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Everything posted by Toe

  1. His stats are normal for a junior level defenceman. He was a three star prospect in the trade, so he has a chance of developing into an NHL player. My scouts I think pegged him as becoming a #3-4 defenceman.
  2. As long as it was at the NHL level and you don't mean being stuck in the minors, I would rather be a good player on a bad team. If I manage to play one season with a bad team, with almost no help, and I manage to put up some good numbers, the good teams will come looking for me.
  3. That one time in tee-ball when I was smoked in the nuts was pretty heart and gut breaking.
  4. Thats the one. I didn't have EHM open so I was only sure on the last name.
  5. I'm leaning towards the Ottawa deal, even though Vermette would only be on my fourth line and Volchenkov would be in tough competition with Denis Gauthier and Jussi Timonen for the 6th defenceman spot. I got mad depth, yo. Brian Lee does look like an outstanding prospect though. I just would hate to give up Downie, who appears to be the exact type of player I want playing in Philly.
  6. Oh fuck. Not only do I have to decide between Downie or Barker, but the Senators offered me a good deal for Downie too. Senators offered me Anton Volchenkov, Antoinne Vermette and the rights to Brian Lee and Pierre-Marc Lessard for Downie and and the rights to Andreas Nodl.
  7. http://www.sigames.com/news.php?type=view&...article_id=1260 That's the link that was put up early by CKN. I used it, it worked for me. EDIT - In my game as Philly, I was just offered by the Blackhawks, straight up, Cam Barker for Steve Downie. I am totally unsure what to do. I have a lot of young forwards with the team already like Jeff Carter and Mike Richards, but I see captain potential in Downie as well. Barker, however, is NHL ready (except my defence is good as is, so he would be in the AHL this year) and could develop into an amazing offensive defenceman.
  8. Toe

    NFL 06/07 Talk

    I still think that Grossman can develop into a good quarterback. Then again, if the Bears have the money and someone better is available in free agency...
  9. Try it out. I know that I would keep Alfredsson for at least one more season, but I wonder who you could get in return?
  10. I am just saying that by not sending him back, your taking away the Colt's best player. Really, I am just kidding. Having Little play in the AHL, if he gets good minutes, could be better for his development.
  11. Toe

    NFL 06/07 Talk

    The weather had a huge part to play in Manning not putting up better numbers. Still, he managed the game well and was still very important in getting his team up the field. Addai and Rhodes ran their asses off, too.
  12. Bryan Little should have been sent back to the OHL. Now you've probably killed my Barrie Colts! You won't be able to improve just be trading Exelby, Boulton or Hnidy, but you could probably unload them for low round picks. I would keep one just in case, though.
  13. Your team doesn't seem too bad. I think your defence is pretty average and your offence has a good number of quality players. You should be able to make the playoffs in 4th to 6th, maybe even win your division.
  14. Toronto wouldn't be a free pass to Buffalo. I believe currently the season series is tied with 2 wins a piece.
  15. I got Brad Stuart for cheap from Boston, and in the 30 games I have played, he already has scored 10 times.
  16. It is also funny to see the +/- of Derian Hatcher half way through the season. In my game with Philly, I sent him to the Penguins for nearly nothing, and he is a beastly -28. Ace, would you mind posting your line-up?
  17. It has happened. Look at your goaltenders stats, if he doesn't have good positioning then that can happen. Look at the work rate and determination of some of your players, you need that to be high as well on most of your players or they will lay off with the lead or quit when you start to lose.
  18. Saying Pohl's goal wasn't in is pretty dumb. If the referee WHO WAS RIGHT NEXT TO THE NET even had a small amount of doubt, we would have seen some replays. Leafs are incredibly hot right now. It starts with Raycroft, but the team is playing like they did at the start of the season. Playing with a lot of energy, a lot of pressure on the puck and a strong, aggresive forecheck at times.
  19. To be honest, Sundin has been thrown around in trade talks for years now. Sundin honestly loves the city of Toronto and has bought whole heartedly into the Leafs slogan of "The Passion The Unites Us All". He still has two or three years left if he wants to anyways, so pulling the Bourque is not really what he wants. He wants to win a Cup, but he wants to win a Cup with the Maple Leafs more. Anyways, the people who continue to say Toronto needs to send away Tucker and Sundin have already wrote off a team that is only 2 points back from the 8th playoff spot in a Conference that is extremely close right now. Trading away Sundin now is not the solution when you need to win games, as he is consistently our best player even when he does not score.
  20. Speaking of superpissed, has anyone here dealth with the horribly inconsistancy of Robert Esche? I went from 2nd in the east to 6th because Esche will just fuck up every other game it seems.
  21. Anderson Silva Vs. Travis Lutter - Rd. 1 Knockout John Halverson Vs. Roger Huerta - Decision Mirko Cro Cop Vs. Eddie Sanchez - Round 1 Knockout Quinton Jackson Vs. Marvin Eastman - Round 2 TKO Patrick Cote Vs. Scott Smith - Decision Terry Martin Vs. Jorge Rivera - Round 3 TKO Frankie Edgar Vs. Tyson Griffin - Decision Sam Hoger Vs. Lyoto Machida - Decision Diego Saraieva Vs. Dustin Hazelett - Decision
  22. I think it is probably more terrifying that the Leafs are only six points back of the Canadiens and Senators.
  23. Despite the bugs (which I never actually experienced) and the fact that the game obviously does not get as much work put into as the Football Manager series, I really enjoyed EHM 07 and am kind of sad to see that they may not make another.
  24. I really thought that when the Hawks won some games when Savard just became coach, that they would make the playoffs. But now it seems like another year, and another season of selling of your best players for "prospects". Seabrook and Barker look like they could becom top defenders in the NHL, while Havlat seems like a smart signing despite some injury problems. I think goaltending is the problem. Khabibulin obviously is not the answer, and Lalime is pratically a joke after last year. I hope that in 2007/08, the Hawks finally make the jump to a playoff team.
  25. You don't like Hajj. That's just the ruffies kicking in. Watch your ass, man!
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