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Everything posted by Toe

  1. I am so psyched. I forgot that hockey was on tonight, then I turn on my TV to see Ottawa losing. They won, which is great. But I am more excited to see Calgary and Anaheim, because I think it's going to be a trainwreck for Anaheim.
  2. CKY. They have been my #1 favorite since roughly 2001 and there has never been a time when I haven't felt like listening to one of there CDs. I own all of there stuff, and will always replan my schedule to fit around going to see them.
  3. Ottawa is now leading 3 to 1. A great wrister by Spezza from a bad angle beat Grahme, and then Fisher managed to score shorthanded after a bad turnover by Tampa. EDIT - Ottawa won it, 4 to 1. Edmonton is going into overtime against Detroit, as they are tied. Dwayne Roloson has played his best game so far. AND J.S Giguere isn't starting against Calgary due to injury.
  4. I had a friend who abandoned his plans to go to the best Canadian University just so he could slack off on school work and play more WoW. Smart, huh?
  5. PLAYOFF HOCKEY! I am over the fact that Toronto is out - I now have 4 teams to cheer! Ottawa, Calgary, Edmonton and Montreal all must win!
  6. I prefer the clean look of Tyler's, and I don't like the buttons on Livid's design. So it's 4 to 4.
  7. I think John Ferguson did the best thing he could do. There werent too many people to sign, considering how much Toronto's salary cap was already eaten up. He took a gamble to try and help the team at least compete this year. Next year actually looks much brighter already, and we haven't made any moves in free agency yet. EDIT - Actually, there were plenty of players to sign, but we would have had to dump players to get them. I still like Ferguson taking the chance on Allison, Lindros and Khavanov with one year deals. Allison played well, but the other two didn't and it doesn't look like any of them will be Maple Leafs next year. Allison is probably going somewhere else, while I could see Lindros as done.
  8. Absolutely awesome news, I cannot wait for this...
  9. I just heard from TSN while watching the IIHF Under 18 Tournament that Pat Quinn has been fired along with the assistant coach (his name escapes me) by the Toronto Maple Leafs.
  10. Toe


    If you want people to join your "e-fed", post in the advertising forum, not the entertainment one.
  11. There are a couple teams that could probably use a veteran better then a high draft pick. If I was Houston or even Detroit, and I could pick up a skilled veteran and still draft in the first round, I am taking it. This years draft looks pretty deep, so it won't hurt much unless your gunning for Young or Bush.
  12. I don't think the Texans need Reggie Bush. If they can trade to someone to get a pick that is still high and get some quality veterans as well, they should take it. I think Houston needs to upgrade there defence more then anything, so they might try to bring some veterans in there.
  13. Ummmm, yeah. I only like 4 or 5 Korn songs, but for 10 bucks, I would certainly go. Toronto is an hour away, so there we go.
  14. Rush. Anything by Rush right now is sounding pretty good right now. Especially "Limelight", "The Spirit Of Radio", "Closer To The Heart" and "Passage To Bangkok".
  15. Western Conference (1) Detroit vs. (8) Edmonton (4 games to 3) I don't think Edmonton is going to roll over and get squashed, because the team does have talent, but you can't ever bet against Detroit. Unless they suffer some injuries in goal or start hitting a cold streak, Detroit will go to round 2. Dwayne Roloson, if he plays well, can help determine how much fight Edmonton will give the Wings. (2) Dallas vs. (7) Colorado (4 games to 1) Colorado's goaltending is a question mark for me. Dallas is pretty solid all around, while Colorado has definitly lost there depth and it shows in the records. I'm choosing Dallas. This one wont be as close as the Edmonton series unless Joe Sakic can really bring it. (3) Calgary vs. (6) Anaheim (4 games to 1) I am again picking the higher seed. Mikka Kiprusoff has been playing well, and the whole team has started to pick up there play. Calgary's defence is strong and if they can score, they will win. Anaheim's playoff lives depend on two people - J.S Giguere and Scott Neidemayer. I don't think even those two playing well can lead Anaheim to win. (4) Nashville vs. (5) San Jose (4 games to 0) Toughest choice. Nashville played amazing at the start of the season, but I don't think they kept up the firey pace all year, kind of like Buffalo. Without Tomas Vokoun in goal, I see Joe Thornton and Jonathan Cheechoo continuing to play strong and chewing up Nashville. I see Nashville playing strong next season, but not now. Eastern Conference (1) Ottawa vs. (8) Tampa Bay (4 games to 2) I hate Ottawa, but they played strong all year. This prediction is made on the assumption Hasek won't play - Ray Emery has definitly shown up to the task of starting in goal. Ottawa's managment must be thrilled with him. I don't see Ottawa destroying Tampa though, because Lecavalier, St. Louis and Richards will play really strong and keep the series thrilling at least. (2) Carolina vs. (7) Montreal (4 games to 3) I think if Montreal had Cristobel Huet since day one as the starter, they would be much higher then 7th. If Huet starts, I see Montreal winning the series. So many players on the team are just hitting there stride now. Carolina has proven in the past to be bitches to play in the playoffs, though, so you cannot write them off. Especially since the team is so strong this season. (3) New Jersey vs. (6) NY Rangers (4 games to 3) I'm picking the Rangers. New Jersey's defence still isn't as strong as it was, and considering that both teams have excellent goaltending, this game could become a shootout. And we all know who wins shootouts. Jaromir Jagr. Well, they do have other scorers. Prucha and Sykora can score too. I'm saying it's going to close however, as you can never go against a team like New Jersey. (4) Buffalo vs. (5) Philadelphia (4 games to 2) This is going to be the more brutal series of them all. I think, however, that Buffalo's speed and youth will be able to win the day. Plus, I think Ryan Miller and Martin Biron are both better then Niittymaki and Esche. I do have a dream though, that Donald Brashear will hurt Andrew Peters really badly. EDIT - Crosby getting 100 points is great. I think teams played him much more physically then Ovechkin, knowing he couldn't respond. Crosby still managed to have a steller rookie season, it's too bad he is overshadowed by Ovechkin. I wouldn't be surprised if, somewhere down the line, Ovechkin wins the "Rocket" Richard Trophy while Crosby wins the Art Ross. Crosby, I believe, is overall a better playmaker (like Joe Thornton almost) while Ovechkin brings the pure scoring talent like Pavel Bure when he played at his best. These two are going to be amazing, that's for certain.
  16. Toe

    MLB Games

    I have MLB 2K6 for the XBOX. Some of the graphics suck, mainly the players faces. But the presentation is amazing, from the talk during the loading screen to showing the strike outs. And, I didn't see anything wrong with the Blue Jays uniform. The only thing screwed up with the gameplay is the shortstop and 2B AI, they will miss some easy rollers and wont move forward to grap a line drive. I haven't played "The Show" because my PS2 is fried, though.
  17. At this point, if you want to blame someone, blame Mitchell Hurwitz. They had a deal on the table for either Showtime or ABC (I can't remember exactly which one) which would have allowed them to continue the show on a full budget, but it was contingent on Hurwitz staying with the show. He walked, deal fell through.
  18. TSN.ca - Leafs resign Chad Kilger The Leafs resigned Kilger to a multi-year deal, the terms were not released. I like this move. Kilger was a tough defensive forward. He put up some points and played well on the penalty kill.
  19. It's a fun game. The executions are really cool, but get a bit tedious. The best part of the game is some of the voice acting like Sonny and Tom Hagan. Spot on.
  20. 1. I am most suprised that Nashville made it. They were 8th last year and lost in the first year, and I thought they were carried on the back of Tomas Vokoun. I could never imagine that by adding Paul Kariya, that the team would play that strong. Now I can't joke about them. 2. While the Leafs losing is a personal bummer, the outlook from the start wasn't too hot. Vancouver not making it, however, is still a mind-blower. Injuries make up a part of the equation with Cloutier and the defence core getting ruined. But I think that poor play by the top line in the last month or so was the death blow. Vancouver lost several close games where, if the top line had been producing, they would have won easily. 3. I am with Clawson. I'm not cheering for them, but it looks like Detroit will rock the west and most likely sip from the Cup again. Seriously, can anything hurt that team? Trading away draft picks? No problem, they find stars in the 2nd, 3rd, hell 7th round. Injury bug hit? The team is too deep to be bothered. Salary Cap comes around, and they still manage to keep the team intact. Detroit steamrolling the season is now a common thing, I have barely heard a peep about how they have gotten 122 points. If it isn't Detroit, it's Ottawa (but I hope it isn't). If Hasek is healthy along with the rest of the team, then Ottawa really has a great shot. They have playoff experience, have played rough games. They can score and play defence. Heck, even without Hasek in net they are still solid, as Ray Emery has shown he is possibly the future starting goaltender. I was so bummed by Toronto being eliminated that I forgot they had some games remaining.
  21. I have questions for EVERYONE! Who are you most surprised made it into the playoffs (now that only Atlanta is competing for a spot still)? Which team that didn't make it should have? Who do you think will win the Stanley Cup?
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