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Everything posted by Toe

  1. I don't think sitting back on a 2 goal lead really works in the NHL now. It is much better to continue to forecheck hard and force the other team to tire out and waste time getting the puck out of their own end. Even if it does not get you shots on goal, it is worth a teams time and effort to spend time practicing how to forecheck effectively. And any time you can take Iggy out of the game for 5 minutes, you take it. Not only does it take him out of the game, it also can get your team going.
  2. The best part was when I scored goal number 2, the kid yelled "What was that?!?", to which I responded "Mats Sundin.".
  3. It has to suck for the Canucks. They had a 2-0 lead going into the second period, and yet they left without any points. The Flames did not outshoot them or anything. The Canucks are going to have an up and down season, I guess, since they seem to play well and horribly interchangebly.
  4. No, he has lost in regulation this season. I think it was the Panthers he was in against.
  5. I just set up my XBOX with XBOX Live after getting my hands on a used wireless network connector. My gamertag is desiredtoe if anyone is interested. I love XBOX Live. Not only does it give my favorite games added longevity through online play and new content, but it allows something like this to happen. I was playing a quick ranked match in NHL 07, and wound up in a game against a kid ranked third in the world. This was my 5th game online ever. This kid picked his team based on stats and was just blabbing away, on and on about how good he is and how I, with only 4 games under my belt, was going to be steamrolled. I picked the Maple Leafs, not exactly a powerhouse in the game but they are my favorite team. As soon as we get into the game, the kid is chirping me. Every shot he takes, every hit he made. I just sat quietly, waiting for my moment. It came. He turned it over in the center of the ice, Mats Sundin gets it and blasts it into the net. "Oh, that was garbage! What a shitty goal!" What do I do next? Mats Sundin, top of the net. I shut this kid up, and beat his Flames 4-1. Sundin got the hat-trick, and I had a great sense of satisfaction from beating this little snot nosed kid into the ground. I have had some great games online, even in a loss. Some of the people are really talkative, and it makes for such a good game.
  6. Man, ever since my boy Eazy dropped dead from muthafuckin' AIDs and shit, the rap game has gone down faster then a Thai hooker.
  7. I always go into a Montreal/Toronto game expecting bad things for the Leafs after dropping two straight last year and really hurting our sprint for the final playoff spot. This was a great game for the Leafs, however. No Raycroft and no Sundin, we still managed to put together a good performance and beat the Canadiens. McCabe had his best game of the season, playing great in his own end and really getting some good wood on the puck in the offensive zone. Aubin was great filling in for Raycroft, finally showing some of his form from last season. I went into the game with a little bit of doubt regarding the outcome, but it was a good game to watch and moved the Leafs winning streak to 4.
  8. Clawson is super. Thanks for asking.

  9. Holy shit. The patch makes me want to restart my Leafs diary! It really improves the AI for the powerplay and changes a bunch of little things, like line changes after icing and stuff. If I wasn't already so far into my Leafs diary, I would be starting all over.
  10. I like that the patch adds Malkin in, you don't need to go and sign him. And it adds all the other rookies to their teams for camp like Phil Kessel and Anze Kopitar.
  11. I think the movie looks good. I just hope that Venom plays a prominent role, as you don't see him at all during the trailers and I get the feeling that it may be setting up another film.
  12. Toe

    You crazy Senators fan.

    At least you beat the Penguins!

  13. After seeing Arrested Development, no show can stand in comparison and it has ruined my TV watching experience. Thanks for making the greatest show ever, assholes!
  14. Toronto is playing really well right now. 6-4 win over the Bruins continues our little winning streak to 3. Raycroft was playing great before leaving the game hurt, but Aubin stopped just enough to keep the lead and give the Leafs another 2 points.
  15. Emery Listed Day To Day And holy crap, again? Ottawa was up 3-1 and then 4-2, and could not hold on to beat the Thrashers. If they cannot break out of this slump soon, then something has to give. I don't know how a team with that much talent and depth can play so awful. And in this case, despite not seeing the game (just the highlights), you cannot blame the goalie unless he did something atrocious. Your defence didn't step up. The time to do something is now for the Sens. Get a new player, new coaching strategy, something. Right now the situation is fixable, there is plenty of time to reverse this and finish at the top of the standings as expected. But if this play goes on and on, it could lead to missing the playoffs.
  16. We lose Sundin for 3 to 4 weeks. I am not too worried. Sundin always misses a short period of time during the season it seems, so might as well get it out of the way. Sure, he was doing well, but so was the rest of the team. With Kubina back, our defence looks better. Toronto just needs to play smart and outplay their opponents. Sundin may miss 9 or 10 games, but if the Leafs suddenly drop out of contention and lose every game, then we did not deserve to be in contention in the first place. I expect Wellwood to center the top line with Ponikarovsky and Antropov flank him, and then have the rest of the line-up remain mostly unchanged. With Sundin out, Toronto needs to score on the powerplay. With our PK and defence looking good right now, we should be able to get some wins from our powerplay.
  17. One day we will look back and see that Kevin Federline was the most talented person to have ever walked on this earth. Oh, wait. Nope, I'm wrong. He sucks.
  18. I always though Emery should start as the number one goaltender after he did well last season following the injury to Hasek. I remember all the talk from the team about they couldn't afford to keep Chara and Redden, but how much did they shell out for Gerber? Oh, and I went to the Maple Leafs forums last night, and they had a link to a thread on the Sabres forums after they lost to Toronto. Those are fanboys.
  19. I'm pretty sure I'm a bigger fanboy then Clawson. Andrew Raycroft and the penalty killers did an amazing job tonight to prevent the Flyers from stealing a game from the Leafs. Toronto played great in the first period but did not get any bounces in their favour, with only one goal to show for the effort. Philly tied it in the second, but could not keep the momentum and take the lead. In the third period, the Leafs did something Philly did not - take advantage of the powerplay. Antropov got the goal and then Raycroft stopped the rest of Philly's chances to give my team the two points.
  20. My Leafs need some help. Sure, I am blowing past most opponents without any trouble by riding the Sundin Train.... BUT, my powerplay is stuck at around 17%. I did slightly improve it by, and don't ask me how this helps, moving Alexei Ponikarovsky to the top unit ahead of Darcy Tucker. I may have fixed it myself by telling the players to be more selective with their shot selection and being a little less careless with their passing. Anyone have any other ideas? With McCabe and Kaberle riding the points, I shouldn't have too much trouble getting to 20% right?
  21. I am not a fan of dance music, but this song is just amazing. The video is ok, but the song is just amazing. It just blew me away. The Greatest Song
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