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Everything posted by Toe

  1. A History Of Violence Surprised the hell out of me. Cronenberg's best work that I have seen. A History Of Violence had a really intriguing plot, it didn't openly say much but it did tell you everything. The action sequences were excellently shot. I thought the acting was good, and overall it was great. The ending was good too, leaving you to wonder if the main character could continue life as normal. Cronenberg's love of gore is maintained, which was pretty funny to me. 9/10
  2. I thought that was a great game to watch, exciting and it was very back and forth. Boston killed themselves with the back-to-back 5 on 3's in the second, and Toronto held the momentum the rest of the way.
  3. Toe

    South Park

    Cause Tom Cruise is a crazy nigga. No Chef on South Park sucks, but the importance of the Chef character has died down since a couple of seasons ago. I think that this will lead to more Mr. Slave, which is good. Everyone likes Mr. Slave, right?
  4. Toe

    The Magazine

    NHL 2K6 I have had a change of heart. I had previously stated that I liked NHL 06 from EA Sports better, and while I still maintain that the visuals are better in EA's game, I have been converted after a lazy day without access to my computer. The gameplay in NHL 2K6 is superior to NHL 06, being more realistic and more fun once you get used to it. The Enforcer system is especially fun when playing as a team with Tie Domi, Darcy Tucker and Bryan McCabe. The goalies sprawling about look good too. If I could get access to XBOX Live, I would get fully updated roster and be happy as a clam. 9/10 (Note - I have the XBOX version, not PS2. Also, I have the Canadian version, with Mats Sundin on it. It's cooler then stupid Turco.)
  5. Its supposed to be in stores, but I have never seen it. Which is dumb, because I also have no way of buying it online.
  6. Toe


    You could get an emulator. Of course, I won't provide a link because I'd most likely get a warning. I might get one just for posting this...
  7. I'm a firm believer that Ottawa should not win the President's Trophy. Why? I think it will curse them to another early exit from the playoffs. That's just me though.
  8. Fucking Allison. I had gone out for a bit during the game, and I refused to believe that he had even scored. I am not an Allison fan at all.
  9. Doug Gilmour was the fuckin' man as I grew up. When he came back for his last bit as a Maple Leaf, I cheered. I was pissed that he got hurt right away. Shayne Corson and Tucker also are up there as my personal favorites, they just kept sturring shit up and made the playoffs amazing and fun to watch. Tie Domi for the same reasons, even though he isn't really that great of a player, thinking on it. I've been a fan of Jagr for awhile now too, because despite his real life slumps, I still kick ass with him in all of the hockey video games. I got him for my Florida team in NHL 06, and him scoring is automatic - 75 goals in one season. Oh, and Saku Koivu.
  10. I always cheer for all the Canadian teams to make it into the playoffs at this point in time. Usually, not all of the teams even have a chance, but this year all of our teams are competitive. Toronto won tonight, and has to win a good majority of the games remaining to make it into the playoffs. I don't see Montreal, Tampa or any of the other teams fighting dropping off huge, so I think if Toronto wants in, they are going to have to take the spot. Oh, and Allison got two goals. TWO goals. So Sean Burke must have had a really, really, really, really, really, really off night.
  11. Toe


    It's mainly brought on by the swing in the market from over the top games to realistic simulation games. I bet in Blitz: The League, you can still do all the wierd big head codes like before.
  12. Ahh, see I didn't know that. All I had to go with was his stats from this season which aren't that much better than Theo. Apparently according to the Gazette this is the first time in 40 years that a Quebecoise isn't one of the goalies for the Habs. I'm going to go look around and see if that's true, I find it a bit hard to believe that from 1965-66 to now there was never a span with a non Quebec goalie.
  13. I dislike Marilyn Manson's cover of Soft Cell's "Tainted Love".
  14. Montreal just shut out Boston. Huet got his 4th shutout of the season, and has effectively put the breaks to the Bruins playoff hopes.
  15. The first Fight Night game was extremely addictive to me, I played it for almost a year until the second game came out.
  16. I am slightly dissapointed by the lack of moves made by Toronto, but it's not like Toronto had anyone other teams would want. I guess picking up a young guy, and moving one defensemen for another of the same quality is better then a fire-sale. I think Ottawa did the right thing with Tyler Arnason, was a much cheaper pick up then Olli Jokinen and is still young and developing. Losing Bochenski is sucky, but IRC he hasn't played really well since the preseason.
  17. Age of Empires 3 wasn't as good as people said it was. It may be that I am no longer that big of a classic RTS fan.
  18. I thought Ken Klee was okay, definitly better then Richardson. But, as Beatnik said, if this is a move to free up cap room for a bigger move, then it's ok. Who do you think Toronto could be looking for, if thats the case?
  19. Luke Richardson? I always pick him up as a seventh in NHL 06, but that's because I love having a heavy-hitter. Toronto doesn't need another goon, and Richardson is otherwise a pretty underskilled guy.
  20. Halo 2 was a dissapointment. It was great, but it definitly didn't meet the level of hype that preceded it.
  21. Toe


    I don't need to make a long list, as I've seen CKY live. And to me, there the best band out there. I just noticed I am wearing a CKY shirt as I am typing this.
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