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Everything posted by Toe

  1. I hadn't even checked. Shame on me for that, but still. That goal was amazing.
  2. Henderson SCORES! This goal is the best goal not for how it is scored but how important it was politically and how important it was to the whole country of Canada.
  3. 2 periods down, and Toronto is losing 3 - 0, with all three goals against coming on the powerplay. The lose of Peca is really being felt. I am really becoming depressed with this team. Mats Sundin made a game of it, scoring twice, but Toronto couldn't get that third goal and have now lost three in a row.
  4. I really hope that Peca can recover from this injury, and I am not saying that in terms of the Leafs succeeding. This is the second horrible injury Peca has suffered to his legs, I hope he takes his time and recovers fully from this. Belak's cut was nasty, but he is fine, except for a good scar.
  5. Toe

    South Park

    My favorite episode has to be Scott Tenorman Must Die. The first time I had seen it, I never expected it to go so far. It was hilarious and shocking at the same time. Cripple Fight is also pretty good.
  6. I wouldn't say there was anything wrong with the referee in the game, as that is how they have been calling things for almost a year and a half now. No Wellwood, no Ponikarovsky, and now no Peca. Toronto had plenty of chances when it was 1-0 and when it was 1-1 to take control, but they couldn't. Toronto did a good job of shutting down Havlat too. If a team takes so many penalties, you need to take advantage. When you have a good powerplay, you should be able to take advantage. Toronto is in the shitter right now. Things need to turn around soon, because for good while now they have just been spinning the tires. Giving up leads, mediocre goaltending, and some bad turnovers have killed what was an amazing start to the season for the team. Now Toronto is playing to expectations - missing the playoffs. EDIT - The only good thing I see from that loss was Bondra scoring #500. And not just him scoring that goal, but the way the fans treated it despite Bondra just joining the team on what, the 10th? Chicago is doing better and it is great to see a good crowd in there.
  7. I was miserable during that seven game skid. I know how you feel. Federov would not be a wise move. He is not worth his $6 000 000 contract, Bonk is as good defensively as he is, and Montreal is doing well as is. I could see Niinamaa leaving town, but not in a deal for Federov.
  8. I have had my XBOX 360 on for long periods of time and not had any problems with it. I did get mine this summer so it could be an improved model, but I do not know if you need an intercooler.
  9. I think its much better then the first trailer. Makes me actually consider seeing it.
  10. I am really wanting to see a Toronto/Montreal playoff series.
  11. They are #1 and #2 in the league in PPG. There won't be enough basketballs on the court for these two, so one of them will drop off. It is still a pretty killer combo, as both guys know how to score and score a lot.
  12. Montreal is on fire. There awesome play makes it seem funny that in my EHM game, Guy was just fired as coach and the team only has 9 wins (I think) at this point of the season.
  13. Well, I guess if your team beats another team 9-2, then your due for a thrashing yourself.
  14. Moi. I just started a game as the Minnesota Wild. Should I trade away Marian Gaborik for a 7th round pick in 07 or 08?
  15. I got my post in regarding the thrashing of the Rangers. It's a great win, but still only one win in an 82 game season. I am really pleased that Toronto has rebounded from that embarrasing series of losses and now has a little three game streak leading into games against Florida, Chicago and Washington.
  16. Kessel Cancer Free It appears that Phil Kessel will be alright, after having surgery to remove one of his testicles which had cancer. Great news for Bruins fans and hockey fans in general, as I think Kessel has the talent to become one of the better players in the league. Toronto just whooped the Rangers 9 to 2. 2 goals and 3 assists for Ponikarovsky, 3 goals and 2 assists for Kyle Wellwood and 3 assists from Mats Sundin, a dominating performance from the top line. Toronto was very physical and had control for the majority of the game. Lunqvist let in two wierd goals early and that seemed to crush his confidence, as he was left in and got shelled for six more.
  17. Even during his offensive drought, Steen has still got some decent minutes because like his father, he is a great two way forward and when he is not scoring, he is a good defensive player.
  18. So Vernon Wells remains a Blue Jay for a long time. I like the signing, it is like a mission statement from the Blue Jays that they are no longer willing to let their big players leave town. What I don't like is that Wells is making more then Mats Sundin.....
  19. No, last season was Steen's rookie year and he had 18 goals and many saw him as a future captain for the team. Toronto passed up on Pronger because they did not want to include Steen in any deal.
  20. Toronto Maple Leafs beat the Hurricanes 4-3, and what a game for the Leafs. Sundin had two goals and looked dominate out their, McCabe got a goal and two assists, and ALEXANDER STEEN! finally got his second goal of the season (and first in over two months) to win the game! The Rangers are next for Toronto tomorrow night, and I think it will be a close game like this one. Toronto definitly used a short bench, so the Leafs may be tired.
  21. If the puck went off of Gelina's skate like I think it did, then this should make you feel better. Nik Antropov scored a goal with the puck hitting his skate as he was stopping, in a manner very similiar to the picture above. The goal counted.
  22. I think Toronto played above their talent level when they hit the win streak and played well below their talent level when they were losing. They need to be less streaky and start playing a consistent, 60 minute game.
  23. Since I don't watch PRIDE, I don't know much about Cro Crop except reputation. That alone is enough to get me excited about seeing him in the UFC. This thread has made me do a YouTube/Wikipedia search on him.
  24. Toe

    Protest The Hero

    They were all really great after the show. They had no problem with people coming up to them and asking for autographs and stuff. My friends and I had a little chat with them, heard some funny stories, it was awesome.
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