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Everything posted by Toe

  1. Toronto just clinched their first playoff birth since 2000/2001. Awesome news for any Raptors fans.
  2. It's not over yet, but that was fucking horrible. The Leafs need to beat Philly, the Islanders, and then the Canadiens. As long as they beat Montreal in regulation, it will all be good. Or Montreal could lose another game for us.... I don't think both teams can make it, as I don't see the Rangers falling now.
  3. Toronto wins, but with everyone ahead of us winning it just means we kept pace. Beating the Rangers will be a barrel of fun though.
  4. That sucked. Toronto comes away with one point, and if we didn't have those last few games against people right around us in the standings, getting just one could have been a death blow.
  5. ACC has always had bad ice. Tonight is another important game. It is getting annoying to always say that, but it is true. Atlanta is a good team, but Toronto has played better defensively as of late. Hopefully, they can shut down the two headed monster that is Atlanta's offence and put a couple past Kari Lehtonen early. EDIT - Nope, it's Hedberg. That isn't much better for the Leafs as Hedberg is a good backup.
  6. I will not be watching the Leafs game tonight. I know, it's sad, but I have tickets to the Barrie Colts vs. Brampton Battalion playoff game tonight! Barrie is leading the series two games to none!
  7. Did anyone see the Hasek flop in the Red Wings/Ducks game going on right now? He got a soft knee to the back of the head, and then was down for a good two minutes looking dead. Then he was fine. Also, I don't want it to be just 1-0. I want tons of goals! I want to see goaltenders weeping openly!
  8. The Leafs lost to the Canucks too. It was a pretty awful game as a Leafs fan.
  9. Darren Dreger has been on the Leafs all year about them not making the playoffs.
  10. You now have the best signature ever.


  11. At least the Leafs got two. They should have had four points, but they stay in the race with the two. They need to at least go 5 of 7 in these last games, and they have to beat the Hurricanes, Islanders, Rangers and Canadiens when they face them.
  12. I was looking at the teams in the Western Conference that are in the playoffs right now, there is not a single easy team in their in my opinion. Your in first place like Nashville, so your reward will be facing Calgary? The difference between the teams in the playoffs and out of the playoffs is pretty huge. And you can't knock the Canucks. With solid goaltending, they have managed to find ways to score despite some scoring depth issues and they are making some of the best teams in the West look like pussies.
  13. Zodiac I really enjoyed this movie. It is a long movie, but it when you watch, you don't want it to end. It is so gripping and incredibly enjoyable. Everyone from Jake Gyllenhal to Mark Ruffalo put in great performances. A scene in this movie scared me more then any horror movie I have seen in the past five years, it was that good. I had chills throughout the movie, it was just fantastic. I recommend that everyone see it.
  14. The Tootoo suspension was right, in my mind. Although it was brutal, it was not a cheap shot from behind and it wasn't like the Simon incident, where Simon used his stick as a weapon. And Modano don't need no suspension. He answers to no man. He is a Texas Ranger.
  15. Toe

    Test The Nation

    I got bored at question 10. I really don't need an IQ test to tell me how smart I am. Thats what teachers are for! (Y)
  16. Seeing just a little bit of the Penguins/Rangers game, and I am saddened by the fact that the Leafs could not get Gary Roberts.
  17. Driving at high speeds off of jumps and slamming into cars in a video game is fun. Putting my life and the lives of other on the road in danger in real life is not. I really don't see how driving agressively in a video game would make you more agressive in real life on the road.
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