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Everything posted by Toe

  1. I'm still not sure Edmonton can pull through. They are down 2-0 so far, and I think they need to win this one to take the series. If Detroit wins this game, I don't see the Oilers winning in Game 7.
  2. I hope they pick real pornstars. It says they are taking them from the lead US studios, but I don't think the whole show will have a big impact unless we know that each on of those women has taken it up the ass. I don't know why, but having that knowledge would just make it funnier when they attempt to act seriously.
  3. Any team that is rebuilding needs Bush. The whole aura around him could easily attract free agents who before wouldn't go to the team, just so they can be on the same side as Reggie Bush.
  4. Shit you got a first for Belak? I should try even though I love my team right now. Everybody has been fucking solid, I may add in points later: Smyth-Sundin-O'Neill Tucker-Lindros-Sullivan Stajan-Wellwood-Steen Kilger-Wilm-Domi Kaberle-McCabe Khavnov-Klee Colaiacovo-Regehr Belfour-Tellqvist
  5. I've managed to win with the Leafs in NHL 2K6 with the only change being no Eric Lindros. Stajan, Steen and Wellwood led the way with 50 point seasons each, and Sundin was healthy all year and was in 5th points in the league for points.
  6. Toe

    He's Back

    I dont think his legacy is really tainted, but if I was Green Bay I would tell him he is either sitting on the bench or staying home. The young QB they have needs to get in some experience, he has great potential and the team needs to build around him. Farve staying, as the starter, puts a damper on those plans. Farve won his Superbowl, so he doesn't have much of a reason to stay. He probably just can't imagine his life away from the game.
  7. this might be good news for some leaf fans.
  8. I had to wake up at 7 in the morning, but I still stayed up past 2 to watch the end of that game. The game winner was just awesome! I turn the channel to check the time, and then when I go back - BOOM! Edmonton wins! And now, I will be watching Montreal and Carolina tonight! Joy!
  9. Toe

    He's Back

    I wouldn't care the Favre is back. Aaron Rodgers would be my starter, and if Farve is willing to ride the pine and show Rodgers the ropes, then I would take him back.
  10. The Edmonton game has been amazing to watch. There has been physical play and tons of scoring opportunites. Seeing Edmonton up 3 to 1 is really blowing my mind, but it is such a close game. GO OIL! Grape, I am with you. That disallowed goal was stupid. Legace just came out, and Smyth really couldn't get out of the way. But it's ok, because it is 3 to 1. If the Red Wings tie and win in OT though, some people are gonna be pisssssssed.
  11. Come on. The USS Reliant, and that whole class of ships, are obviously the coolest ships in the Star Trek universe. Heck, even Kelsey Grammer is the captain of one of those bitches! My favorite episode in the whole Star Trek universe, out of all the series and all the movies even (just slightly beating Wrath Of Kahn) has to be, from the Original Series, BALANCE OF TERROR. Introducing the Romulans, its a perfect allegory for the Vietnam War. Lobbing shells at an unseen enemy in territory far from home, arguing about crossing the "Neutral Border" as the enemy retreats to safety (which could represent the Vietcong forces running into Cambodia and Laos). Plus, the interaction between Kirk and the Romulan Commander, despite the fact that they only talk at the end of the episode, is amazing. Seeing how they both think nearly alike, despite there differences.
  12. Battlestar Galactica has been the most amazing show I have seen. I didn't start until the second season started, as I had blown it off as some cheesey Sci-Fi show. But it is more then that, it might be one of the best shows on TV right now. The Colbert Report is the other show I make sure to watch, along with the NHL playoffs.
  13. ...and Montreal wins! What a goal, as soon as I saw Higgins free behind the net I knew it was over. Did anyone see Montreal taking a 2 game lead on Carolina? I doubt even the Montreal press saw that coming! Then, I switch the channel to see Mike Modano score with seconds left in the second to put Dallas up 4 to 3 against Colorado! These NHL playoffs have been amazing so far, and Toronto isn't even involved! We have blowouts, double OT games, huge hits and amazing goals. I love it.
  14. It was easy and fun to make comedic movies in the game, I made a bunch that had my friends in stitches. But other genres are harder to do, because you can't make a horror film just with out of place costumes and funny dialogue.
  15. Oh man, the Montreal/Carolina game is going to overtime! They traded the lead in the 3rd, hopefully both teams will stop with all the penalties and we will see some great hockey.
  16. Buffalo is schooling the Flyers, and Montreal is beating Carolina is a very exciting game. Playoff hockey > sex.
  17. My favorite character is Kirk. TOS series is not my favorite, but Star Trek II : The Wrath Of Kahn is one of my favorite movies, the best of any of the Trek movies by far IMO. My other favorite character goes to Worf, because so many of his lines come off as comedic when they aren't meant to be, but he is still a likable character. Least favorite character? Every species which existed for one episode in Voyager, TNG, DS9, Enterprise and even TOS.
  18. 15,000 layers? That looks like a screenshot from a next gen video game, it looks great.
  19. Deep Space Nine was probably the best of the series, after TOS and TNG. As everyone has said, the storylines made the show. I thought that, while some of the show's episodes were annoying ( I just don't like Odo ), DS9 captured the spirit of the previous series. Voyager seemed bland, with the same thing happening over and over - meet species A, something goes wrong, fight species A or protect A from species B. Enterprise had some moments, but too much of the series was just boring. When they ended the whole thing with the destruction of Earth by NOT concluding it and giving us a satisfying ending, and instead going into a two episode arc with Nazis and crap, I gave up. That was a big letdown. I think they could make another series or movie about a ship fighting the Dominion War first hand, filling in all the gaps.
  20. Didn't Bush turn up at the Combine completely out of shape? It doesn't matter if the Texans take him first or trade the pick, I think the Texans will do much better next year. They have so much talent on the offensive side of the ball already, I don't know how they dropped the ball.
  21. It's too bad Edmonton couldn't score. Roloson face 50+ shots there, so letting in that third goal was definitly not his fault. It must feel like they wasted a great game from Roloson on a loss like that.
  22. Iginla got a penalty for getting punched in the mouth by Vishnevski. And now it's 5 on 3 for Anaheim.
  23. This games getting chippy too, everyone is getting smacked around! I LOVE PLAYOFF HOCKEY!
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