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Everything posted by Toe

  1. I thought that strike by Togo was amazing, off the inside post and in. It's always nice to see teams who are just happy to be there doing well.
  2. Edmonton is now down 3 games to one. This is bad, as it means they need to win there next two games and force a game 7. It's a pretty shitty situation.
  3. I want Dallas to win, just to see if Mark Cuban will live up to his promise and greet the NBA Championship Trophy nude or in a speedo.
  4. Gretzky did save hockey by bringing in fans and getting people interested in it. When he became an LA King, it was a sad day for the Oilers but a great day for the health of hockey in California and the United States. Plus, by becoming a LA King, Gretzky sparked an interest in the game by children, which is now bearing fruit. Look at how many young players from the United States there are that are rated very high by the scouting agencies, like Phil Kessel and Erik Johnson. I am against retiring numbers. I could see you raising the player's jersey into the rafters and celebrating him, but unless that player was one of the greatest to play then it shouldn't happen. The Blue Jays don't retire numbers, they put there players on a wall which is covered in the teams greats.
  5. If they made this, and it was truly real time, I want a scene where Jack Bauer takes a piss.
  6. Some people are babies. They have aquired the property, but that does not mean that there will be a movie made. It could take them years just to get a script! When it's all said and done, this could be a junky movie, or it could end up being amazing. You can't judge it when there isn't anything to judge.
  7. I hope Dustin Diamond gets cast in it.
  8. I tried to watch, but when my brother reminded me that The Ultimate Fighter 3 is on, I sayed "screw basketball!".
  9. I don't think any player should have there number retired across the whole league other then Gretzky. No other player has had such a huge impact on the game.
  10. Dave Chappelle's Block Party has a marching band playing Kanye West songs.
  11. Oh my god. Jussi Markanen clearly doesn't want to play in a playoff game again. I don't know how a team losses 5-0 in the Stanley Cup Finals, but it happened. The Oilers need to win the next two at home, because it is looking like they are impotent at the RBC Center. Oh, and Ted Nolan gets an NHL job. Too bad its with the Islanders, meaning he will be fired after the season and have to go back to the Q.
  12. Prozzak. "It sucks to be you! I know I know. It sucks to be you! I know it's true."
  13. As soon as you get it, check for any damage to the body or anything along those lines. If there isn't any serious damage to it, then it was a good deal.
  14. So you can Brandon Lee people? Nice...........
  15. GOB Bluth > Criss Angel. "Where once there is yacht, now there is not!" And of course Criss Angel's tricks aren't real. They are magic tricks, so they are nothing but amazing slight of hand/mirrors/distraction etc. He is a great magician, but I think that believing that he can actually levitate is dumb.
  16. Buffalo sports fans have to worst luck ever. They always lose because of shit like that stupid penalty. Buffalo played well, and really can't be dissapointed with finishing so well this season. Look at where they were the season before.
  17. Toe

    Booo Twisted Sister

    Is missing Twisted Sister really a big loss?
  18. I find it quite retarded that Lindsey Lohan is third.
  19. I am so happy Toronto kept one of there bright points from 2005/06. McCabe's play on the powerplay was awesome. Even when the defence adjusted to him, it left other guys open like Mats and Kaberle. We just need another veteran for the blueline and we should be set. We were second in powerplay percentage and had the most powerplay goals this season. If we can keep our PP strong and improve even strength just a little, we will easily make a good run into the playoffs.
  20. I am not going to choose a favorite for multiple sports. I think that, of all the sports I watch, there is one player overall that really sticks out. He almost single handedly got his team into the playoffs, and has been the teams highest scorer for several years.
  21. As I said before, this is all a testament to the new NHL. If the new rules and the cap were not in place, I would expect Toronto, New Jersey and Dallas to still be playing. But now, we have equality, and it makes for great hockey.
  22. Just a question of interest here. Did Pete Rose ever bet against his own team?
  23. Anaheim played just as hard as Edmonton did, with a line up full of blue chippers and role players, just like Edmonton. Both of those teams deserved there spot.
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