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Everything posted by Toe

  1. I'm a huge CKY fan, so to me all three of CKY's CDs are flawless. Metallica's "Kill 'Em All" is also awesome.
  2. Toe

    USB Game Pads

    Xbox 360 controllers can be used with your PC, as they are USB. Future Shop or Circuit City should carry USB controllers, and you can most likely find one that is almost exactly the same shape and layout as a PS2 controller. I have a Mad Catz USB controller for my laptop which is exactly like the Xbox S controller.
  3. Forrest Griffin losing to Tito Ortiz is not a negative. Forrest showed he has the goods, and that he can hang with one of the best the UFC has to offer. If Tito Ortiz had lost, however, that would have been huge. Tito would definitly have been knocked down a peg, and Griffin would probably be seen as a top competitor for the LHW Title.
  4. Seriously, the RIAA have no soul. You couldn't work out some sort of payment plan or something? No - you tell the girl to drop out of MIT. Now, she may have stolen music, but the RIAA are coming out as the crooks. Why would I want to feed an industry that does that kind of thing?
  5. Although Allison played well, I don't think either him or Lindros should be resigned. Lindro because he didn't play that well when healthy (he did have moments though) and Allison because I heard he was not a good guy in the locker room (rumoured). With the money Toronto saves from that and not signing Belfour (even though we still will pay him $1.5 million or something) we can go out and get a goaltender, and maybe a young forward. I heard that Brad Richards, even as a RFA, could be tempted to come to Toronto. That would be great, and the cost would probably be draft picks. I think Richards would be worth that. Chara is another UFA, but I doubt Ottawa will be letting him go. He is a dominating defenceman, capable of offense while showing Scott Stevens like streaks in his game as well. If Toronto SOMEHOW got Chara, I would cry a single man tear of joy. Toronto this season, besides some injury problems, just did not have depth, especially on defence. I like Wade Belak, but seriously. Belak and Berg are not too great. Khavanov blew the goat. Really, only McCabe, Kaberle and Klee (until he left) carried the defence. Next year should be better. The younger defencemen got tons of ice time and all of them showed talent, from Ian White to Kronwall to Colaiacovo. We showed that we have some forward depth as well, despite our poor draft record. And Ponikarovsky and Antropov (to a lesser degree) really played well. I think Toronto, in the end, did the right thing in not rebuilding like a lot of people said. From the results of this season, it looks to me like we don't need to rebuild, just to modify what we have.
  6. Toe

    MLB Games

    Can you send me your 360 so I can try it? Please?
  7. I've been going on and on for weeks saying "The Leafs will make it!" over and over. But the dream is over for me. Carolina had to fuck that up, eh? Rat bastards.
  8. I've followed the production of the game, I am thinking of picking it up.
  9. Toe

    MLB Games

    The XBox 360 version of the game fixed the SS and 2B thing, they will now be a little agressive and go and GET the ball. But, I don't have that version. It's still great, if you ask me. It's just not as amazing as MVP Baseball was last year. Except the pitching, I think it's amazing and fun.
  10. I think all of the new Jays have played well, its our pitching that has been bad.
  11. Faith. You need to have faith in the team. We will take that last spot. If we can beat Ottawa, we can beat the other two teams, no doubt.
  12. I did not know they still made new episodes of "Yes, Dear". I've only saw what was on TBS. And "Yes, Dear" was my pre-work show. If I didn't watch it, I had a horrible attitude at work. Seriously. I am still holding a grudge with FOX over "Arrested Development". I understand why it was cancelled, but as my favorite show ever, I am extremely saddened to see it end so soon. I don't understand how people did not like the show. I own Season 1 and 2 on DVD, and it's the only TV show other then the new Battlestar Galactica I have ever wanted on DVD. Hell, I skipped college just to buy "Arrested Development" Season 2 the day it came out, and spent several classes watching episodes of 1 and 2 during lectures on my laptop. It's the only TV show that has seriously had an impact on me, in the way I talk and do things. Because I want to be like Gob. And Buster. And Micheal. And George Micheal. And on and on...
  13. Except for Southern Ontario, Toronto is the most hated and most loved team in Canada. A lot of Canadians just despise them, but because of the coverage they get on the CBC, they are also probably the second most popular overall teams in the NHL behind the Red Wings (they are America's team, after all). I don't know who is the most hated team in (American) football. I think it's pretty even, with each fan hating there teams divisional rivals equally. The Yankees are exactly like the Leafs, but on a larger scale (since baseball is more popular then hockey in the USA).
  14. I like it when Sundin scores. And I like it a lot when I tell people that Matt Stajan will score the game winner, and then he does. Toronto's great play of late is making me wish my NHL 2K6 diary was Toronto instead of Columbus. Actually, if it was Toronto, I would have like double the views.
  15. Toe

    NHL 06

    I think a good setting for NHL 2K6 is just "Hall Of Fame" difficulty. I just discovered that my local EB finally has a copy of Eastside Hockey Manager 2005. Should I get it?
  16. I don't eat when I play. Because video games usually require two hands, so unless I am eating through a straw it is impossible for me. Actually, I just don't snack when I play. I find it really annoying when my brother does, though.
  17. Toronto is ahead, 1 to 0. The Islanders have had a couple chances, but Aubin has been solid. As I speak, NY is getting a powerplay....
  18. Time for a change I guess. Quad City Mallards must have one of the worst jerseys ever http://images7.fotki.com/v149/photos/3/393...njerseys-vi.jpg Milwaukkee isn't much better http://www.milwaukeeadmirals.com/home/news.../plaid_team.gif
  19. Toe

    NHL 06

    I used to have decent sliders though. Penalties, turn them up. Turn the speed down. Block shots goes up, poke checks go up.
  20. It's too bad this hot play of late had to start....late. Remember that big losing slump we had in January and February? That's what put us into the situation. I still have hope. Everyone I meet is a doubter, they all say "there is no way, man!". Fuck them. Toronto will make the playoffs, just so I can throw it back in there faces. Anyways, it's been entertaining either way. This is the most regular season hockey I've watched ever.
  21. Toronto needs to win out. Tampa faces Carolina twice and then finishes with Washington, and we need them to lose two. Atlanta needs to lose one so they dont steal our spot, but they face Washington twice, Boston and Florida. Joe Nieuwendyk will save us!
  22. I thought the History of Canada thing (which cost some obscene amount of money) was pretty awesome overall. I'll be getting this on DVD, as I love hockey movies. Mighty Ducks > you.
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