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Everything posted by Toe

  1. "London Bridge" by Fergie is awful, yet I have been caught once or twice in class singing it. Fuck, I hate that song.
  2. The Jays signing Thomas may not be a good move financially, but it makes a scary batting order look even more frightening and deep. Thomas is one of the most patient hitters in baseball and has a knack for getting on base. The big problem is pitching, but the market for good pitchers is not too deep, as seen by the Red Soxs spending a fortune just to talk to that Japanese pitcher.
  3. Toe

    NFL 06/07 Talk

    There are several teams that are poised to make the run for a wildcard spot. Buffalo has a slim chance, the 49ers got a shot, and the Saints look like a good bet, kind of a surprise considering their play in the past.
  4. Watch The Video! The video just made me remember how awesome that system really was. Games like Goldeneye and Star Fox 64 blew me away back in the day and seeing the video brought back some found memories. They don't market systems like that anymore, either.
  5. I've dealt with the reliabilty problems in regards to the DVD drives on the PS2. Mine would be very erratic, playing a game or movie one day and then not playing it the next. I got an XBOX near launch, and after 2 years the same thing started to happen. My 360 so far has had no problems what-so-ever over the 6 months I have owned it.
  6. What kind of help do you need? Clawson, just be the fucking Leafs and be happy. You know you want to.
  7. Anyways, if their is any player deserving of ballot-stuffing, it's Darcy Tucker. League leader in powerplay goals so far, but does he get any respect? Nooooooooo. Toronto wins against the Islanders. The Islanders came on strong in the third period, but Raycroft made enough saves and we had a good amount of offence to win. Rick Dipietro made what could be the save of the fucking year when he stuffed Jeff O'Neill twice on a break away. It was just wrong.
  8. I have no clue what happened to Sakara. Maybe the uppercut rocked him and his sense of balance went, maybe he was quitting, or maybe he thought he could try and fight from his back. It just looked so awkward and ended a good fight in a really strange way.
  9. The Heavyweight Title fight was good until the last round. Sylvia did not throw many big shots but control the fight with his good sprawl and jab. Monson got it to the ground, but even in his own territory was controlled by Sylvia. The last round looked like Monson was too tired to go for the win, while Sylvia had too much respect for Monson's submissions to risk going for the KO. GSP dominated over Matt Hughes. Hughes looked like he did in the early rounds against BJ Penn, and St. Pierre was landing some heavy blows. The kick that GSP smacked Hughes with was one of the best I have seen in the UFC, right up their with Pete William's kick to the face of Mark Coleman. What happens now? Does Hughes come back and go for the rematch? I have no idea, but I know that Matt Serra is going to have a really bad day when he steps into the cage with St. Pierre. Brandon Vera and Tim Sylvia would be a good fight, because unlike Monson, Vera throws punches. Sylvia would be more inclined to be agressive and try and throw his weight around.
  10. The Bruins did a great job on Thursday staying out of the box, which I think was the main reason the Leafs lost. Aubin and Tim Thomas both played amazingly well, both teams had good defence. It was a close game, but Toronto just could not create enough offensive chances to win the game. Getting the single point was probably the just result. New Jersey tonight. I am going to predict a 4-2 win for the Maple Leafs.
  11. My gamertag is desiredtoe. So far I only play NHL 07 online, but come X-Mas watch out!
  12. Toe

    Nintendo Wii

    First person shooters look like they could be really awesome on the Wii. It's too bad that I am completely satisfied with my XBOX 360, mainly due to NHL 07.
  13. President's bullet-ridden body in the street Ride, Johnny ride Kennedy's shattered head hits concrete Ride, Johnny ride Johnny's wife is floundering Johnny's wife is scared Run, Jackie run Texas is an outrage when your husband is dead Texas is an outrage when they pick up his head Texas is the reason that the president's dead You gotta suck, suck, Jackie suck President's bullet-ridden body in the street Ride, Johnny ride Kennedy's shattered head hits concrete Ride, Johnny ride Texas is an outrage when your husband is dead Texas is an outrage when they pick up his head Texas is the reason that the president's dead You gotta suck, suck, Jackie suck Arise Jackie O, Jonathon of Kennedy Well, arise and be shot down The dirt's gonna be your dessert My cum be your life source And the only way to get it Is to suck or fuck Or be poor and devoid And masturbate me, masturbate me Then slurp it from your palm Like a dry desert soaking up rain Soaking up sun Like a dry desert soaking up rain Soaking up sun
  14. Ottawa's win against the red hot Sabres is big. They were even losing at one point, but the team that has had serious problems defending leads came back and took a win. It is good to see Ray Emery back in goal for the Senators, and I hope he gets a couple of starts in a row to help the Senators get out of the hole they have dug for themselves. Ottawa should be one of the best teams in the league. If they can get over this extremely slow start, I think they have a great chance to go deep in the playoffs for once.
  15. I actually do prefer Mortal Kombat to Tekken, but thats just because I am not a big fighting game fan and I prefer 2D fighters to 3D (except Fight Night 3, which is the only exception). One thing I dislike in games is, in a sports game, a certain player is rated lower then another and everyone complains. In some cases the lower rating may seem unjust, but in all reality these companies do research and have reasons.
  16. I have XBOX Live now, so I can now play console games online, but I still think that sometimes their is too much focus on the online portion of a game. I would rather have an amazing single player experience then a mediocre one with good online play.
  17. I only got to see the third period of the New Jersey vs. NY Rangers game, but from what I gather thats the only one that mattered. 3 goals in 90 seconds brought the Rangers back from a being down by 2 to winning the game 3-2. Andrew Raycroft will not be playing on Thursday for the Leafs as Paul Maurice does not want to take any risk with his groin injury. Good news for the Leafs is that Sundin is now one week closer to return and Pavel Kubina is finally ready to return and will be in the line-up for the game on Thursday. I don't like seeing Aubin in net again, but he did well against Montreal and maybe he is getting into a groove like last season. Poo. Because of regional blackouts, I am prevented from watching the Flames or Canucks games tonight despite getting the appropriate channels. This is so gay.
  18. The 360 works perfectly on standard and HD televisions. You just need to go into the setting and change it if you are using HD. Oh, and it does look better on an HDTV. It's good on standard, but when you move up to HD you can tell.
  19. As soon as I actually get around to purchasing the game, I'll post here and whomever responds first wins.
  20. The amount of times I have seen pucks go right threw his five-hole, I am sure Aubin lubes his pads before the game or something.
  21. I have the trail version right now, but am going to be buying the game really soon.
  22. I remember last season, the Canadiens penalty kill was fantastic against us. They just did not look very energetic this time around, and it cost them.
  23. Yeah! Popular Mechanics For Kids beats all!
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