.
  18. You could keep building, I guess. I almost never try to achieve the objectives anyways, I just try to build a bitchin' park.
  19. ...and Canada wins another hockey game. Sweetness.
  20. I don't even understand what Chaos Theory said there. Anyone care to translate?
  21. Oh man, I hope Toronto wins Saturday night. I am getting tired of turning on the hockey, and then becoming really depressed when a team like Phoenix can't be put away, or we get completely run over by Ottawa. And I am happy that the Olympics are coming around. Hopefully the break will allow Ottawa and Toronto to get back on track, as they both seem to have no momentum. Oh...and theres the whole Olympic Hockey thing.
  22. Wrestlemania 2000 for the N64. I knew my mom bought it for me for Christmas, but I rented it like 4 or 5 times before anyways. Then, when my mom saw me going to rent it a 6th time, she broke down and let me open it up a week before Christmas. I couldn`t wait for Fight Night: Round 2 to come out, and I am actually excited for Round 3, despite not owning a XBOX 360. Actually, I usually do that for most sports titles.
  23. It's official. I have gotten over the whole "Hockey's Back" buzz, and now I am back to my old hockey groove - Watch it at the start, then stop caring until after the All-Star break.
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