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Everything posted by Toe

  1. I'm starting to think Pronger/Peca to Edmonton was somewhat of a conspiracy to show that small market teams can succeed in the new NHL, and land big players again. It's the NHL's way of screaming THE SYSTEM WORKS! Pronger and Peca came to the team that was the closest to shutting down before the new system, Bettman got what he wanted (small market teams to achieve more, a US team winning the cup), and now both Pronger and Peca are on their way out to most likely an Eastern Conference team. I know it's not like the final was rigged or anything, but aside from that, it just seems like it was set up that way.
  2. I'm expecting Russ Adams and Aaron Hill to mature, Alex Rios to improve, and maybe another free agent added to the team. We beat the Mets. Series is 1-1. Let's go Jays!
  3. I would think if there was any truth to that, TSN would have posted something.
  4. He did. It was posted in this thread, I will look for it.
  5. I like the trade. Just Raycroft for Rask, a one for one deal. I know Tuuka Rask is a huge prospect, but Raycroft is young too. Part of the reason Raycroft was bad last year was his team. The Bruins were just awful until the Thornton trade, they did improve by the end of the year. Raycroft is the solid starter I was hoping we would get. Well, I was thinking more of Giguere, but I bet he would have cost us more then just Tuuka Rask. Fuck, can we just skip the summer? I am getting excited for next year already. We have locked down McCabe, we now have a #1 goaltender (fuck all the idiots who say Aubin should start), all we have to do is get a scorer for Sundin to feed and then lock down Matt Stajan (who I believe can be a very capable second line centre). I am totally happy with the moves so far by Ferguson, and can't wait to see who the Leafs target in the free agent market. I want two things now for the Leafs. First, a defenceman. Any veteran who can play responsibly in his own end. Aki Berg, Wade Belak, Alexander Khavanov, even Luke Richardson to an extent, they all can be sloppy in there own end. If your not contributing offensively, you cannot be a complete fuck up in your end! Secondly, a winger with scoring talent. Not someone like Sergei Berezin was, lazy as fuck. Not someone like Alexander Mogilny, injured half the time. Patrick Elias is someone who fits this bill. With the cap going up to $44 million, and knowing that the Maple Leafs will be able to spend right up to that, they have the ability to sign someone big. The other thing I would like to see from the Leafs is to offer Jason Allison and Eric Lindros one year, $800 000 deals. Thats half of what they made last year. Allison was money on the powerplay, ended with 60 points in 66 games (I think), but his injury fucked us and he was a big liability even strength. Lindros also was a impact player at times. He wasn't as productive as I would have liked, but he provided leadership at times and was very physical as well. I don't think either of these guys are going to get offers from elsewhere. EDIT - I wrote a lot there, eh? I just checked on TSN. Raycroft, at 26, could easily be a rock for Toronto (if we give him the proper defence) for several years.
  6. Tanguay is a Flamer! This off-season has already been huge, with Luongo moving to Vancouver. Now we have this, and I think that this move makes Calgary a favorite in the West again. Sure, losing Jordan Leopold hurts, but Calgary has some defensive depth and can pick someone up. Having Alex Tanguay is a move that gives the Flames someone who can just make Iginla's game so much better. Tanguay is a goal-scorer, and a very good one. The knock against the Flames was that they couldn't score. They could get the shutout, but they couldn't score. Now, they can.
  7. Apocalypse Now! is a classic, highly recommended. The Redux version goes a little long, but is also good. Especially because it goes deeper to show how the war and there surroundings have effected the people there.
  8. Pirate, eh? Explain in a PM, eh?
  9. I would assume the Canucks only made that trade with the assurance that Luongo would sign with them. Now, Toronto has to look for a goaltender. They could trade for Giguere or Nabokov, or sign a free agent like Gerber and Legace.
  10. Thats amazing. Thats huge. Vancouver said they would be making some changes, and now they have one of the best goaltenders in the game now. Now they have to sign Luongo...
  11. I have to work. My hope is that Toronto can grab Bryan Little, but I am not too sure.
  12. Toe

    New TMNT Movie

    I've gotten over the Ninja Turtles, I am going to be 20 in August. I think I should be over it. However, the one where they back in time is still pimptacular.
  13. The Jays are looking to be in contention, but even there managment expects them to take another year to reach the playoff level. If the Jays were in the NL right now, they would be the top team in the NL. The American League is very tight, with so many competitive teams. Signing AJ Burnett and Troy Glaus is only a step in the right direction.
  14. Havlat is only interested in a one year deal because he wants to test the free agent market next year. I don't know, any player who isn't willing to make some sort of commitment to the team might not be worth the millions to keep with the team.
  15. Toe

    FIFA '06

    FIFA is better when you create nicknames for your players. Like "the black dude", or "that other guy".
  16. While AJ didn't pick up the win, he pitched well. The Blue Jays were able to get there first series sweep since July of last year/
  17. A player like McBride can only do so much without service, it's hardly his fault.
  18. Dissapointing for the US team. But they had to win, and hopefully win with a lot of goals, and they still came out with one attacker and 5 defenders. Why? A lot of the players who were supposed to show up, like McBride and Donovan were invisible (except for being elbowed...).
  19. NOOOOOOOOOOO! I think those are ugly, and I don't see what the problem with staying the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim is. The owners want to get away from the Disney image, but fuck, it's cool!
  20. PUBLIC ENEMY! I'm talkin' bout BASS! And the Talking Heads? Awesome! David Bryne looks like he is about to collapse from exhaustion, yet is still riding a high from drinking 8 Red Bull's.
  21. I dont know, me not having a PS2. But it is very cool on the PSP.
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