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Everything posted by Toe

  1. Toe

    NCAA 2007

    The review for this game on IGN makes it sound like an incredible basketball game, but I am always put off of college basketball video games because of the lack of names. Will I be able to update the roster to include names with XBOX Live?
  2. Does anyone know where I can get more pictures too?
  3. Ok, I just bought the game. Where is the second license you get?
  4. Toe

    NFL 06/07 Talk

    I would love to see the Colts and the Bears in the Super Bowl, with it being strength against strength, the Colts amazing offence against the Bears defence.
  5. Currently the only artists on my computer that are from the British Isles would be Queen. Everything else is from North America.
  6. Exactly. I need to buy the game soon, I just keep putting it off.
  7. I haven't actually bought the game yet since my only long running game is my Leafs diary (which I am slow to update because something awful happened to one of my players and it makes me cry). Do you have to purchase it to start a multi-player game?
  8. It's spelled Jeff O'Neill. Does anyone know how to run an online game of this?
  9. No one should be surprised with this Vancouver team winning by playing defence. They took a chance when they traded for Luongo, and it was predicted that they would need him to win them some one goal games. They do lack depth scoring, especially if Naslund or Morrison hit one of their cold streaks. So by scoring early and then forcing the opponents to play to Vancouver's style, they can win that way. The team that traps and I can't watch is New Jersey. There shit is whack.
  10. Getting Chad Kilger off of waivers has been the best move by John Ferguson Jr. since he was appointed GM of the Leafs. Pohl is only in the line-up because of his relationship with coach Paul Maurice, and Pohl has used it to his advantage and proved himself to be a capable NHL player.
  11. Another good performance from Andrew Raycroft, and another two points for the Leafs. Hell, Sundin did not even get a point and the team still won. Awesome.
  12. Alexisonfire are awesome. So who ever is going to this, go see them.
  13. Teletoon here in Canada has shown it over and over and over and over and over again, so I don't like the show any more.
  14. Wasn't Henrik Lundqvist on some sort of "Best Looking" list in People Magazine or something?
  15. Florida is next for the Leafs, and if Raycroft can put in another good performance then I will be really happy.
  16. Out of all the previous games, the original one was the best with the following titles being near carbon copies. A UFC game would be tough. You need to fit in one shot knockouts, submissions, clinches and the ground game. You need balance. I hope THQ can pull this off, as a good UFC game would be a welcome addition to my collection.
  17. I am going to have to agree with the love for Smackdown 2. There are other wrestling games with better fighting engines and some with better graphics, but Smackdown 2 was just so enjoyable.
  18. Toronto got back Nik Antropov and Ponikarovsky tonight, and they each scored and got an assist. Raycroft was the star through, as almost all of Tampa's shots were good scoring chances and he was amazing.
  19. Be is wrong. He said Huet is French Canadian. Huet is just French.
  20. I didn't see this game because of a friend's birthday, but from what I can put together it was a 6 to 1 loss to the Canucks. Toronto's next three games are all on the road, and they are against Tampa Bay, Florida and Pittsburgh. Hopefully the team can put together a little winning streak here.
  21. I'm not worried about Mats not being voted in as a starter for the Eastern Conference. It was a vote by the fans and obviously, Sidney and Ovechkin are more popular then our boy Mats. Have they announced the full rosters yet?
  22. If Toronto is going to move anyone this year to either move forward or rebuild a bit, it would be Tucker. He has to be worth something in trade considering the year he is having, and as a unrestricted free agent the Leafs could move to bring him back after the season if Tucker still wanted to be a Maple Leaf.
  23. Toe

    Recommend me books

    "The Last Don" and "Omerta", both by Mario Puzo.
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