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Everything posted by Toe

  1. Jay-Z's new album may be below expectations for some, but lets face it - even the worst song by Jay-Z is 100x better then the majority of rappers out there.
  2. He likes collecting a paycheck for doing nothing? He may not be allowed to coach for another team until his contract with the Maple Leafs is up. I think he has one year left, and I would not be surprised if he was content to just get his money for nothing.
  3. Toe

    NFL 06/07 Talk

    Grossman has not played that many NFL games, he is essentially a rookie and is making those mistakes. Calling him an idiot is not too bright, as he obviously has the brains and talent to QB for the Chicago Bears. Look at Eli Manning - he has looked great many times this year but is still making easy mistakes due to his lack of experience and age. Grossman is doing a fine job at managing the Bears offence, better then Kyle Orton and better then Brian Griese probably could right now. The team is 9 - 2. Not all that can be attributed to defence. I just want to mention that London Fletcher of the Bills is currently ahead of Urlacher and Lewis in tackles right now and is putting together another great season.
  4. I watched a movie where this school girl and her two boyfriends from school were all alone on the bus, and the boyfriends dared the girl to take off her panties, and then she did, and then they all got naked, and then she......
  5. Nah. According to her song she has a lot of gross hairs and she burps in peoples faces, so I don't want none of that.
  6. Ugggh. That was probably the worst hockey game I have seen in a long time. Mats Sundin returned and got the only Toronto goal, but the team could not get it through the neutral zone and Boston jumped on two early chances and then sat in the neutral zone all the way to victory. Thats the first time all season, and this includes the blowout loses to Ottawa, that I wanted to stop watching the game before it was over. It was the worst hockey game all year.
  7. I've said it a ton of times already that Arrested Development was ended too early, so I won't say that Arrested Development ended too early in this thread. To say that Arrested Development ended too early again in this thread would be saying that Arrested Development ended too early too many times. You can only say that Arrested Development ended too early so many times before saying that Arrested Development ended too early becomes annoying and pointless. It could get to the point where saying that Arrested Development ended too early could result in people getting angry at me over saying that Arrested Development ended too early.
  8. The Montreal Canadiens have started the season really well, and they have done it kind of quietly as you don't hear that much about them. I keep saying this, but in the Eastern Conference I would not be surprised to see 4 teams from the Northeast Division make the playoffs. Toronto and Montreal are doing well, Buffalo is flying, and Ottawa is turning it around.
  9. Toronto put the proper whoopin' to the Capitals, beating them up to the tune of 7 to 1. Darcy FUCKING Tucker is one goal back of the NHL lead, Bryan McCabe continued his points streak to 8 games, Raycroft was steady as a rock. The 5 on 3 powerplay for Toronto was the knife through the heart for the Capitals, who had been playing pretty well despite letting 2 goals slip past. Ovechkin put them within one before the end of the first period, but then Toronto took over. I'm hoping that a healthy Mats Sundin is in the line-up for tomorrow's game with Boston. I think the lines should go like this - Steen - Sundin - Tucker Ponikarovsky - Wellwood - Antropov Pohl - Stajan - O'Neill Kilger - Peca - Battaglia That would give us four good lines that we can role all night. Stajan and O'Neill have shown good chemistry all year, the Wellwood line has been great filling in the offence without Sundin, all three on the Peca line work hard every second they are on the ice, and the top line is solid with Sundin helping Steen out of his scoring funk. Any one else have line ideas?
  10. Best thing about Denver is Joe Sakic.
  11. Maurice probably thought that the chances of coming back from 2 were so remote, that to have any chance he needed the extra attacker out their.
  12. "The Real World" hurts my brain.
  13. Toronto drops a close game to the Sabres mainly due to a lack of communication leading to Raycroft turning the puck over to the Sabres forwards. I don't think Toronto played that well though, they got an early two goal lead and then gave up four straight goals. A ton of penalties made it easier for the Sabres...
  14. Buffalo tonight. If Toronto plays like they did on Monday in the win over the Islanders, then it's a Sabres win. Toronto needs to play smart hockey, no turnovers, and they need to shoot the puck as much as possible.
  15. Contracts. Sundin, for me, is getting ratings above 8 in games even when he doesn't score. He makes an impact, even when he is off the scoresheet.
  16. Toe


    But Styx still makes music that plays regularly on the radio?
  17. I wasn't sarcastic enough I guess, but it is harder to convey sarcasm in text. I don't support what Richards said, and I think it was an awful thing. He should have said he was drunk or high on meth though. Would have made the whole situation even more hilarious yet sad. Oh, Trav226. He is loaded, the Seinfeld cast made a fortune per episode.
  18. No Mercy was good, but Super Smash Brothers and Battletanks were the best multi-player games on the system in my opinion.
  19. From the pictures I've seen and what I have heard, BMO Field is going to be a really great place for a professional soccer team to play. I wonder how many people in Toronto are going to go to the games, though. I can see it going either way, a great success or a struggle to fill the seats.
  20. I think it is great to see people still getting offended by the word "nigger". It's used so much in today's culture, but I guess it's only okay if black people say it. I have heard rap songs where every line of lyrics has the word "nigger" in it.
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