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Everything posted by Toe

  1. Yup. And the GH1 guitar works for #2.
  2. ZOMG RAVENS LOST GAMES MUST BE CURSE ZOMG SEAHAWKS LOST GAMES MUST BE CURSE ZOMG INDY DIDNT WIN SUPERBOWL MUST BE CURSE The curse, like every curse in sports, is a sackload of retarded shit - that one time some hockey player touched his conference's trophy when his team won, they went on to lose the Stanley Cup, but rather than accept the opponents were just better, everyone went "OMGOMGOMTGOHGERDUIGSERIODTGJO3EPDRJ CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURSE". It's just retarded.
  3. ...and Alexander Radulov's coming out party. He has been amazing, and it's too bad he will likely be suspended for a game for his hit last night, because he was really on a roll.
  4. The Nashville / San Jose series seems to be the most exciting series so far.
  5. Bwahahahah! Melvin testing positive sounds so hilarious after hearing him spout so much bullshit before this fight. It's just awesome.
  6. The best part of Friday The 13th Part Two is that the female lead does something I have never seen before in a slasher movie - she fucking kicks Jason right in the balls, and then runs. That makes Part Two my favourite Friday The 13th film.
  7. IF YOU'RE THINKING OF LEAVING THE THEATER EARLY - DON'T! (people who have seen it will get that joke).
  8. The Trailer/Teaser This is another link to the trailer, as the other one doesn't work now.
  9. Anyone who thinks that completely missed the point. Death Proof is a 100% spot-on homage of old school grindcore movies. Back in the 70s, there were movies that were made solely because someone wanted to do a really cool car chase. The rest of the movie sucked, but hey, it had a badass car chase. Death Proof follows this formula and marks for Tarantino's dialogue will jizz in their pants the entire time regardless. Both movies are amazingly good, but I think I preferred Death Proof. Planet Terror probably could have got a release on its own without the Grindhouse gimmick, it was a lot like Cabin Fever meets 28 Days Later, but Death Proof was definitely the kind of movie you'd see at the old grind houses. If that was the point, then Tarantino and co did a SHITTY job of informing us. Before I go on, I'd like to make clear that I have not seen it and am debating whether it's worth it at all at the moment, feel free to make arguments. Anyway, the view I had of it based on everything I read up to its release was that it was going to be a double-header of movies in a "grind house" format. I'd heard about the plots and I was actually more excited about Death Proof than Planet Terror at that point. So, the movie comes out and people go to see it, and the feedback I got about it was not complimentary; like me, the majority of people were under the impression that Death Proof was going to be a slasher movie in a similar vein to Pulp Fiction et al, just more over-the-top. One particular quote I picked up on was from a good friend of mine who claimed it was "like an hour just talking before shit started happening" - he was probably exaggerating, but he wasn't impressed with the finished product because it was too different to what he'd been lead to believe. I would opine that if a film's audience is mislead like this, then the director, the producer, whoever's in charge of that has not done their job properly, and in this instance, it's Tarantino. Now, to go back to the above post, Zero claims that people who think Death Proof sucked missed the point that it was an homage of genuine grindhouse movies - it's a fair claim, I'm not debating that, but for a film to have such a point but not communicate it properly is indeed enough to make it suck, particularly when the content isn't good of itself.
  10. When I was watching the Vancouver/Dallas highlights for the first time, I saw Cooke and Burrows go out and then saw it go to overtime, I just thought that with the extra legs taking shifts and distributing the load of work, Dallas would win if it kept going. Somehow, the Canucks managed to pull it out. It was a sick goal too. Radulov has the goal of the playoffs so far, in my opinion.
  11. I watched the first period of the San Jose / Nashville game, and it was pretty fast paced and fun to watch.
  12. I just checked it out on XBOX Live. Each pack contains more then three songs, I am certain from the wording that each pack contains a bunch of songs, and each pack is 500 points, which is roughly $8 for each pack or $24 for all of them.
  13. I bought the game based mainly on the downloadable content. If that is going to be the price for all of the song downloads, then fuck that. I'll just play the ones available, download Frets on Fire or some other PC version for free, and play new songs with the USB controller that came with the 360 version.
  14. Buffalo vs NY Islanders Toronto would have been a better match up and made for a more competitive match up. Unless DiPietro somehow becomes healthy, I don't like the Islanders defence and goaltending when matched up with the skill at forward the Sabres can bring to the table. Ryan Miller will also be a huge factor. I am going with the Buffalo Sabres winning in 5. New Jersey vs Tampa Bay Tampa Bay has no depth, no goaltending and weak defence. The Devils play a strong defensive game, have some scoring depth and one of the best goaltenders ever. I give this series to the Devils in 4. Unless St. Louis and Lecavalier score twice each game, they won't last long. Atlanta vs NY Rangers At this point, I think Lundqvist is the better goaltender then Lehtonen. Also, I think the Rangers bring more experience and can match up well physically with the Atlanta Thrashers. I think the Thrashers can take the series if there defence can contain Jaromir Jagr and Brenden Shanahan. I say the Rangers in 7 games, with Atlanta keeping it close. Ottawa vs Pittsburgh This should be an exciting series to watch, but I do think Ottawa has the right people on defence to contain Sidney Crosby, and they have enough scoring talent to outscore the Penguins. Marc-Andre Fleury will gain some valuable experience, but I give the edge to Ray Emery right now. The guy to watch on the Pens is Gary Roberts. He can be a dominant force, and will make his presence felt in the playoffs. Senators in 6. Detroit vs Calgary This actually looks like a close match up for me. Detroit has more scoring talent and speed, and with the additions of Bertuzzi and Calder to go along with Draper and Maltby, they should be able to play a good physical game to match the Flames. However, the Flames do know how to play tight defensively and, except for Lidstrom, the defensive edge in my mind goes to Calgary. Goaltending in very close, as Hasek hasn't seemed to slow down yet while Kiprusoff can be dominant. I give this to the Red Wings in 7 solely based upon there ability to score. Pavel Datsyuk needs to finally step up in the playoffs. Anaheim vs Minnesota I like Giguere, he has shown his skill in the playoffs before. I think this comes down to depth, and in that department the Ducks are pretty strong. I would love to see Marian Gaborik to dominate, but I think the Ducks will prevail in 5 games. Vancouver vs Dallas Roberto Luongo is one of the best goalies in the league today, but Marty Turco is no slouch and is going to get the playoff curse off of his back. The Canucks will have to play some great defence to contain the Stars, and I am not sure if they can do it over a seven game series. The Stars have more scoring depth, and more experience. I don't see this as Luongo's year in the playoffs. Stars in 6, but I think Luongo could steal it. You never know. Nashville vs San Jose They both have explosive offence and they both have good goaltending. The difference in my mind is defence, and I think that goes to the unsung heroes of Nashville. I see the Predators winning in 7 in a very exciting series. If the crowds don't come out for the playoffs, then this team needs to move. In the East, the two teams I see going to the finals possibly are the New Jersey Devils and the Ottawa Senators. In the West, I think all the teams except for Minnesota have a chance to be in the finals, and I can see a lot of game sevens occuring on the way. It would have been great to see the Leafs get in, but they controlled there fate and lost the game to the Islanders before the Montreal game. They lost horribly to the Islanders, it did not even look like they tried. Toronto are the ones to blame for not making it in, not the Islanders or the Devils or anyone else. The team improved a bunch as the season went on. As Paul Maurice said today as the players cleared out there stuff "We are finally healthy now". O'Neill, Aubin and Perreault are pretty much locks for leaving the team. I would like to see Peca brought back, but I don't think he is. Antropov will get a bigger contract after a good year, and will probably break his ankle in the first game of pre-season and miss twenty games.
  15. They are essentially just MP3 players with video. They are obviously not as good as an iPod or some of the other brands available, but for the price you paid it will do you well. They sound just as good as the music files you put onto them.
  16. Ughh. Now, even if the Leafs win on Saturday, the Islanders could just win out and get the last playoff spot.
  17. I want Toronto to win tonight, and Montreal to lose so that the game on Saturday can go to a shootout with the winner taking the playoff spot.
  18. I enjoyed Birth Of The Federation. But that fact that, no matter what type of computer you have, the game runs super slow after 150 or 200 turns, annoyed the hell out of me.
  19. It must be Clemmensen. I knew he was a jerk. The New York Rangers vs. Montreal Canadiens game actually will mean something to the Rangers as they failed to clinch a playoff birth tonight. Toronto barely escaped with the two points, with Bryan McCabe finishing the game in overtime with a huge blast from the point.
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