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Everything posted by Toe

  1. I don't think so. T&T don't really look to be playing too agressively, they seem to be playing with most of there team playing defence.
  2. Ok, England has been good with keeping the pressure on, but I think they need to do some work at halftime, change there strategy. Nothing has worked so far, and they haven't had that many quality opportunities. You can't say the defence have been crap. They have barely had to do anything.
  3. Thats a nice sight. A T&T player with his hand down his pants.
  4. MLS is getting better too. Some of the teams that have there own facilities are starting to make money, and now that they know that having there own facilities is key, only teams that are willing to build there own soccer-specific building are allowed to join. Toronto has built a magnificent place for there new team which starts next season.
  5. Beckham just said "fuck it" and drilled it at the wall. What a spiteful bastard. And that was not a pretty tackle.
  6. I bet you that if Mats Sundin played for Sweden here, they would have won.
  7. ROONEY! ROONEY! ROONEY! Crouch is funny looking. Is it just me, or does he look like one lazy bugger?
  8. Unlike France, England can at least get the ball to the net.
  9. Ha! The same moment as that foul, I farted.
  10. England needs to score. I don't think they can have the other team score on themselves in all the games. Can they?
  11. Fuckin' eh! Not only did Pisani win it in overtime for the Oilers, but he did it by scoring short-handed!
  12. Well, if the referees are going to fuck up and give one goal, they might as well fuck up and give a few more.
  13. I missed the last half, but did either team try to sub a defender or midfielder for someone more agressive? I don't see how any team, in the World Cup, can be happy with a draw.
  14. Fuck France. They are a world class team, but they are playing like utter shite. You would expect that, with the legends and stars they have that they would be at least a little motivated to score, but nope. They can barely get the ball on goal!
  15. Henry is back on, and he is still taking some really shitty shots. Is he too afraid to put any elevation on the ball, after seeing everyone else kick it over?
  16. Is Henry back on the field?
  17. Finally, someone wearing a French uniform puts the ball on net. Now they need to work on getting it in......
  18. Can France even get the ball near the goal? Everything they have shot has been way off. ..and the Swiss shoot from WAY out, and it's on goal.
  19. I don't know how France did so poorly last time, but I expect them to at least score this time out. I mean, they do have Henry.
  20. Nah. We are all going to find out that, through some NHL technicality, Wayne Gretzky is still a member of the Oilers and he is going to suit up and score 3 goals and crush the Canes is game 5.
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