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Everything posted by Toe

  1. Fall Out Boy were okay until I had heard there songs for the 1,000,000 time in Madden and NHL 06.
  2. I can't think of one in particular, but I can think of the dumbest way to do it. Have the character get dumped by a new character, and then off himself while listening to Rush.
  3. Off The Record is a great show sometimes. I think the format they have now, with having a one on one interview with someone then going to the panel, works better and is more interesting.
  4. Here is my early prediction of this season. Toronto wins the Stanley Cup by having there "agents" poison whatever team they are about to face for the whole season.
  5. That Blue October song is on every half hour, same with Nickelback. Doesn't matter what radio station you turn to.
  6. The trailer looks so amazing. I saw it before Snakes On A Plane, and it just got me so pumped. I can't wait.
  7. Toe

    Madden 2007

    I'm not too worried about getting bored....with Madden 06 on the XBOX, I played it from release day to about April of this year. Thats a long time on one game for me, I only tend to do that with the Madden series of games because I can always get into the games.
  8. I enjoyed the movie. It was exactly what I thought it was, just a fun action film with a lot of snake bitting action.
  9. Toe

    Taladega Nights

    The promo stuff that Riley and Ferrell did on Larry King Live was just awesome. They were in character the whole time talking to Larry King, and when Micheal Waltrip called in they repeatedly told him to "go to hell". It was awesome.
  10. Toe

    Madden 2007

    I have already bought the game on preorder from EB, it looks to be awesome. I'm excited, as this looks to be the first great game in my opinion for the 360; none of the other games have been that enjoyable to me.
  11. I have to say, the hockey stick is a brutal weapon. You can take out like 5 zombies with one shot, and its like a gun except, well, wooden. Plowing through zombies is cool. Doing it in an evening gown is cooler.
  12. Owen Nolan has resolved his greivance with the Leafs and has now signed with the Phoenix Coyotes. No one is saying numbers, but it is thought that for not playing for two seasons, Nolan recieved over 6 million dollars (which is only half of what he was seeking).
  13. I can't move the TV either. I will probably just not bother with XBOX Live until I see a third party one come out or see one for cheap on eBay or used at EB.
  14. It's too long of a distance, and I can't have any cables lying around either or my mom would freak.
  15. The biggest downside is the cost of the wireless adapter that allows you to use your XBOX360 on a wireless network. I already have a wireless router hooked up to me computer so my brother and I can use our laptops online. It's like $129.99 Canadian for the wireless adapter, which fucking sucks. None of the TVs in my house are near a phone jack, so my only option is the wireless thing. Is going online worth it? And what stuff can you do with the free XBOX Live service?
  16. Toe

    Help with a song

    Is it by Slayer? It must be a new song by Slayer...
  17. One thing to consider is this: I read the review on IGN of NHL 2K6 for the XBOX360, and it said the graphics were not much of an upgrade from current gen. But holy shit, especially on a HDTV, it looks amazing. In fact, seeing what games look like with and without the HDTV, I would recommend getting your hands on an HDTV. As Zero said, a lot of interesting games are coming out soon for the 360. And, the new sports titles are no longer a step back from the current gen, Madden 07 and NHL 07 look to be completely awesome.
  18. Thats just totally fucked up. Clarrett looked like a guaranteed lcok for the first round and a big contract, but he blew it. No one but himself.
  19. Superheroes don't kill people, Wolverine does. And he does a good job at it too.
  20. Well, even if Burnett managed to turn his game around, we would still need to get another starter. Gustavo Chacin looked good before being hurt and Ted Lilly has been ok, but thats we need another good starter who can be relied upon to go out and be reliable. I like our outfield, and Overbay and Glaus are good on the corners. Second base and shortstop are places we could also use upgrades, unless the team thinks Adams and Hill have improved.
  21. Asking for autographs at work is unprofessional and tacky. Going to the athlete's parents restaurant and asking there parents is classy and respectful. Like me and Shayne Corson, former Toronto Maple Leaf.
  22. New York surges, Boston continues to play clutch, and Toronto just decides to screw the pootch. The Jays now need both the Yankees and Red Soxs to crash there team buses and injure all there players so they can crawl back into contention. Oh well, Glaus and Overbay both have been great pick-ups and hopefully AJ Burnett can recover from this nightmare year and step into the #2 job that he was brought in to fill.
  23. Toe


    I think neither the men or women players should get as much as they are getting, because tennis is not cool. Or, women should be payed the same as they are just as talented and it is more then one or two players winning. It's just as entertaining, and I would argue that the shorter match times make it better.
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