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Everything posted by Toe

  1. Do you think we're robot clean Does this face look almost mean Is it time to be an android not a man
  2. Mats Sundin got that milestone out of the way early. What a way to do it to, shorthanded to win the game in overtime. I remember hearing people before the season started saying "trade Sundin!" and that he was washed up. I wanted to punch those people in the face, but this is better. Watching Sundin play well and watching the team beat one of the better defensive teams in the league to boot.
  3. I enjoyed watching the Sabres/Montreal game, the way those teams play is always fun to watch. But I will never cheer for the electric slugs. Never.
  4. Toe

    NHL 07

    I don't get obscene scores in the 360 version, because it takes skill to score. The skill stick changes the game huge, one timers are not the best way to score now.
  5. Radek Dvorak is in the dictionary next to the word "shite".
  6. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! That was shit. Up by 3 going into the third, and then Brian Gionta scored three to give the Devils the tie, and they went on to win in the shootout. Out of the 6 againts him, at least 3 of them were easily stoppable by Aubin.
  7. You suck. Raycroft has done well for me. Of course, I took notice of real life and have tried Wellwood on Sundin's wing, which worked pretty decently. Also, picking up Chris Drury off of re-entry waivers so I only pay half his salary will help, especially if I make the playoffs. I just need to find a way to get Bryan McCabe scoring. He takes like 7 shots a game, but has two goals I believe.
  8. Read my Leafs diary, you'll see how deadly Sundin is. I've started one as the Penguins now, and picked up Pandolfo from the Devils off of waivers, and Kyle Wellwood from the Leafs off waivers.
  9. That was close. We dominated the majority of that game against Florida, and if Alex Auld did not have a horseshoe or three up his ass, we would have won by more then just a shootout. Alex Auld earned Florida the point in that game. Thank fuck for Kyle Wellwood, Andrew Raycroft, and Todd Bertuzzi going slow as hell in the shootout.
  10. Well, we lost in a shootout. Poo. Poof hitting the metal really really really sucked, too. I thought it was in right away, but it didn't. Oh well, Monday we get to face Belfour and the Panthers. I hope we can win there.
  11. Yes. If the Toronto Maple Leafs lost to the Montreal Canadiens by that much, the city of Toronto would be consumed by riots never seen before. And the French Canadians would consume so much poutine that there gas would cloud the skys above North America for years and years.
  12. Shanahan gets the first star because not only did he score two crucial goals, but he also reached 600 for the career. The Montreal/Buffalo game is satisfying on two levels for me. One, it was great to watch and really entertaining. Two, the game was high paced and went to overtime, so I think it is safe to assume that some of the Montreal players will be tired by tomorrow's game against the Leafs. And us in Leafland need all the advantages we can take.
  13. That 6-0 win could be a huge thing early for the Leafs. Hopefully we can keep the energy and momentum up and carry that into Saturday against the Habs and Monday against the Panthers. Oh, and Kyle Wellwood still wows Windsor women. Trust me.
  14. We get our revenge tonight. I expect to see McCabe take at least one slapshot from the point and not be as horrible in his own end as he was last night.
  15. Well, we lost. We had a bunch of opportunities, especially in the first five minutes, but could not convert. Our powerplay was awful except for once, but it still could not score. I don't think McCabe got more then one shot, and it didn't neven look like they were looking to McCabe that much. I think Jeff O'Neill, with the time given, did well. He created some chances and was physical. Raycroft was good, stopping 31.
  16. Yeah, the San Jose/New Jersey deal just sounds like Lou calling in a favour or using good ole' Jersey persuasion to get that deal.
  17. Riberio to Dallas for Niinimaa Ok, so that whole deal about Riberio lining up between Kovalev and Samsonov is down the drain. I did not know Montreal needed a defenceman so badly.
  18. I don't know. Giving away a player like Johnson who many feel will be a lot like Dion Phaneuf in his skills is going to hurt in the long run. I guess that the problem of blueline depth was consider to be very serious by management. Carolina did not like Tverdovsky last season, and they lost some of there depth guys in the off season. Losing Kaberle was the final straw, I would assume.
  19. I don't like the trade made by the Hurricanes there. Gleason is supposed to be there immediate defensive help?
  20. Zherdev has FINALLY signed with the Blue Jackets, signing to a 3 year deal for a total of $7.5 million. Now the Jackets can boast having Freddy Modin, Rick Nash, Anson Carter and Zherdev along with Gilbert Brule and Sergei Federov. Thats a lot of offence.
  21. Touche. Didn't the Canadians announce there first line to be Kovalev-Riberio-Samsonov? They are really pushing for Riberio to break out.
  22. Samsonov, a playmaker? I have never heard of anyone touting him for anything except his speed and scoring. However, you could be right and that would make him a better fit in Montreal where Kovalev is a true sniper and Koivu is another guy who can move the puck. I've just never heard anyone call him a playmaker.
  23. But he should have been good with Thornton as his center, and even then he never got past 29 goals. Seriously, for what he is getting and how highly touted he is by some, Samsonov has yet to prove himself to be this elite scorer. Maybe this year will be his year. But think about it. Micheal Ryder already has gotten 30 in a season, yet no one talks about him.
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