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Everything posted by Toe

  1. Toe

    MLB Games

    I'm going to buy MLB 2K6 tomorrow, so I'll tell you what that one is like.
  2. Toe

    League Warz

    That is one huge-as-fuck file!
  3. I also remember the incident, which was a complete crock of shit.
  4. When I watched the clip of the Tucker "knee on knee" incident, I didn't see Tucker stick out his knee to hit Hecht. Lindy Ruff was just blowing it out of proportion, and made himself look like an ass in the process. However....his team is going to the playoffs. Oh well, I still have faith that Toronto will sneak in too. If we win all eight, we just need Tampa to lose 4 games.
  5. Toe

    League Warz

    So...is it any good?
  6. I just liked watching the fatalities, so I always tried to play with the cheat code for one button fatalities on.
  7. I'm calling it now, BLUE JAYS, 2006 WORLD SERIES CHAMPIONS!
  8. Wow. I have never been a baseball fan, but that was a good game. I really enjoyed watching the Jays beat the Twins 6 to 3. Maybe I should try to watch more baseball... The new Jays played well, except for an error by Overbay in the first, they all did there part. Glaus with the double, Overbay with the single and Molina with the homer in the 4th. Halladay threw well, and then BJ Ryan cam in and knocked out 2 of the 3 he faced.
  9. Did you just call Darcy Tucker a pussy?
  10. I gave it a 0/10 because for it to get a 1, it would have to contain something I liked. But I disliked everything about it. If I wasn't there with a group of friends, I would have left. The gore, which is arguably to main part of the movie since it is what all the advertising was about, was tame in comparison to the claims that were made by Eli Roth. The acting, in my opinion, was atrocious. Roth and Tarantino even sent a letter to the government of Iceland apologizing for there portrayal of people from Iceland through the character of Oli. The way the movie makes Slovakia look is far from the truth, making it look like a country stuck 20 years in the past and extremely poor. Plus, I cannot buy the plot in any way, because I cannot see 2 Americans ever trusting the word of a Russian dude in a hostel that they just met minutes ago.
  11. Belak should be the first shooter, and he should just plow into the goalie at full speed. That's what I would do.
  12. Toe

    Clerks 2

    Just for the fact that it is set in a fast food restaurant means that a large percentage of the population will be able to sympathize with the characters and feel for them.
  13. Toe

    Clerks 2

    It doesn't need to be as good as the original. not even close, to be a good film. After the last couple of movies by Kevin Smith, I would like to see him make something enjoyable and good.
  14. Toronto is losing 1 - 0 after the first. I wish I had Leafs TV, because I don't really enjoy listening to the game on the radio that much.
  15. I liked all the ones where the referee got hurt. Because, no matter what sport it is you watch, the referees are always retards.
  16. I have to agree with your predictions about the AL East ( I don't know much about the rest ), Toronto may be better and may actually compete for the Wild Card, but they have one of the worst divisions to be in competing in, with Boston and New York always producing results. Toronto doesn't have the budget to work with like New York and Boston either, so it's tough. I'll be really pleased if they had a shot near the end of the season, instead of being nowhere.
  17. You can't go wrong with Roy, Sakic or Gretzky. All three hall of famers, all three amazing hockey players and people.
  18. If Tampa, Montreal or New Jersey go 5-5 in the last ten here (I know, they have already gotten a head of me), Toronto can make it in with 10 wins, maybe 8. We need help from one of those three though to make it - and we need Atlanta and Florida to not steal our spots.
  19. Agreed with the opinion that the recent episodes have been high on the suck factor. If this movie is amazing, then it will give the series a few extra years of life. If it fails, I don't think new episodes of "The Simpsons" will happen when there current contract is up - at least not on FOX.
  20. Hey, you got to let me have a little bit of hope, considering how screwed the Maple Leafs look right now.
  21. Can we take some of the goals we scored tonight and apply them to Monday's game against Buffalo? 7 to 0. Wow. I guess the Leafs took advantage of there rest and exploited Buffalo, who obviously looked tired.
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